Experiment: Normal Zeeman Effect (230V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Normal Zeeman Effect (230V, 50/60 Hz), 8001262 [UE5020850-230], Fundamentals of Atomic Physics
Experiment: Normal Zeeman Effect (230V, 50/60 Hz), 8001262 [UE5020850-230], Fundamentals of Atomic Physics
가격 문의
Experiment to Demonstrate Normal Zeeman Effect

Note: This experimental setup can also be used to conduct experiment "Fabry-Pérot Interferometer, Determination of the Bohr Magneton" (UE5020900). Additionally, the experiment can be expanded with a bandpass filter and a second Fabry-Pérot etalon to include the experiment "Anomalous Zeeman Effect, Hyperfine Structure" (UE5020800).
This experiment enables the investigation of the normal Zeeman effect using the red (λ = 643.8 nm) cadmium line. The Zeeman effect is studied in both transverse (perpendicular) and longitudinal (parallel) configurations relative to an external, variable magnetic field The longitudinal configuration is facilitated by a stepped bore in the pole shoe of the electromagnet.
As the light from the Cd lamp passes through the Fabry-Pérot etalon, interference rings are formed, which split into doublets or triplets depending on the direction of the external magnetic field. The linear or circular polarization of the lines is analyzed using a polarization filter and a quarter-wave plate.
The splitting of the interference rings is recorded with a microscope camera. A red filter on the focusing lens enhances the contrast and depth of field for analyzing the Cd lines. The accompanying camera software (for Windows) allows both qualitative observation of the live image and quantitative analysis using screenshots. The experiment is set up on a stable optical precision bench.

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품번: 8001262 [UE5020850-230]