Watching a video says more than any product description could, so please browse the extensive collection of demonstration and 3B Scientific® product videos here. We are constantly working on getting you more videos to watch, so if you are missing something here or have any questions that were not answered, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help you!

B40 - Deluxe Dual Sex Human Muscle Torso Model, 31 part
C18 - Classic Human Brain Model, 5 part
U10120 - Tuning Forks Kit (440 Hz)
U10365 - Heat Equivalent Apparatus
U104001 - Critical Point Apparatus
U14090 - Cartesian Diver
U49327 - Simple Stirling Engine
V12049S - Mitosis STICKYchart™
VA01 - Life-Size Human Male Muscular Figure, 37 part