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Human Tooth Models Set "Classic Series", 5 Models, 1017588 [D10], Dental Models

Human Tooth Models Set "Classic Series", 5 Models

481.20 €
Item: 1017588 [D10]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Lower Incisor Human Tooth Model, 2 part, 1000240 [D10/1], Dental Models

Lower Incisor Human Tooth Model, 2 part

116.40 €
Item: 1000240 [D10/1]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Lower Canine Human Tooth Model, 2 part, 1000241 [D10/2], Dental Models

Lower Canine Human Tooth Model, 2 part

116.40 €
Item: 1000241 [D10/2]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Lower Single-Root Pre-Molar Human Tooth Model, 1000242 [D10/3], Dental Models

Lower Single-Root Pre-Molar Human Tooth Model

73.20 €
Item: 1000242 [D10/3]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Lower Twin-Root Molar with Cavities Human Tooth Model, 2 part, 1000243 [D10/4], Dental Models

Lower Twin-Root Molar with Cavities Human Tooth Model, 2 part

128.40 €
Item: 1000243 [D10/4]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Upper Triple-Root Molar Human Tooth Model, 3 part, 1017580 [D10/5], Dental Models

Upper Triple-Root Molar Human Tooth Model, 3 part

153.60 €
Item: 1017580 [D10/5]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Giant Molar with Dental Cavities Human Tooth Model, 15 times Life-Size, 6 part, 1013215 [D15], Dental Models

Giant Molar with Dental Cavities Human Tooth Model, 15 times Life-Size, 6 part

285.60 €
Item: 1013215 [D15]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Giant Dental Care Model, 3 times Life-Size, 1000246 [D16], Dental Models

Giant Dental Care Model, 3 times Life-Size

150.00 €
Item: 1000246 [D16]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

3B MICROanatomy Human Tongue Model, 1000247 [D17], Dental Models

3B MICROanatomy Human Tongue Model

297.60 €
Item: 1000247 [D17]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Dentition Development Model, 1000248 [D20], Dental Models

Dentition Development Model

240.00 €
Item: 1000248 [D20]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Half Lower Human Jaw Model, 3 times Full-Size, 6 part, 1000249 [D25], Dental Models

Half Lower Human Jaw Model, 3 times Full-Size, 6 part

271.20 €
Item: 1000249 [D25]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Dental Disease Model, Magnified 2 times, 21 parts, 1000016 [D26], Dental Models

Dental Disease Model, Magnified 2 times, 21 parts

326.40 €
Item: 1000016 [D26]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Tongue Model, 2.5 times Life-Size, 4 part, 1002502 [T12010], Dental Models

Tongue Model, 2.5 times Life-Size, 4 part

212.40 €
Item: 1002502 [T12010]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Adult Denture Model with Nerves and Roots, 1001247 [VE281], Dental Models

Adult Denture Model with Nerves and Roots

231.60 €
Item: 1001247 [VE281]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Milk Denture Model with Remaining Teeth, 1001248 [VE282], Dental Models

Milk Denture Model with Remaining Teeth

214.80 €
Item: 1001248 [VE282]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Comprehensive Lower Jaw Model (Left Half) with Diseased Teeth, Nerves, Vessels & Glands, 19 part, 1001250 [VE290], Dental Models

Comprehensive Lower Jaw Model (Left Half) with Diseased Teeth, Nerves, Vessels & Glands, 19 part

343.20 €
Item: 1001250 [VE290]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Teeth Model, 1019539, Dental Models

Teeth Model

141.60 €
Item: 1019539

Clear Human Jaw with teeth model, 1019540, Dental Models

Clear Human Jaw with teeth model

204.00 €
Item: 1019540

TMJ Model, 1019541, Dental Models

TMJ Model

188.40 €
Item: 1019541

Dental Morphology Series, 7 part, 10 times life size - English, 1005540 [W42517], Dental Models

Dental Morphology Series, 7 part, 10 times life size - English

1,050.00 €
Item: 1005540 [W42517]