Catheterization is one of the basic skills all nursing students must learn, and to learn the techniques, they must practice. Any patient volunteers? Not likely! But Life/form® simulators allow demonstration and practice in urinary catheterization ...
A comprehensive male/female elderly patient care trainer for medical simulation. It enables realistic, comprehensive geriatric training, from skin care and prehospital emergencies to crucial daily living assistance. Featuring weighted ...
A comprehensive male/female elderly patient care trainer for medical simulation. It enables realistic, comprehensive geriatric training, from skin care and prehospital emergencies to crucial daily living assistance. Featuring weighted ...
The Interchangeable Catheterization and Enema Simulator is a life-size female pelvis with interchangeable genitalia designed for practicing urologic and rectal access gastrointestinal care procedures. This simulator is a life-like, vinyl model ...
Replacement foreskin for Willi, Remedy's male catheterization trainer. Available in light or dark skin tone. SKU: CATH-FOR-01 ( light skin tone) CATH-FOR-01D (dark skin tone)
Nursing Skills & Patient Care Multipad Task Simulator 2
$ 446.40
Item: 3016855
This Multipad Task simulator consists of suture removal, catheterization, suppository, and pressure injury practice ports.
An incredible, life-like tool that provides multiple tasks for students to train on either in the classroom or at ...
Cathi" is our simulated female catheterization trainer. "Cathi" is specifically designed to fit our reconfigured Remedy Cath Stand and will fit most Laredal Manikins. The tissue is supple and pliable for easy spreading using ...
"Willi" is our simulated male catheterization trainer. "Willi" is specifically designed to fit our reconfigured Remedy Cath Stand and will fit most Laredal Manikins. The feel of the material is realistic and delicate like ...
The Cathi & Willi stand is newly redesigned for use with our Cathi & Willi catheterization trainers. The stand provides proper positioning for both Cathi & Willi for realistic catheter resistance. A big driver for the redesign ...
Our Nursing Kelly manikin was especially designed for patient care training scenarios and includes a large range of clinical diagnoses. This full body adult male manikin is excellently suited to train beginner hospital healthcare professionals ...
The clinical skills training manikin is for in-hospital infant professionals.
Nursing Baby is an infant manikin designed for scenario-based training of the care and management of a variety of infant in-hospital patients. Possible training ...
Life-size pelvis with interchangeable genital designed for practicing urologic and rectal access gastrointestinal care procedures. Wound care modules add realism in community health scenarios.
Realistic articulation enables proper positioning ...
Teach patients and healthcare staff the care and use of two different types of catheters with this model. Features left and right subclavian catheter connections that may be flushed with water; implanted venous access system with a "skin ...
Allowing students to locate the urethra easily and pass a lubricated catheter through it into the bladder, this BIOLIKE 2™ model has a spread vulva and a viscoelastic urethra. Lubricant included. Catheter not included. Comes with carrying ...
The patient care and nursing skills training manikin GERi™ has an elderly appearance with skin wrinkles and folds.
It offers a complete life-like range of motion for realistic patient positioning, and non-pinching joints - truly moves ...
KERi™ has a non-age-specific appearance. Complete lifelike range of motion, realistic patient positioning, and non-pinching joints - moves like a person.
Lightweight - approximately 28 lbs.
Full-size adult manikin - measures ...
Use these realistic catheterization models to practice the proper insertion of a lubricated catheter. May also be used for teaching anatomy and sterile cleansing techniques before, during, and after insertion.
Anatomy on the male catheter ...
Special needs infants require specific, yet gentle, care which includes the performance of vital medical procedures. This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing ...
This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing care plan for special needs infants.
Practice female urinary catheterization on this newly designed anatomically correct model. Training is enhanced by a new material that has a realistic feel and flexibility. The model utilizes a 16 FR catheter and can be used to demonstrate ...
Practice male and female urinary catheterization on these newly designed anatomically correct models. Training is enhanced by a new material that has a realistic feel and flexibility. Both models utilize a 16 FR catheter and can be used to ...
This manikin simulates a 0-8 week old newborn with rotatable soft arms and legs. It allows training of basic and advanced pediatric patient care procedures such as:
Bathing and bandaging
Tube feeding and gastric suction (movable ...
Catheterization is considered fundamental in nursing studies. The delicacy and intricacy of this procedure mandates training on a simulator to ensure patient comfort and student confidence.
• Female lower torso with realistic ...
The introduction of urethral catheterization is a routine medical procedure used to drain the patient’s bladder. 3B Scientific® offers a wide selection of male and female urinary catheterization trainers for medical skill training. Using the clinical skill trainers, trainees will become familiar with the differences between male and female catheterization and be able to effectively practice the correct handling, insertion and changing of catheters.
Healthcare professionals, medical and nursing students can practice on catheterization trainers representing different age groups: neonatal, pediatric and adult patient simulators are offered for age specific catheterization training with different urinary catheter types.