Item # Product title
1002625 광학 실험대 U, 1000 mm
1002626 광학 실험대 U, 500 mm
1012495 Rocks and Minerals, Basic Set no. I
1020096 PAT® 소아 청진 트레이너 (밝은 피부) PAT® the Pediatric Auscultation Trainer, light skin
1020096 PAT® 소아 청진 트레이너 (밝은 피부) PAT® the Pediatric Auscultation Trainer, light skin
1020097 SAM Basic® - 성인 청진 마네킹 Affordable Adult Auscultation Manikin, light skin tone
1020097 SAM Basic® - 성인 청진 마네킹 Affordable Adult Auscultation Manikin, light skin tone
1020098 PAT Basic® - 소아 청진 마네킹 Affordable Pediatric Auscultation Manikin, light skin tone
1020098 PAT Basic® - 소아 청진 마네킹 Affordable Pediatric Auscultation Manikin, light skin tone
1020104 SimScope® 청진 훈련 청진기 WiFi  SimScope® Auscultation Training Stethoscope WiFi
1020104 SimScope® 청진 훈련 청진기 WiFi  SimScope® Auscultation Training Stethoscope WiFi
1020109 SAM 학생 청진 마네킨 케이스 / 이동용 케이스 w / 바퀴와 손잡이 포함 SAM Student Auscultation Manikin Storage/Carry Case w/ wheels and handle
1020110 PAT 소아 청진 마네킨 케이스 / 이동용 케이스 w / 바퀴와 손잡이 포함 PAT Pediatric Auscultation Trainer Storage/Carry Case w/ wheels & handle
1021113 포트 - Body in a Box™  Port - Body in a Box™
1021563 SimulScope® 환자 청진 시스템  SimulScope® Bedside Auscultation System
1021804 Scalpel Blades, Size 22
1021835 라파로 어드밴스 트레이닝 세트 Laparo Advance Training Station
1021950 OtoSim 2™ 이경 검사 교육  OtoSim 2™ Otoscopy Training
1021951 OtoSim 2™용 눈 업그레이드 키트  Eye Upgrade Kit for OtoSim 2™
1021952 PneumatoSim™ 공압 검이경 업그레이드 키트  PneumatoSim™ Pneumatic Otoscopy Upgrade Kit
1021953 OtoSim 2™용 Educators Toolkit™  Educators Toolkit™ for OtoSim 2™
1021955 OpthoSim™용 이어 업그레이드 키트  Ear Upgrade Kit for OphthoSim™
1021982 교실 적외선 방출기 Classroom Infrared Emitter™
1021986 E-Scope® 청각 장애 모델  E-Scope® Hearing Impaired Stethoscope
1021986 E-Scope® 청각 장애 모델  E-Scope® Hearing Impaired Stethoscope
1022079 Voxel-Man 이비인후과 기본 시스템 가상현실 시뮬레이터 Voxel-Man ENT Basic System Virtual Reality Simulator
1022131 Electron Tube (Helium): Ionization Potentials S
1022131 Electron Tube (Helium): Ionization Potentials S
1022140 OtoSim 2™ 및 OphthoSim™ 세트  OtoSim 2™ und OphthoSim™ Set
1022269 Holder for Light Sensor
1022278 바이오닉 하이브리드 청진 시뮬레이터 (BHS) 사이즈: XXL Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS), size XXL
1022278 바이오닉 하이브리드 청진 시뮬레이터 (BHS) 사이즈: XXL Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS), size XXL
1022278 바이오닉 하이브리드 청진 시뮬레이터 (BHS) 사이즈: XXL Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS), size XXL
1022284 WiLab
1022288 Motion detector (for WiLab and VinciLab)
1022288 Motion detector (for WiLab and VinciLab)
1022330 Ultrasonic Doppler device FlowDop200
1022393 Outlet Vessel
1022449 Optical Rider U, 30 mm
1022450 Optical Rider U, 75 mm
1022454 Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS) - additional shirt, size XL
1022454 Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS) - additional shirt, size XL
1022455 Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS) - additional shirt, size XXL
1022471 PAT Basic® - 가성비 좋은 소아 청진 마네킨
1022471 PAT Basic® - 가성비 좋은 소아 청진 마네킨
1022473 PAT® 소아 청진 트레이너, 어두운 피부색
1022473 PAT® 소아 청진 트레이너, 어두운 피부색
1022474 SAM Basic® - 가성비 좋은 성인 청진 마네킨, 학생 청진 트레이너, 어두운 피부색
1022474 SAM Basic® - 가성비 좋은 성인 청진 마네킨, 학생 청진 트레이너, 어두운 피부색
1022482 심전도 기능이 있는 청진 시스템 SimulScope® SimulScope® Bedside Auscultation System with ECG
1022535 Analytical Scales ABS220N
1022540 Thermocouple Sensor
1022544 Van de Graaff Generator (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022544 Van de Graaff Generator (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022561 산후 출혈(PPH) 조절 트레이너 – C-Celia  Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Control Trainer - C-Celia
1022561 산후 출혈(PPH) 조절 트레이너 – C-Celia  Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Control Trainer - C-Celia
1022561 산후 출혈(PPH) 조절 트레이너 – C-Celia  Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Control Trainer - C-Celia
1022564 응급 자궁 절제술 트레이너 – C-Celia  Emergency Hysterectomy Trainer - C-Celia
1022564 응급 자궁 절제술 트레이너 – C-Celia  Emergency Hysterectomy Trainer - C-Celia
1022564 응급 자궁 절제술 트레이너 – C-Celia  Emergency Hysterectomy Trainer - C-Celia
1022587 Electronic Scale 5200 g
1022587 Electronic Scale 5200 g
1022611 Parallel beam optical Lamp N (230 V, 50/60 Hz)for Experiments in ray optics
1022612 Parallel beam optical Lamp N (115 V, 50/60 Hz)for Experiments in ray optics
1022613 Optical lamp N (230 V, 50/60 Hz) for experiments in ray optics
1022614 Optical lamp N (115 V, 50/60 Hz) for experiments in ray optics
1022619 Heat Pump D (@ 115 V, 60 Hz)
1022627 Electronic Scale 220 g
1022646 AC/DC 전원 장치
1/2/3/…15 V, 10 A
1022647 Function generator 1 µHz - 25 MHz
1022671 Digital Multimeter 600V AC/DC - 10A (P1075)
1022700 ESR/NMR Basic Set (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022700 ESR/NMR Basic Set (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022700 ESR/NMR Basic Set (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022702 ESR/NMR Basic Set (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022702 ESR/NMR Basic Set (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022702 ESR/NMR Basic Set (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1022705 ESR Module
1022818 태아 심박수 모니터 시뮬레이터 CTGi  Fetal Heart Rate Monitor Simulator CTGi
1022862 환자 모니터 시뮬레이터 Simulated Patient Monitor - REALITi 360 Go
1022947 Current Sensor 500 mA
1023414 위치 결정 시스템 PS400 –
원격 제어
1023780 Digital Quick Response Pocket Thermometer
1023953 Digital Pocket Anemometer
1024024 Rubber Balloons(Set of 25)
1024059 Lens 12 mm for Bresser Microscope Camera
1024060 Microscope Camera BRESSER MikroCam SP 3.1
1024244 Air flow Generator (230 V, 50/60 Hz) -
for aerodynamics and air track
1024284 Device for Demonstrating the Anomaly of Water
1024632 미세빔 튜브T
1024636 SimConnect: REALITi 360 생태계에서 의료 시뮬레이션 재정의  SimConnect: Redefining Medical Simulation in the REALITi 360 Ecosystem
1024667 유산 마네킹  Miscarriage Manikin 

