Advanced Life Support (ALS) training includes procedures and skills that extend Basic Life Support (BLS) to further stabilize the patient. ALS courses teach evidence-based resuscitation guidelines and skills to healthcare professionals. During the ALS training for adult, pediatric, and newborn resuscitation, trainees learn how to perform procedures like manual defibrillation, intravenous cannulation, laryngeal mask insertion, tracheal intubation, and more.

Medical simulation in ALS training is used to provide scenario based simulation to demonstrate, practice and assess clinical core competencies of advanced life support. 3B Scientific® offers ALS manikins and simulators of different age groups to equip resuscitation training facilities and course providers with high quality ALS training devices:
  • Adult ALS
  • Pediatric ALS
  • Neonatal ALS
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)