Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set

Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set, 1005319 [W19901], Atomic models
Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set, 1005319 [W19901], Atomic models
Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set, 1005319 [W19901], Atomic models
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Interactive atomic model class set with 8 student training models and 2 magnetic demonstration atoms functions and structures for your physics, chemistry and biology classes.

This didactically excellent atomic training model greatly simplifies the teaching and understanding of Bohr's model of the atom. The interactive atomic model is great for demonstrating the structure and function of an atom.

(with black background sheet and white atomic nuclei and orbits)

Learning content:
  • Atoms, isotopes, ions, noble gas configurations, structure of the
  • elements, covalent bonds, ionic bonds
  • Elements, atomic mass, atomic number and the periodic table
With this completely magnetic demonstration atom you will be able to clearly and quite easily explain Bohr's atomic model to your students on the blackboard. Using the training atom your students will be able to construct their own atoms, isotopes, and even ions. In this manner natural science teaching becomes concrete, simple and lots of fun!

All the benefits at a glance:
  • Inter-disciplinary learning game
  • Suitable for individual, partner and group work
  • Playful learning of natural science subjects
  • Easy understanding of processes and structures at the atomic level
  • Simple and lots of fun to use
  • Appealing 3D design
  • Convenient storage
Set content: 2 completely magnetic demonstration models for the teacher (1 black background sheet to be hung up, 2 white atomic nuclei, each with 8 white orbits, 20 protons, electrons and neutrons) 8 student training models (each with 2 atoms, 30 protons, 30 neutrons and 30 electrons), instructions.
Item No.: 1005319 [W19901]
Weight 5.72 kg
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