1024668 초미숙아 / 극저체중아(ELBW)  Micro-preemie Baby / Extremely Low Birth Weight Baby (ELBW)

1024669 미숙아 백인 / 남성  Pre-Term Baby light / male

1024673 만삭아 백인 / 남성  Term Baby Caucasian / Male  

1024674 만삭아 아프리카 / 남성  Term Baby African / Male 

1024738 청소년 (켈시 (Kelsey)  Teenager (Kelsey) 
1025194 Aurora 중환자 호흡기 시뮬레이터  Aurora the Ventilation Training Simulator, light skin manikin
1025250 Training Oscilloscope
1025251 Cathode Ray Tube
1025375 Fabry-Perot-Etalon 480 nm
1025376 Red filter mounted on holder
1025377 Bandpass Interference Filter 480nm
1025380 DC 전원 공급 장치, 선형 조절형 
1 – 30 V, 0 – 10 A
1025439 Heating Element, 12 V
1024482 [718-3807] 바이오닉 하이브리드 청진 시뮬레이터 (BHS) 사이즈: XL-XXL Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS), size XL-XXL
1024482 [718-3807] 바이오닉 하이브리드 청진 시뮬레이터 (BHS) 사이즈: XL-XXL Bionic Hybrid Auscultation Simulator (BHS), size XL-XXL
8000837 해부학 세트 골반 Anatomy Set Pelvis
8001098 Coach 7, School Site License 5 Years (BYOD License)
8001100 Coach 7, Single User Desktop License 5 Years
8001149 SAM4 Online - 1년 라이선스 SAM4 Online Auscultation Platform
8001151 SAM4 Online - 3년 라이선스 SAM4 Online Auscultation Platform
8001154 SAM4 Online - 5년 라이선스 SAM4 Online Auscultation Platform
8001206 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 1년 라이센스, 100 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 1 Year License, 100 users
8001207 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 1년 라이센스, 200 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 1 Year License, 200 users
8001208 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 1년 라이센스, 300 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 1 Year License, 300 users
8001209 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 2년 라이센스, 100 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 2 Years License, 100 users
8001210 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 2년 라이센스, 200 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 2 Years License, 200 users
8001211 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 2년 라이센스, 300 사용자 e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 2 Years License, 300 users
8001212 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 3년 라이센스, 100 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 3 Years License, 100 users
8001213 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 3년 라이센스, 200 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 3 Years License, 200 users
8001214 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 3년 라이센스, 300 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 3 Years License, 300 users
8001215 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 4년 라이센스, 100 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 4 Years License, 100 users
8001216 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 4년 라이센스, 200 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 4 Years License, 200 users
8001217 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 4년 라이센스, 300 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 4 Years License, 300 users
8001218 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 5년 라이센스, 100 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 5 Years License, 100 users
8001219 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 5년 라이센스, 200 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 5 Years License, 200 users
8001220 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 5년 라이센스, 300 사용자  e Sono Ultrasound Simulator - 5 Years License, 300 users
8001229 e Sono 초음파 시뮬레이터 - 1년 라이센스, 50 사용자
1020155 [A04] 반신골격모형 Disarticulated Half Human Skeleton Model, Wire Mounted Hand & Foot
1020156 [A04/1] 반신분리골격모형 Disarticulated Half Human Skeleton, loosely articulated hand and foot
1020157 [A05/1] 전신분리골격모형 Disarticulated Human Skeleton Model, Complete with 3-part Skull
1020158 [A05/2]  전신분리골격 모형 (근육채색, 3부분 두개골)

Disarticulated Human Skeleton Model with Painted Muscles, Complete with 3-part Skull
1020158 [A05/2]  전신분리골격 모형 (근육채색, 3부분 두개골)

Disarticulated Human Skeleton Model with Painted Muscles, Complete with 3-part Skull
1020158 [A05/2]  전신분리골격 모형 (근육채색, 3부분 두개골)

Disarticulated Human Skeleton Model with Painted Muscles, Complete with 3-part Skull
1020171 [A10] 전신골격모형 Human Skeleton Model Stan
1020171 [A10] 전신골격모형 Human Skeleton Model Stan
1020172 [A10/1] 전신골격모형 “Stan" Skeleton Stan A10/1 on metal hanging stand with 5 casters
1020172 [A10/1] 전신골격모형 “Stan" Skeleton Stan A10/1 on metal hanging stand with 5 casters
1009697 [A100] 이소골 모형 Ossicle Model – at 20 times life size BONElike
1012786 [A101] 이소골 모형  Human Ossicle Model, 20-times Maginified
1020173 [A11] 전신골격모형 (근육채색, 골반스탠드 형)
Skeleton Max A11 showing muscles, on a metal stand with 5 casters
1020173 [A11] 전신골격모형 (근육채색, 골반스탠드 형)
Skeleton Max A11 showing muscles, on a metal stand with 5 casters
1020174 [A11/1] 전신골격모형 (근육채색, 두정골스탠드 형)  Human Skeleton Model Max on Hanging Stand with Painted Muscle Origins & Inserts
1020174 [A11/1] 전신골격모형 (근육채색, 두정골스탠드 형)  Human Skeleton Model Max on Hanging Stand with Painted Muscle Origins & Inserts
1020174 [A11/1] 전신골격모형 (근육채색, 두정골스탠드 형)  Human Skeleton Model Max on Hanging Stand with Painted Muscle Origins & Inserts
1020175 [A12] 전신골격 모형 ‘레오’
Human Skeleton Leo A12 joint ligaments, on a metal stand with 5 casters
1020175 [A12] 전신골격 모형 ‘레오’
Human Skeleton Leo A12 joint ligaments, on a metal stand with 5 casters
1020176 [A13] 전신골격 모형 “Sam"

Human Skeleton Model "Sam" with Muscles & Ligaments
1020176 [A13] 전신골격 모형 “Sam"

Human Skeleton Model "Sam" with Muscles & Ligaments
1020176 [A13] 전신골격 모형 “Sam"

Human Skeleton Model "Sam" with Muscles & Ligaments
1020176 [A13] 전신골격 모형 “Sam"

