Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor, 1021497 [UCMA-BT05], Fizik için Sensörler

The temperature sensor BT05i is a low-cost, general-purpose temperature sensor that can be used to measure temperature in the range of -40°C to 150°C, in liquids (water, mild acidic solutions) and air. The sensing element of the sensor is TMP235A2, enclosed in a stainless-steel tube filled with some thermal conductive paste. The element is based on thermal diodes and produces a voltage that is linearly dependent on the temperature.
The stainless-steel tube has a length of 12 cm.

Range: -40°C ... 150°C
Accuracy: 0.5˚C (typical) 

Can be used to:
• monitor indoor and outdoor temperatures,
• monitor freezing and boiling water,
• investigate the temperature during endothermic and exothermic reactions,
• investigate evaporation or insulation
• investigate solar energy dependencies on temperature variance

Additionally required:
Variant 1: (PC/Tablet)
  1 x 1022284 WiLab
  1 x Software License Coach7
Variant 2: (Data-Logger VinciLab)
  1 x 1021477 VinciLab
  1 x Software License Coach7

Ürün No: 1021497 [UCMA-BT05]
Ağırlık 0.052 kg
Ölçüler 0.18 x 0.1 x 0.06 cm
Marka CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Sipariş hattımızdan bize direkt, kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sipariş hattı: 0212 422 8800

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