Experiment: Ohm’s Law (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Ohm’s Law (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000613 [UE3020320-230], Charge transport and current
Objective: Verification of Ohm’s law

In simple electrical conductors, the current I which passes through the conductor is proportional to the applied voltage U. The constant of proportionality, the ohmic resistance R, is dependent on the length x of the conductor, its cross-sectional area A and the nature of the material. This relationship is to be investigated using constantan and brass wires.

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Resistance Apparatus, 1009949 [U8492030], Circuits

Resistance Apparatus

1009949 [U8492030]
Unit price
318.92 €
DC Power Supply, 0-20 V, 0-5 A, 1003312 [U33020-230], Power Supplies

DC Power Supply, 0-20 V, 0-5 A

1003312 [U33020-230]
Unit price
347.48 €
Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 30, 1013526 [U8557330], Hand-held Analog Measuring Instruments

Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 30

1013526 [U8557330]
Unit price
257.04 €
Set of 15 Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm, 2.5 mm², 1002843 [U138021], Circuits

Set of 15 Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm, 2.5 mm²

1002843 [U138021]
Unit price
114.24 €
Item No.: 8000613 [UE3020320-230]
Brand 3B Scientific
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