Heavy Duty EVA Foam Roller 6 x 36"

Heavy Duty EVA Foam Roller 6 x 36", 1013965 [W40176], Auxiliadores de Alongamento
157,44 incl. ICMS

Foam Roller Sizes:

6 x 12"
6 x 36"
Disponível em estoque
Heavy Duty EVA foam rollers are made from a dense “closed cell” foam giving them an extra-firm feel. Perfect for positioning, balance, postural and muscle re-education, spinal stabilization, body awareness and coordination, and ranging and strengthening activities. Round rollers offer progressive exercise sequences - user can move from an easier (smaller diameter) to a more difficult (larger diameter) roller. Half round roller is a great tool for ankle stretching and knee rehabilitation. A Half round foam roller is a great tool for ankle stretching and knee rehabilitation. Use half roll as rocker board by standing on flat side. Diameter refers to the width of the half-round profile.
Código do Produto: 1013965 [W40176]
Peso 0.695 kg
Dimensões 15.24 x 91.44 x 15.24 cm
Marca CanDo
MPN: 30-2200



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