CO2 Gas Sensor 5,000 ppm

CO2 Gas Sensor 5,000 ppm, 1021506 [UCMA-BT24i], Kimya için sensörler

The CO2 sensor BT24i is used to monitor low concentrations of gaseous carbon dioxide. The sensor uses the Non-Dispersive Infrared Detection (NDIR) method. Range: 0 ... 5000 ppm
Typical resolution: 20 ppm
Includes: 250-mL sampling bottle.

Can be used to:
• Investigate CO2 level during respiration of small animals and insects,
• Monitor CO2 changes during photorespiration and photosynthesis in light/dark,
• Measure CO2 level during cellular respiration of peas or beans.

Additionally required:

Variant 1: (PC/Tablet)
 1 x 1021514 Sensor Cable
 1 x 1022284 WiLab
 1 x Software License Coach7
Variant 2: (Data-Logger VinciLab)
 1 x 1021514 Sensor Cable
 1 x 1021477 VinciLab
 1 x Software License Coach7


Ürün No: 1021506 [UCMA-BT24i]
Ağırlık 0.173 kg
Ölçüler 0.18 x 0.1 x 0.06 cm
Marka CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Sipariş hattımızdan bize direkt, kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sipariş hattı: 0212 422 8800

Bu ürünü alanlar bunları da aldı:
Sensor Cable, 1021514 [UCMA-BTsc1], oAdditional accessories for Computer-aided experimentatin
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by 3B Scientific
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by 3B Scientific
Termopil, Moll Tipi, 1000824 [U8441301], Isi akisi ve radyasyon
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WiLab, 1022284, Veri kaydedici
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CT Tarayıcı, 1017782 [U10630], Bileşenler BT
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