Human Skeleton Model "Sam" with Muscles & Ligaments
1020177 [A13/1] 전신골격 모형 “Sam" (행잉스탠드 형)  Human Skeleton Model Sam on Hanging Stand with Muscle & Ligaments
1020177 [A13/1] 전신골격 모형 “Sam" (행잉스탠드 형)  Human Skeleton Model Sam on Hanging Stand with Muscle & Ligaments
1020177 [A13/1] 전신골격 모형 “Sam" (행잉스탠드 형)  Human Skeleton Model Sam on Hanging Stand with Muscle & Ligaments
1020178 [A15] 유연한 인체 골격 모형 "Fred", 유연하며 손발이 와이어로 고정됨
Skeleton Fred A15, the flexible skeleton on a metal stand with 5 casters
1020178 [A15] 유연한 인체 골격 모형 "Fred", 유연하며 손발이 와이어로 고정됨
Skeleton Fred A15, the flexible skeleton on a metal stand with 5 casters
1020179 [A15/3] 전신골격모형 “Phil"
Skeleton Phil A15/3, the physiological skeleton on a metal hanging stand with 5 casters
1020179 [A15/3] 전신골격모형 “Phil"
Skeleton Phil A15/3, the physiological skeleton on a metal hanging stand with 5 casters
1020180 [A15/3S] 전신골격모형 “Feldi"
Skeleton Feldi A15/3S, the functional skeleton on a metal hanging stand with 5 casters
1000039 [A18] 미니 전신 골격(스탠드 장착형)

Mini Skeleton - Shorty - mounted on a base
1000040 [A18/1] 미니 전신 골격모형(고리 걸쇠형)Mini Human Skeleton Model Shorty on Hanging Stand, Half Natural Size
1000041 [A18/15] 소형 두개골 Mini Human Skull Model, 3 part - skullcap, base of skull, mandible
1000042 [A18/20] 탄력성이 있는 축소 척추모형

Mini Human Spinal Column, flexible, Anatomically detailed
1000043 [A18/21] 탄력성이 있는 소형 척추 모형 Mini Human Spinal Column Model - Flexible, on Base
1000044 [A18/5] 소형 전신골격 모형 (근육채색, 스탠드 장착형)  Mini Human Skeleton Shorty with Painted Muscles, Pelvic Mounted, Half Natural Size 
1000044 [A18/5] 소형 전신골격 모형 (근육채색, 스탠드 장착형)  Mini Human Skeleton Shorty with Painted Muscles, Pelvic Mounted, Half Natural Size 
1000045 [A18/6] 미니 전신골격 “Shorty" Mini Human Skeleton - Shorty - with painted muscles, on hanging stand
1000045 [A18/6] 미니 전신골격 “Shorty" Mini Human Skeleton - Shorty - with painted muscles, on hanging stand
1020159 [A20] 두개골 모형, 3파트

Classic Human Skull Model, 3 part
1020160 [A20/1] 경추가 포함된 두개골 모형, 4파트 분리형 Human Skull Model on Cervical Spine, 4 part
1020161 [A20/2] 교육용 경추 포함 채색된 두개골 모형, 4파트

Didactic Human Skull Model on Cervical Spine, 4 part
1020161 [A20/2] 교육용 경추 포함 채색된 두개골 모형, 4파트

