For observing luminescence during electric discharge in gases at reduced pressure, and investigating cathode rays and canal rays occurring at low pressures outside the discharge path.
Glass tube with graded seal, disc-shaped, perforated electrodes ...
Блок питания для трубки Франка-Герца, наполненной ртутью (U8482550-230 или U8482550-115), трубки Франка-Герца, наполненной неоном (U8482230), или трубок определения критического потенциала возбуждения атомов (U18560 и U18565). Данное обору ...
The heating chamber can be employed to conduct the Franck-Hertz experiment or the sodium resonance fluorescence experiment in safety. It consists of a powder-coated sheet steel casing with two viewing windows. The front plate is attached ...