ECG Sensor

ECG Sensor, 1021487 [UCMA-BT36i], Biyoloji ve tip sensörleri

The ECG sensor BT36i measures voltages that are produced by the heart. These voltages are measured at the skin of the wrists and elbow through electrodes. The voltages are amplified by the sensor and filtered and transferred through an optical coupler.

Range: 0 ... 5 mV
Resolution (12-bit): 1.2 μV

Includes: a package of 100 electrode patches.

Can be used to:
• Monitor ECG in rest and after mild exercise,
• Investigate CG changes with mild stimulants,
• Record the electrical activity of a muscle (EMG).

Additionally required:

Variant 1: (PC/Tablet)
 1 x 1021514 Sensor Cable
 1 x 1022284 WiLab
 1 x Software License Coach7
Variant 2: (Data-Logger VinciLab)
 1 x 1021514 Sensor Cable
 1 x 1021477 VinciLab
 1 x Software License Coach7


Ürün No: 1021487 [UCMA-BT36i]
Ağırlık 0.173 kg
Ölçüler 0.18 x 0.1 x 0.06 cm
Marka CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Sipariş hattımızdan bize direkt, kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sipariş hattı: 0212 422 8800

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