Didactic Human Skull Model on Cervical Spine, 4 part
1020162 [A20/9] 뇌 포함된 두개골 모형, 5파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model with Brain, 8-parts
1020164 [A20/T] 투명 두개골 모형, 3파트 분리형 Transparent Classic Human Skull Model, 3 part
1020165 [A21] 두개골 모형, 3파트 분리형  Human Classic Skull Model, 3 part
1020165 [A21] 두개골 모형, 3파트 분리형  Human Classic Skull Model, 3 part
1020166 [A22] 하악(아래턱) 노출된 두개골모형, 3파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model with Opened Lower Jaw, 3 part
1020166 [A22] 하악(아래턱) 노출된 두개골모형, 3파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model with Opened Lower Jaw, 3 part
1020167 [A22/1] 하악노출, 채색된 두개골모형, 3파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model painted, with Opened Lower Jaw, 3 part
1020167 [A22/1] 하악노출, 채색된 두개골모형, 3파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model painted, with Opened Lower Jaw, 3 part
1020168 [A23] 하악노출, 채색된 두개골모형, 3파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model painted, 3 part
1020168 [A23] 하악노출, 채색된 두개골모형, 3파트 분리형 Classic Human Skull Model painted, 3 part
1020169 [A24] 저작근 기능 보여주는 측두하악골(TMJ) 두개골모형 2파트  TMJ Human Skull Model, demonstrates functions of masticator muscles, 2 part
1000057 [A25] 임신 30주째 태아 두개골 모형 Foetal Skull Model, natural cast, 30th week of pregnancy
1000058 [A26] 임신 30주째 태아 두개골(머리뼈)모형, 받침대포함  Foetal Skull Model, natural cast, 30th week of pregnancy, on stand
1000059 [A27] 치아구조 갖춘 두개골 모형 10파트 분리형  Deluxe Human Demonstration Dental Skull Model, 10 part
1000062 [A281] 실제 뼈와 유사한 조직으로 제작한 두개골 모형, 6 파트 BONElike Human Bony Skull Model, 6 part
1000062 [A281] 실제 뼈와 유사한 조직으로 제작한 두개골 모형, 6 파트 BONElike Human Bony Skull Model, 6 part
1000063 [A282] 반쪽 투명, 반쪽 실제 뼈와 유사한 두개골 모형, 8파트 분리형 BONElike Human Skull Model, Half transparent and Half Bony, 8 part
1000063 [A282] 반쪽 투명, 반쪽 실제 뼈와 유사한 두개골 모형, 8파트 분리형 BONElike Human Skull Model, Half transparent and Half Bony, 8 part
1000064 [A283] 반쪽은 투명 반쪽은 실제 뼈와 유사한 두개골 모형 뇌와 척추뼈 포함  BONElike Human Skull Model, Half Transparent & Half Bony- Complete with  Brain and Vertebrae
1000064 [A283] 반쪽은 투명 반쪽은 실제 뼈와 유사한 두개골 모형 뇌와 척추뼈 포함  BONElike Human Skull Model, Half Transparent & Half Bony- Complete with  Brain and Vertebrae
1000068 [A290] 보쉥 (Beauchene) 성인 두개골모형 - 실제 뼈 색상, 22파트 분리형 Beauchene Adult Human Skull Model - Bone Colored Version, 22 part
1000068 [A290] 보쉥 (Beauchene) 성인 두개골모형 - 실제 뼈 색상, 22파트 분리형 Beauchene Adult Human Skull Model - Bone Colored Version, 22 part
1023540 [A291] 성인 두개골 교육용 채색 모형, 22파트 Beauchene Adult Human Skull Model - Didactic Colored Version, 22 part
1023540 [A291] 성인 두개골 교육용 채색 모형, 22파트 Beauchene Adult Human Skull Model - Didactic Colored Version, 22 part
