Filmpack 2

Filmpack 2, 1000669 [U19209], X–Ray Physics
Highly sensitive film (38 mm x 35 mm) for beta-, gamma- and X-radiation. Single packaging in opaque plastic cases allows development and fixing in daylight (duration: approx. 6 minutes).

Scope of delivery:
20 film sheets (38 mm x 35 mm) in light-tight plastic cases
1 bottle of X-ray developer
1 bottle of X-ray fixer
1 syringe with a cannula for introducing chemicals into the film cases
1 metal clip
Item No.: 1000669 [U19209]
Weight 0.55 kg
Brand 3B Scientific Teltron
  • Expert advice
Service hotline:
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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