Unhealthy Foot Care Kit

Unhealthy Foot Care Kit, 1012393 [W44727], Educação: Nutrição
Unhealthy Foot Care Kit, 1012393 [W44727], Educação: Nutrição
87,33 incl. ICMS
A hand painted unhealthy foot replica to help teach the importance of proper foot care and nutrition to people with diabetes. This Life/form® foot replica shows the distal end of the foot with an invasive wound on the bottom of foot and surface inflammation around the big toe and second toe. Life-size foot constructed of soft, lifelike material with flexible toes. Also includes a 4-page, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" booklet providing information on diabetic foot care. Contains one foot replica.
Código do Produto: 1012393 [W44727]
Peso 0.076 kg
MPN: WA21216U

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