1019355 [A30] 발 골격 Human Foot Skeleton, Wire Mounted
1019356 [A30/2] 느슨한 발골격 Human Foot Skeleton, Loosely Threaded on Nylon String
1020181 [A300] 안면 얼굴근육 포함 두개골모형 Human Skull with Facial Muscles
1020181 [A300] 안면 얼굴근육 포함 두개골모형 Human Skull with Facial Muscles
1019357 [A31] 경골 비골이 포함된 발 골격 모형 Foot and Ankle Skeleton
1019358 [A31/1] 느슨한 발골격 관절 모형 Loose Foot and Ankle Skeleton
1019359 [A35] 다리 골격 모형
Leg Skeleton
1019360 [A35/1] 대퇴골 Femur
1019362 [A35/2] 슬개골 Patella
1019363 [A35/3] 경골  Human Tibia Model
1019364 [A35/4] 비골  Human Fibula Model
1019365 [A35/5] 엉덩이 뼈 Human Hip Bone Model
1019366 [A36] 관골 포함한 다리 골격 모형
Leg Skeleton with hip bone
1019367 [A40] 손 골격 모형 (와이어 고정)
Hand Skeleton wire mounted
1019368 [A40/2] 손 모형 Hand Skeleton
1019369 [A40/3] 요골 척골이 있는 느슨한 손 모형
Loose Hand Skeleton with Ulna and Radius
1019370 [A41] 요골과 척골 있는 손모형
Hand Skeleton with portions of ulna and radius
1019371 [A45] 팔 골격 모형 Arm Skeleton
1019372 [A45/1] 상완골  Human Humerus Model
1019373 [A45/2] 척골 모형  Human Ulna Model 
1019374 [A45/3] 요골 모형  Human Radius Model
1019375 [A45/4] 견갑골  Human Scapula Model
1019376 [A45/5] 쇄골 모형 Human Clavicle Model
1019377 [A46] 견갑골 및 쇄골을 포함한 팔 모형
Arm Skeleton with scapula and clavicle
1000118 [A52] 소아 척추 모형 BONElike Child's Vertebral Column Model
1000120 [A56/2] 유연한 척추 모형; 흉곽, 대퇴골 포함 Classic Flexible Human Spine Model with Ribs & Femur Heads
1000121 [A58/1] 기본형 척추모형 Classic Flexible Human Spine Model
1000122 [A58/2] 대퇴골두가 있는 유연한 척추모형 Classic Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads
1000123 [A58/3] 근육부분 채색, 대퇴골 포함 기본형 척추모형 Classic Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads and Painted Muscles
1000123 [A58/3] 근육부분 채색, 대퇴골 포함 기본형 척추모형 Classic Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads and Painted Muscles
1000124 [A58/4] 여성 골반이 있는 척추모형 Classic Flexible Human Spine Model with Female Pelvis
1000125 [A58/5] 고급형 척추모형 Deluxe Flexible Human Spine Model with Sacral Opening
1000126 [A58/6] 대퇴골두가 있는 유연한 척추 모형 Deluxe Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads
1000127 [A58/7] 근육부분 채색 대퇴골 포함 고급형 척추모형 Deluxe Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads and Painted Muscles
1000127 [A58/7] 근육부분 채색 대퇴골 포함 고급형 척추모형 Deluxe Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads and Painted Muscles
1000128 [A58/8] 교육용 유연한 척추 모형 Didactic Flexible Human Spine Model
1000129 [A58/9] 대퇴골두가 있는 교육용 척추모형 Didactic Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads
1000130 [A59/1] 매우 유연한 척추모형 Highly Flexible Spine Model
1000131 [A59/2] 대퇴골두가 있는 매우 유연한 척추 모형 Highly Flexible Spine Model with Femur Heads
1000132 [A59/8] 척추모형거치용 스탠드 Stand for Spinal Columns and Skeletons, 3 part
1000133 [A60] 남성 골반 골격모형

