Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides

Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides, 1003961 [W13031], English
Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides, 1003961 [W13031], English
Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides, 1003961 [W13031], English
Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides, 1003961 [W13031], English
Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides, 1003961 [W13031], English
Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides, 1003961 [W13031], English
In stock
10 Microscope Slides:

1(e). Sycon, a small marine sponge of the sycon type, l.s. and t.s. on one slide
2(d). Spongilla, fresh-water sponge, t.s.
3(d). Euspongia, commercial sponge, t.s.
4(c). Sponge spicules of different kinds, mixed w.m.
5(e). Hydra, fresh water polyp, extended and w.m.
6(d). Hydra, t.s. in different levels
7(d). Laomedea, w.m. of colony, vegetative and reproductive polyps
8(e). Obelia, w.m. of medusa
9(e). Aurelia, jellyfish, w.m. of ephyra
10(e). Actinia, sea anemone, l.s. and t.s.
Item No.: 1003961 [W13031]
Weight 0.18 kg
MPN: 74600N_EN
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