α, ß, γ Sensor *

α, ß, γ Sensor *, 1021512 [UCMA-BT70i], Fizik için Sensörler
α, ß, γ Sensor *, 1021512 [UCMA-BT70i], Fizik için Sensörler
α, ß, γ Sensor *, 1021512 [UCMA-BT70i], Fizik için Sensörler

The radiation sensor BT70i detects alpha, beta and gamma ionizing radiation. The sensor outputs a pulse when decay is detected. Also, a clicking sound is emitted and a LED light flashes. The sensor is suitable to detect low-level radiation, emitted by e.g. potassium fertilizers or gas lantern mantles. Range: 0 ... 1000 cps (counts per second)

Can be used to:
• monitor background radiation,
• record radioactive decay and determine half-life,
• investigate radiation versus shielding.

Additionally required:

Variant 1: (PC/Tablet)
 1 x 1022284 WiLab
 1 x Software License Coach7
Variant 2: (Data-Logger VinciLab)
 1 x 1021477 VinciLab
 1 x Software License Coach7


Ürün No: 1021512 [UCMA-BT70i]
Ağırlık 0.163 kg
Ölçüler 0.18 x 0.1 x 0.06 cm
Marka CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Sipariş hattımızdan bize direkt, kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sipariş hattı: 0212 422 8800