Male Pelvic Skeleton
1000134 [A61] 여성골반 골격모형

Pelvic Skeleton, female
1019864 [A61/1] 유연한 여성 골반 모형 Flexible Human Female Pelvis Model, Flexibly Mounted
1000135 [A62] 움직이는 대퇴골두를 포함한 여성골반모형 Pelvic Skeleton, female, with movable femur heads
1019865 [A62/1] 대퇴골두를 가진 유연한 여성 골반 모형  Flexible Human Female Pelvis Model with Femur Heads
1000136 [A69] 늑연골 포함한 흉골 모형 Human Sternum Model with Rib Cartilage
1000137 [A69/2] 늑골 모형 Human Ribs Modle
1000139 [A70/6] 천골과 미골 모형 Human Sacrum & Coccyx Model
1000140 [A71] 환추와 축추 모형 (받침대 없음) Human Atlas & Axis Model, Wire Mounted
1000142 [A71/5] 후두부를 포함한 환추, 축추 모형 Atlas and Axis, with occipital plate
1000143 [A71/9] 설골 모형  Hyoid bone
1000144 [A72] 경추 모형 Cervical Spinal Column
1000145 [A73] 흉추 모형 Thoracic Spinal Column
1000146 [A74] 요추모형 Lumbar Spinal Column
1000147 [A75] 6 분리 척추 모형 Model of 6 Human Vertebrae, Mounted on Stand (atlas, axis, cervical, 2x thoracic, lumbar)
1000148 [A75/1] 5분리 척추 모형 5 Human Vertebrae, Loosely Threaded on Nylon (atlas, axis, cervical, thoracic, lumbar)
1000149 [A76] 추간판 탈출증이 있는 요추 모형 Lumbar Spinal Column with Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
1000150 [A76/5] (후외측, 배측방) 디스크 요추모형 Lumbar Spinal Column with Dorso-Lateral Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
1000151 [A76/8] 유연한 요추 모형 3파트 3 Human Lumbar Vertebrae, Flexibly Mounted
1000152 [A76/9] 유연한 디스크 탈출 요추 모형 2파트  2 Human Lumbar Vertebrae with Prolapsed Disc, Flexibly Mounted
1000153 [A78] 골다공증 모형 (3개의 척추)  Deluxe Osteoporosis Model (3 Vertebrae)
1000154 [A79] 뼈 미세모형 80배 확대 3B MICROanatomy Bone structure - 80 times enlarged
1000154 [A79] 뼈 미세모형 80배 확대 3B MICROanatomy Bone structure - 80 times enlarged
1000021 [A790] 7 BONElike 경추 세트 Set of 7 BONElike Cervical Vertebrae
1000155 [A792] 척추뼈 모형 요추 5개 세트 Set of 5 BONElike Lumbar Vertebrae
1000156 [A793] 척추골 세트 Set of 24 BONElike Vertebrae Models
1000157 [A794] 척추 모형 BONElike Human Vertebral Column Model
1000158 [A795] 퇴행성 요추와 추간판탈출증 모형 Stages of disc prolapse and vertebral degeneration
1000158 [A795] 퇴행성 요추와 추간판탈출증 모형 Stages of disc prolapse and vertebral degeneration
1000159 [A80] 어깨 관절(견관절) 모형 Functional Shoulder Joint
1000160 [A80/1] 고급형 어깨 관절(견관절) 모형
Deluxe Functional Shoulder Joint Model
1000160 [A80/1] 고급형 어깨 관절(견관절) 모형
Deluxe Functional Shoulder Joint Model
1000161 [A81] 엉덩이 관절(고관절) 모형 Functional Hip Joint
1000162 [A81/1] 고급형 엉덩이 관절(고관절)모형 Deluxe Functional Hip Joint Model
1000162 [A81/1] 고급형 엉덩이 관절(고관절)모형 Deluxe Functional Hip Joint Model
1000163 [A82] 무릎 관절(슬관절) 모형 Functional Knee Joint
1000164 [A82/1] 고급형 무릎 관절(슬관절) 모형 Deluxe Functional Knee Joint Model
1000164 [A82/1] 고급형 무릎 관절(슬관절) 모형 Deluxe Functional Knee Joint Model
1000165 [A83] 팔꿈치 관절(주관절)모형 Functional Elbow Joint
1000166 [A83/1] 고급형 팔꿈치 관절(주관절) 모형 Deluxe Functional Elbow Joint Model
