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new product
3B Birthing Simulator Basic, Dark Skin, 1023327 [P90BND], Obstetrics

3B Birthing Simulator Basic, Dark Skin

Item: 1023327 [P90BND]
3 year warranty

new product
3B Birthing Simulator Pro, Dark Skin, 1023328 [P90PND], Obstetrics

3B Birthing Simulator Pro, Dark Skin

Item: 1023328 [P90PND]

new product
Episiotomy Suture Training Module for Birthing Simulator P90, Dark Skin
, 1023331 [P96D], Obstetrics

Episiotomy Suture Training Module for Birthing Simulator P90, Dark Skin

Item: 1023331 [P96D]
3 year warranty

new product
Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97D PRO, Dark Skin, 1023975 [P97PD], Obstetrics

Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97D PRO, Dark Skin

Item: 1023975 [P97PD]
3 year warranty

new product
Cervix / vulva dark skin, 1025475 [XP90BND-010], Obstetrics

Cervix / vulva dark skin

Item: 1025475 [XP90BND-010]

Model for GynaecologicalPatient Education, 1013705 [P53], Obstetrics

Model for GynaecologicalPatient Education

Item: 1013705 [P53]
3 year warranty

Anesthesiology Lab Set, 8000874 [3011612], Obstetrics

Anesthesiology Lab Set

Item: 8000874 [3011612]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

Intro to Obstetrics Lab Kits, 8000877 [3011904], Obstetrics

Intro to Obstetrics Lab Kits

Item: 8000877 [3011904]
3B Smart Anatomy 5 year warranty

NEW SIMone Birthing Simulator, 1019599 [P80/1], Obstetrics

NEW SIMone Birthing Simulator

Item: 1019599 [P80/1]
3 year warranty

3B Birthing Simulator Basic, Light Skin, 1022878 [P90BN], Obstetrics

3B Birthing Simulator Basic, Light Skin

Item: 1022878 [P90BN]
3 year warranty

3B Birthing Simulator Pro, Light Skin, 1022879 [P90PN], Obstetrics

3B Birthing Simulator Pro, Light Skin

Item: 1022879 [P90PN]
3 year warranty

3B Birthing Stages Trainer, Light Skin, 1020628 [P94], Obstetrics

3B Birthing Stages Trainer, Light Skin

Item: 1020628 [P94]
3 year warranty

3B Birthing Stages Trainer, Dark Skin, 1023330 [P94D], Obstetrics

3B Birthing Stages Trainer, Dark Skin

Item: 1023330 [P94D]

Episiotomy and Suturing Trainer, Light Skin, 1019639 [P95], Obstetrics

Episiotomy and Suturing Trainer, Light Skin

Item: 1019639 [P95]
3 year warranty

Episiotomy Suture Training Module for Birthing Simulator P90, Light Skin
, 1022212 [P96], Obstetrics

Episiotomy Suture Training Module for Birthing Simulator P90, Light Skin

Item: 1022212 [P96]
3 year warranty

Postpartum Hemorrhage Trainer - PPH Trainer P97, 1021568 [P97], Obstetrics

Postpartum Hemorrhage Trainer - PPH Trainer P97

Item: 1021568 [P97]
3 year warranty

Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97 PRO, Light Skin, 1023727 [P97P], Obstetrics

Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97 PRO, Light Skin

Item: 1023727 [P97P]
3 year warranty

Upgrade Kit for 3B Birthing Simulator Basic, 1020337 [XP90-002], Obstetrics

Upgrade Kit for 3B Birthing Simulator Basic

Item: 1020337 [XP90-002]

Cervix / vulva, 1020345 [XP90-010], Obstetrics

Cervix / vulva

Item: 1020345 [XP90-010]

Complete baby set new, 1022880 [XP90N-001], Obstetrics

Complete baby set new

Item: 1022880 [XP90N-001]

Complete Lucy - Emotionally Engaging Birthing Simulation, 1021722, Obstetrics

Complete Lucy - Emotionally Engaging Birthing Simulation

Item: 1021722
5 year warranty

Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Control Trainer - C-Celia, 1022561, Obstetrics

Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Control Trainer - C-Celia

Item: 1022561

Emergency Hysterectomy Trainer - C-Celia, 1022564, Obstetrics

Emergency Hysterectomy Trainer - C-Celia

Item: 1022564

Fetal Heart Rate Monitor Simulator CTGi, 1022818, Obstetrics

Fetal Heart Rate Monitor Simulator CTGi

Item: 1022818

Forceps/Vacuum Delivery OB Manikin, 1024071, Obstetrics

Forceps/Vacuum Delivery OB Manikin

Item: 1024071

Medical Simulation in the training of obstetric emergencies is an effective tool to improve obstetric knowledge, technical skills, team work and structured communication and is used in obstetric emergency skill training programs. The medical field of obstetrics (often referred to as OB&GYN from obstetrics and gynecology) deals with childbirth from pregnancy to birth and also the postpartum period. Obstetric simulation is used to practice delivery skills and emergency interventions in order to lower the mortality rate during birth. The scenario based obstetric training includes normal deliveries, common complications during delivery, as well as obstetric emergencies:
  • Evaluation of the Baby’s position and presentation
  • Diagnosis of complications
  • Interventions for shoulder dystocia and breech deliveries
  • Manual maneuvers like Ritgen or Leopold
  • Cesarean sections
  • Complete and incomplete placenta birth
  • Medical interventions before, during, and after the delivery
  • Pre- and post-natal care
3B Scientific® offers many different obstetric simulators and birthing phantoms as well as newborn manikins to practice neonatal resuscitation. All medical staff that is involved in obstetrics - doctors, nurses, and midwives - benefit from obstetric simulation as such, but also from training together as a team.

Trainees can develop core competencies in medical birthing interventions and team work with the 3B Scientific® birthing simulator SIMone™. It has been used around the globe for many years for specialty training in obstetrics and was recently updated to include 9 new birthing scenarios (like multipara, preeclampsia, HELPP syndrome, fever complications and more).

The new 3B Scientific® birthing simulator P90 PRO has been developed for obstetric training and demonstrations of manual maneuvers, cesarean sections as well as amniotomies (AROM, artificial rupture of membranes). Trainees will learn how to assess the fetal positions and presentations, how to manually assist normal and complicated births, and when to perform obstetric emergency interventions like a cesarean section.

Patient education also plays an integral part in obstetrics, and 3B Scientific® offer posters and pregnancy and birth models to help the patient better visualize the complex anatomy of delivery and the birthing process itself.