Baseline Goniometer Set, Stainless Steel, 6 piece

Baseline Goniometer Set, Stainless Steel, 6 piece, 1013986 [W54664], Genômetros e Inclinômetros
437,88 incl. ICMS
Disponível em estoque

We now have 6 of the most frequently requested Baseline® stainless steel and X-ray Goniometers in a padded carrying case.

Set includes 1 of each:

  • 6” 180° ‘Robinson’ pocket goniometer
  • 14” 180° Stainless steel goniometer
  • 14” 360° Stainless steel goniometer
  • 6” Stainless steel finger goniometer
  • 8” 180° X-ray Stainless steel goinometer
  • 8” 180° Stainless steel goniometer
Stainless steel goniometer are autoclavable.
Best and latest method is by GAMMA IRRADIATION.
Before placing goniometers for this procedure in any autoclave machine, every single
goniometer should be packed in proper sterilization pouch which must be
compatible with the selected procedure.
Our general instruction manual for surgical instruments are:
1.      Clean instruments thoroughly before placing into sterilization
2.      Do not allow instruments to remain in water or steam moisture for long periods
3.      Keep instruments away from strong minerals and acids
4.      Stainless steel instruments should not be mixed with chrome plated instruments when sterilization is performed
5.      Do not sterilize instruments with solutions containing chlorides
6.      Do not expose instruments to sterilization temperatures above 350f  (177c)
7.      Hot air sterilization temps should be done between 356f – 392f (180c – 200c)
8.      Saturated water steam sterilization should be done at 273f (134c)
9.      Sterilization solution must have a pH near 7
10.  Use deionized water for sterilization and cleaning

Código do Produto: 1013986 [W54664]
Peso 1.657 kg
Dimensões 40.64 x 10.16 x 38.1 cm
Marca Baseline
MPN: 12-1043



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