Pressure Sensor

Pressure Sensor, 1021511 [UCMA-BT66i], Fizik için Sensörler

 The pressure sensor BT66i is designed to measure absolute gas pressure. The pressure is measured via a pressure valve, which is located on the side of the box. The sensor has two measurement ranges, which can be selected using a switch.

Range: 0 ... 700 kPa, 0 ... 130 kPa
Resolution (12-bit): 0.2 kPa, 0.04 kPa

Includes: a plastic 20-ml syringe with Luerlock, two plastic tubes (5 cm and 45 cm long), a three-way valve with Luer-lock connectors, two Luer-lock connectors.

 Can be used to:
• measure pressure changes in gas-law experiments, Boyle’s andGay-Lussac’s laws,
• measure vapor pressure of liquids,
• measure air pressure for weather studies

Additionally required:
Variant 1: (PC/Tablet)
  1 x 1021514 Sensor Cable
  1 x 1022284 WiLab
  1 x Software License Coach7
Variant 2: (Data-Logger VinciLab)
  1 x 1021514 Sensor Cable
  1 x 1021477 VinciLab
  1 x Software License Coach7

Ürün No: 1021511 [UCMA-BT66i]
Ağırlık 0.106 kg
Ölçüler 0.18 x 0.1 x 0.06 cm
Marka CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Sipariş hattımızdan bize direkt, kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sipariş hattı: 0212 422 8800

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