1000166 [A83/1] 고급형 팔꿈치 관절(주관절) 모형 Deluxe Functional Elbow Joint Model
1000168 [A84/1] 관절 단면이 포함된 소형(미니) 엉덩이 관절(고관절) 모형 Mini Hip Joint with cross-section
1000170 [A85/1] 관절 단면이 포함된 소형(미니) 무릎 관절(슬관절) 모형 Mini Human Knee Joint Model with Cross Section
1000172 [A86/1] 관절 단면이 포함된 소형(미니) 어깨관절(견관절) 모형 Mini Human Shoulder Joint Model with Coss Section - 3B Smart Anatomy
1000174 [A87/1] 관절 단면이 포함된 소형(미니) 팔꿈치 관절(주관절) 모형 Mini Human Elbow Joint Model with Cross Section
1000175 [A88] 대퇴부 골절 및 고관절염 모형 Femoral Fracture and Hip Osteoarthritis
1000175 [A88] 대퇴부 골절 및 고관절염 모형 Femoral Fracture and Hip Osteoarthritis
1000176 [A880] 회전근 포함 어깨 관절 모형 Shoulder Joint with Rotator Cuff 5 part
1000176 [A880] 회전근 포함 어깨 관절 모형 Shoulder Joint with Rotator Cuff 5 part
1000177 [A881] 엉덩이관절 (고관절) 근육 모형 7파트 분리 Hip Joint with Removable Muscles, 7 part
1000177 [A881] 엉덩이관절 (고관절) 근육 모형 7파트 분리 Hip Joint with Removable Muscles, 7 part
1000178 [A882] 무릎관절(슬관절) 근육 모형 12파트 Knee Joint with Removable Muscles, 12 part
1000178 [A882] 무릎관절(슬관절) 근육 모형 12파트 Knee Joint with Removable Muscles, 12 part
1000179 [A883] 팔꿈치관절 (주관절) 근육모형 8파트 분리 Elbow Joint with Removable Muscles, 8 parts
1000179 [A883] 팔꿈치관절 (주관절) 근육모형 8파트 분리 Elbow Joint with Removable Muscles, 8 parts
1000180 [A89] 무릎관절 단면모형 3 파트 분리 Sectional Knee Joint Model, 3 part
1000180 [A89] 무릎관절 단면모형 3 파트 분리 Sectional Knee Joint Model, 3 part
1000182 [A95] 골다공증 모형 Osteoporosis Model
1000182 [A95] 골다공증 모형 Osteoporosis Model
1009698 [A99] 해면골 모형 Human Cancellous Bone Model, Enlarged 100 times
1000186 [B09] 기본형 상반신 모형,12파트 Classic Unisex Torso, 12-part
1024375 [B09D] 기본형 상반신 모형,12파트 Classic Unisex Torso, 12-part, dark skin
1000188 [B11] 기본형 양성 상반신 모형 Classic Unisex Torso, 16-part
1000190 [B13] 상반신 모형, 14파트 Classic Unisex Torso, 14-part
1000192 [B17] 등이 개방된 고급형 양성 상반신 모형, 21파트 Classic Unisex Torso with Open Back, 21-part
1000193 [B19] 목과 등이 개방된 상반신 모형, 18파트 Classic Unisex Torso with Opened Neck and Back, 18-part
1000195 [B22] 소형 상반신 모형 Mini-Torso, 12-part
1000195 [B22] 소형 상반신 모형 Mini-Torso, 12-part
1024376 [B22D] 소형 상반신 모형 Mini-Torso, 12-part, dark skin
1000196 [B30] 양성 상반신 모형, 24 파트 분리 Deluxe Dual Sex Torso, 24-part
1000197 [B32] 고급형 양성 상반신 모형, 20 파트 Deluxe Dual Sex Torso, 20-part
1000199 [B32/4] 동양인 양성 고급형 인체 상반신 모형 Deluxe Asian Dual Sex Human Torso Model, 18 part
1000200 [B35] 등이 개방된 고급형 양성 상반신 모형, 28파트 Deluxe Dual Sex Torso with Opened Back, 28-part
1000202 [B37] 인 양성 상반신모형, 24-파트 Deluxe Dual Sex Torso, 24-part
1000203 [B40] 양성 근육 상반신 모형, 31파트 Deluxe Dual Sex Human Muscle Torso Model, 31 part
1000204 [B41] 근육 아시아인 상반신 모형, 33-파트 Life-Size Asian Dual Sex Human Torso Model with Muscular Arm, 33 part
1000205 [B42] 팔근육이 있는 양성 상반신 모형, 33-파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Human Torso Model with Muscle Arm, 33 part
