This classic tooth series shows 5 representative types of adult dentition individually mounted on removable stands:
2-part lower incisor with longitudinal section
2-part lower canine with longitudinal section
Lower single ...
2 part lower incisor tooth with longitudinal section. This lower incisor tooth is an accurate representative of adult dentition.
The D10 series range from 23-29 cm high.
This 2 part lower canine tooth has a longitudinal section. The lower canine tooth is an accurate representation of adult dentition.
The D10 series range from 23-29 cm high.
This model is the Lower Single-Root Pre-Molar tooth. The Lower Single-Root Pre-Molar tooth is an accurate representation of adult dentition.
The D10 series range from 23-29 cm high.
This 2 part lower twin-root molar has a longitudinal section. The Lower Twin-Root Molar displays cavities. The tooth is a accurate representation of adult dentition.
The D10 series range from 23-29 cm high.
The upper triple-root molar tooth is 3 part with longitudinal sections. The tooth has cavity inserts. The upper triple-root molar tooth is an accurate representation of adult dentition.
The D10 series range from 23-29 cm high.
This giant molar model depicts an upper triple-root molar and separates into 5 parts. The molar features a longitudinal section through the crown, two roots and the pulp cavity. The giant molar contains removable pulp and three tooth inserts ...
This giant dental care model, large enough to be seen from the back of a classroom, shows the upper and lower half of an adult's dentition. A flexible joint between the jaws allows easy movement of the dental care model. Teach kids the ...
The latest model in our 3B MICROanatomy series, the tongue, is fascinating in that it combines various enlargements of specific parts of the tongue in one model. It comprises a macroscopic view of the tongue in life size (dorsal view) and microscopic ...
The dentition development model is cast from a natural specimen, 4 upper and lower jaw halves, 4 different stages of dentition development:
New born
Approx. 5-year old child
Approx. 9-year old child
Young adult Dentition ...
The model represents half of the left lower jaw of a young person. One section of bone is removable from the half lower jaw to expose the tooth roots, spongiosa, vessels and nerves. Canine and first molar are removable from the half lower jaw ...
The dental disease model is based on a lifelike illustration of a lower jaw with 16 removable teeth of an adult magnified two times.
One half of the dental disease model shows eight healthy teeth and healthy gums.
The other half of the model ...
This tongue model shows the lower jaw up to the second molar, the tongue with mouth floor musculature in median section and the right sublingual and submandibular gland.
Tongue on removable base.
Adult dentures with Tooth roots, spongiosa, vessels, and nerves exposed. The lower jaw is movable on the adult denture model.
Adult denture model on base.
The front section of bone and all the teeth are removable from the half lower jaw, one incisor is longitudinally sectioned. Nerves, blood vessels, the sublingual and submandibular glands are shown. These diseased teeth in this dental model ...
Oversized model of teeth including premolars and molars featuring many common dental problems, some of which are: abscess, advanced periodontitis, cavity, crown, decay, filling, gingivitis, plaque, and severe bone loss.
Model size: ...
Full size hinged clear cast jaw to allow viewing of roots. Healthy side shows normal dentition and occlusion. Affected side shows multiple pathologies, including: super eruption, apical alveolar abscess with caries, periodontal disease, lateral ...
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) model, demonstrating the problematic conditions associated with the joint capsule. Emphasis on the disc, surrounding bone inflammation, and also the effects on the teeth, (cracks, chips, cavities, and characteristics ...
Half lower jaw of an eleven year old, opened to show tooth roots, vessels and nerves. One incisor, one molar, one premolar and one developing canine can be removed. One molar is showing caries attack, another molar is longitudinally sectioned ...