Edema Leg Sleeves fit on any adult-sized mannequin (manikin) or can also be worn by a real person. Simply Velcro them onto your manikin and fit them vertically on the legs to suit your preference on placement. Leg Sleeves simulate pitting edema ...
Lymphedema Simulation Arm sleeves fit on any adult-sized mannequin (manikin) or can also be worn by a real person. Simply velcro them onto your manikin and fit them vertically on the arms to suit your preference on placement. Arm Sleeves simulate ...
Vinyl bags are durable, easy to use, and ideal for adding weight to your manikin obesity suit. The bags fit into specifically-designed pockets on the inside of the Obesity suit, enabling you to make your manikin/suit heavier for training or ...
Pediatric Obesity Suit chest bag is designed to fit into a special pocket on the inside of the pediatric obesity suit, enabling you to make your manikin/suit /heavier for training or testing purposes. The bag may be filled with sand, pebble ...
The Bariatric Obesity Suits provide the look and size of an obese patient, and feature special pouches inside the suit that allow you to add weight to your simulated patient and make your training more realistic. You can our weight holding ...
The Bariatric Obesity Suits provide the look and size of an obese patient, and feature special pouches inside the suit that allow you to add weight to your simulated patient and make your training more realistic. You can our weight holding ...
The pediatric obesity suit features access holes in both arms so that you may simulate IV and deltoid injection access, and also features an opening in the groin area so that catheterization, peri care, and enemas may be simulated ...
Caring for obese, bariatric & overweight patients requires proper training and consideration to ensure both the patient’s safety and that of the Healthcare Provider.