10 Microscope Slides:
1(f). Chicken, 24 hour, t.s. with neural groove, notochord, germ layers
2(f). Chicken, 36 hour, t.s. with neural tube
3(g). Chicken, 48 hour, l.s. with differentiation of mesoderm and ectoderm
4(f). Chicken, 3 day ...
10 Microscope Slides:
1(g). 4-6 mm, t.s.
2(g). 7-9 mm, sagittal l.s.
3(f). 11-12 mm, t.s. through head
4(f). 11-12 mm, t.s. through abdomen
5(f). 15 mm, t.s. through head
6(f). 15 mm, t.s. through thorax
7(f). 15 mm, t.s. through abdomen ...
6 selected Microscope Slides. With depictured accompanying brochure 1(d). Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing plant mitosis stained with iron-hematoxyline 2(f). Mitotic stages in sec. of red bone marrow 3(e). Meiotic and mitotic ...
10 Microscope Slides. With depictured accompanying brochure 1(d). Cell division in l.s. of Allium root tips, showing all mitotic stages 2(e). Ascaris, primary germ cells in the growing zone of oviduct 3(f). Ascaris, entrance of sperm in the ...
13 Microscope Slides
1(d). Simple animal cells in sec. of salamander liver
2(d). Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips
3(c). Ranunculus, buttercup, t.s. of a typical dicot root
4(e). Monocot and dicot stems, two t.s. for comparison
5(c ...
15 Microscope Slides
1(e). Hydra, fresh water polyp, t.s. with ectoderm and entoderm
2(d). Carabus, ground beetle, gizzard
3(c). Salivary gland of cat, t.s.
4(c). Esophagus of cat, t.s.
5(d). Fundic stomach of cat, t.s.
6(c). Small ...
16 Microscope Slides.
1(e). Paramaecium, silvered to show the neuroformative system
2(d). Lumbricus, earthworm, t.s. with ventral nerve cord
3(e). Insect brain, frontal l.s.
4(e). Planaria, sec. through ocelli
5(f). Haliotis, marine ...
7 Microscope Slides
1(d). Ovary of cat, with follicles and corpus luteum t.s.
2(d). Testis of mouse, t.s. showing Leydig’s cells
3(d). Adrenal (suprarenal) gland of cat, t.s.
4(d). Pancreas of cat, t.s. with islets of Langerhans ...
19 Microscope Slides.
1(g). DNA and RNA stained in different colors, l.s. onion root tips
2(e). Lilium, young anthers, meiosis, early prophase stage, t.s.
3(e). Lilium, young anthers, diplotene stage, t.s.
4(d). Lilium, ovary with embryosac ...
Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds - 25 Microscope slides
All our histology slides series are standardly coloured with AZAN: a multi-coloured staining with nuclear red for cell nuclei, connective tissue blue, erythrocytes orange and keratinized ...
25 Microscope Slides.
All our histology slides series are standardly coloured with AZAN: a multi-coloured staining with nuclear red for cell nuclei, connective tissue blue, erythrocytes orange and keratinized tissue red. The microscope ...
50 Microscope Slides.
All our histology slides series are standardly coloured with AZAN: a multi-coloured staining with nuclear red for cell nuclei, connective tissue blue, erythrocytes orange and keratinized tissue red. The microscope ...
40 Microscope Slides.
All our histology slides series are standardly coloured with AZAN: a multi-coloured staining with nuclear red for cell nuclei, connective tissue blue, erythrocytes orange and keratinized tissue red. The microscope ...
50 Microscope Slides.
All our histology slides series are standardly coloured with AZAN: a multi-coloured staining with nuclear red for cell nuclei, connective tissue blue, erythrocytes orange and keratinized tissue red. The microscope ...
50 Microscope Slides.
All our histology slides series are standardly coloured with AZAN: a multi-coloured staining with nuclear red for cell nuclei, connective tissue blue, erythrocytes orange and keratinized tissue red. The microscope ...
Microscope Slides.
1(e). Parenchymatous and fatty degeneration of liver 2(e). Hemosiderosis of liver 3(e). Glycogenosis of liver 4(e). Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver 5(e). Necrotic esophagitis 6(e). Foreign body granuloma with hemosiderin ...
15 Microscope Slides.
1(c). Squamous epithelium, scrapings from human mouth, w.m.
2(e). Columnar epithelium, human gall bladder, t.s.
3(e). Ciliated epithelium, human trachea, t.s.
4(d). Skin, human, from general body surface showing ...
11 Microscope Slides.
1(e). Lip, human foetus, t.s.
2(f). Tooth, developing, human foetus, l.s.
3(d). Tongue, cat, t.s.
4(e). Sublingual gland, human, t.s.
5(d). Oesophagus of rabbit, t.s.
6(c). Stomach, human, pyloric region, t.s. ...
10 Microscope Slides.
1(d). Kidney, cat, t.s. showing cortex and medulla with glomeruli
2(f). Kidney, pig, t.s. showing injected vessels
3(e). Kidney, human, t.s. showing cortex and medulla with glomeruli
4(c). Kidney, rat, t.s. of the ...
14 Microscope Slides.
1(d). Testis, rabbit, t.s.
2(c). Epididymis, rat, t.s.
3(e). Spermatozoa, human, smear
4(e). Vas deferens, human, t.s.
5(e). Prostate, rat, t.s.
6(d). Ovary, rabbit, t.s.
7(d). Uterine tube, rabbit, t.s.
8(d ...
10 Microscope Slides.
1(e). Tongue, rabbit, t.s., papillae with taste buds
2(f). Touch corpuscles in human skin, t.s.
3(d). Olfactory epithelium, dog, t.s.
4(g). External and internal ear, l.s.
5(f). Eye, retina, human, t.s.
6(e). Eye ...
11 Microscope Slides.
1(e). Cerebrum, human, cortex, t.s.
2(e). Cerebellum, human, t.s.
3(f). Cerebellum, human, t.s., Weigert stained
4(e). Spinal cord, human, t.s. for general structure
5(e). Nerve, human, l.s.
6(e). Nerve, human ...
Microscope Slides
Our microscope slides are made under rigorous scientific control. They are the product of long experience combined with the most up to date techniques. The prerequisite for excellent preparations is good material, well preserved and fixed so that the finer structures are retained in as life-like a way as possible. Microtome sections are cut from this material by highly skilled and experienced staff. They are of a thickness which will finally result in slides from which the maximum resolution of the structural components can be obtained. Particular attention is paid to the staining technique and in each case the selected method for a particular specimen will ensure the best possible differentiation combined with clear definition and permanency of staining. The prepared microscope slides are delivered on best glasses with fine ground edges of the size 26 x 76 mm (1 x 3") and are mailed in solid boxes. All slides can be purchased either in complete sets and series or individually. For individual orders please use the products number W....and add /1 etc. We reserve the right to make minor alterations to the sets and compilations. The delivery time is between 6 - 8 weeks.
The following Series are available:
Series for Secondary Schools Histology and Human Science - Comprehensive Set Histology and Human Science - Detail Sets Zoology - Detail Sets Parasites and Pathogenic Bacteria Botany - Comprehensive Sets Bontay -Details Sets Cytology - Embryology - Genetics Ecology and Environment