Val-u-Band , peach 50 yard | Alternative to dumbbells

Val-u-Band , peach 50 yard | Alternative to dumbbells, 1018030 [W72026], Cintas de exercício
75,03 incl. ICMS

Val-u-Band Color:

Product in Pêssego [Nível 1/7] - X-leve Product in Laranja [Nível 2/7] - leve Product in Cal [Nível 3/7] - médio Product in Mirtilo [Nível 4/7] - pesado Product in Ameixa [Nível 5/7] - X-pesado Product in Conjunto de 5 [Nível 1-5] - Pêssego - Ameixa


5,4 m
45 m
Disponível em estoque
On Sale
Alternative to dumbbells - Flexible use during training - Resistance training anywhere, anytime - Val-u-Band is the economic alternative to the traditional color-code sequence, and the darker the color of the band, the more resistance it provides. These bands offer the same great quality as CanDo® and Thera-Band® exercise bands while stretching your budget. 50 yard bands are great for high-traffic clinics that want to purchase in bulk, and 6 yard rolls provide convenience to those who want to exercise at home.
Código do Produto: 1018030 [W72026]
Peso 0.9 kg
Marca Val-u-Band
MPN: 10-6221



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