Marijuana Starter Kit

Marijuana Starter Kit, 3011760, Educación sobre drogas y alcohol
Marijuana Starter Kit, 3011760, Educación sobre drogas y alcohol
Marijuana Starter Kit, 3011760, Educación sobre drogas y alcohol
$ 925.00
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Demonstrate how impairment from recreational marijuana use can impact a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. This NEW kit includes the basic materials necessary to begin a meaningful discussion about drug impaired driving. Three activities help you show participants how impaired problem solving, delayed perception and response, and disruption of short-term memory can affect an individual’s cognitive and physical abilities.

Package includes: 1 Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience Goggle with cloth protective bag, 12 Activity Balls with 3 fabric boxes, 200 Executive Function Double-sided Mazes, 10 LED Activity Pens, 1 User Guide, and 1 Grid Mat Activity (1 Grid Mat with numbers and lights).
Artículo No.: 3011760
Brand Innocorp, Ltd.
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