Set of Special Indicator Paper Kit (Four in One) with a precision of 0.5 pH
• 100 strips of indicator paper ph 0.0-2.5
• 100 strips of indicator paper ph 2.4-7.0
• 100 strips of indicator paper ph 5.5 -9.0
• 100 strips ...
For pH measurements from 0 to 14 pH at 25° with a precision of 0,01 pH unit. Measures also in mV from 0±1400 mV.
• Resolution 0.01 pH. (1 mV)
• LED Digital display
• Analog output 0 to 5V
• Comes with 2 ...
This Orangutan skull is cast from nature, with anatomically correct movable lower jaw. The Orangutan skull (Pongo pygmarus) is made of unbreakable plastic. Add the orang-outang skull to your lesson on the anatomy of mammals.
Stand: All-metal stand, arm firmly connected with base, pinion knobs attached on both sides of
the stand for coarse and fine focusing
Tube: Monocular inclined 45°, head rotation 360°
Eyepieces: Wide field eyepieces ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Triticum, wheat, t.s. of kernel (grain), endosperm and starch grains
2(e). Triticum, wheat, l.s. of kernel showing origin of embryo
3(d). Zea mays, corn, young cob t.s.
4(d). Phaseolus, bean, t.s. of pod with ...
25 Microscope Slides
1(d) Arcella, shelled ameba 2(e) Vorticella, a stalked ciliate 3(e) Colpidium, a common holotrich ciliate 4(d) Spongilla, fresh water sponge, t.s. showing channels 5(c) Planaria, fresh water flat worm, t.s. of body 6 ...
Standard slide box for 12 microscope slides. Strong storage cases of best quality coated with leatherette paper and furnished with numbered serrated retainer strips.
Stereo microscopes model 40x are robust microscopes that are distinguished by their ease of operation and excellent mechanical and optical quality. They can be used in numerous applications within the fields of biology and geology. Simply by ...
At nearly 90 cm in height, this DNA Molecule is ideally suited to the classroom environment. Magnetic connectors, representing hydrogen bonds, permit the two strands of the double helix to unzip completely, evoking the mechanism of DNA replication ...
A monocular microscope that is a cost effective design for school bids. Features durable construction, disk diaphragm, 360 rotating head, adjustable stage stop - and more! Accessories Included: Dust cover, mirror illuminator, blue and green ...
The Paradigm 2000 has been completely re-engineered for the demands of a new millennium. Our highest quality planachromatic optics provide exceptional resolution and a completely flat field of view. An all new ergonomic design ensures years ...
Show students it is possible to produce acetylsalicylic acid from a naturally-occuring, renewalbe resource. Students will convert sodium salicylate to salicylic acid, collect and dry prepared salicylic acid. They may then use a quick confirmatory ...
Often times, the composition of a mixture may contain a variety of unknown components. In some cases, the components of a mixture may be known but the exact amount of those components in the mixture is not. Analytical chemists often have ...
Tarantula is one of the world's largest spiders. In front of the eight legs, there is a pair of leg like appendages called pedipalps which the spider uses as feelers. The large jaws inject poison into the prey and, as with all spiders; the ...
MULTIMEDIA-PACKAGE Includes: Plastic box for the slides, 6 OHP Transparencies, 12 Sketch- and Worksheets, Brochure with
explanatory text.
• Frog, lung t.s., simple sac-like respiratory organ
• Frog, blood smear, shows nucleated ...
3B Scientific is more than just human biology! You can teach and learn about zoology with our animal skeletons and animal models. Botany models, including cellular and molecular models, are great for engaging students in group and hands-on learning. And what science lab would be complete without student microscopes, microscope slides, balances, scales and experiment supplies?