1013881 [B50] 양성 전신 근육모형 (실제 인체의 3/4크기) 45-파트, 3/4 Life-Size Dual Sex Human Muscle Model on Metal Stand, 45-part
1013882 [B51] 여성 전신 근육모형 (실제 인체의 3/4 크기) 23-파트, 3/4 Life-Size Female Human Muscle Model without Internal Organs on Metal Stand, 23 part
1000208 [B52] 동양인 전신인 양성모델 39파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Asian Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part
1000208 [B52] 동양인 전신인 양성모델 39파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Asian Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part
1000208 [B52] 동양인 전신인 양성모델 39파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Asian Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part
1000209 [B53] 양성 근육 모형, 실제 크기, 39파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part
1000209 [B53] 양성 근육 모형, 실제 크기, 39파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part
1000209 [B53] 양성 근육 모형, 실제 크기, 39파트 Life-Size Dual Sex Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part
1019231 [B55] 실물 크기 1/2 양성 전신근육모형 33파트 분리 1/2 Life-Size Complete Dual Sex Muscle Figure, 33-part
1019231 [B55] 실물 크기 1/2 양성 전신근육모형 33파트 분리 1/2 Life-Size Complete Dual Sex Muscle Figure, 33-part
1019232 [B56] 실물크기 1/2 여성 전신근육모형 21파트 분리 1/2 Life-Size Complete Human Female Muscle Figure, without Internal Organs, 21 part
1019232 [B56] 실물크기 1/2 여성 전신근육모형 21파트 분리 1/2 Life-Size Complete Human Female Muscle Figure, without Internal Organs, 21 part
1000212 [B59] 전신 근육 모형 1/4크기, 2파트 1/4 Life-Size Muscle Figure, 2-part
1000212 [B59] 전신 근육 모형 1/4크기, 2파트 1/4 Life-Size Muscle Figure, 2-part
1000213 [B60] 미세 현미경적 근섬유, 근육조직 단면 모형 3B MICROanatomy Muscle Fiber - 10,000 times magnified
1000213 [B60] 미세 현미경적 근섬유, 근육조직 단면 모형 3B MICROanatomy Muscle Fiber - 10,000 times magnified
1000214 [C05] 머리 목 근육모형, 5-파트 Head and Neck Musculature, 5 part
1000214 [C05] 머리 목 근육모형, 5-파트 Head and Neck Musculature, 5 part
1000215 [C06] 아시아인 머리 모형 Asian Deluxe Head with Neck, 4 part
1000215 [C06] 아시아인 머리 모형 Asian Deluxe Head with Neck, 4 part
1000216 [C07] 목이 있는 머리모형, 4-파트

Head with Neck, 4 part
1000216 [C07] 목이 있는 머리모형, 4-파트

Head with Neck, 4 part
1000217 [C09/1] 머리모형, 6파트

Head Model, 6 part
1021818 [C12] 머리 단면 모형 Median Section of the Head - 3B Smart Anatomy
1021818 [C12] 머리 단면 모형 Median Section of the Head - 3B Smart Anatomy
1022187 [C13] 두부 정중단면 모형  Median and Frontal Section of Human Head
1022187 [C13] 두부 정중단면 모형  Median and Frontal Section of Human Head
1012789 [C13/1] 두부 정중단면 모형  Head section model
1012789 [C13/1] 두부 정중단면 모형  Head section model
1000221 [C14] 근육이 있는 머리 절반모형

Half Head with Musculature
1000221 [C14] 근육이 있는 머리 절반모형

Half Head with Musculature
1000222 [C15] 뇌 모형, 2파트 분리 Brain Model, 2 part
1000222 [C15] 뇌 모형, 2파트 분리 Brain Model, 2 part
1000223 [C15/1] 기본형 뇌 모형, 2-파트 Introductory Brain Model, 2 part
1000224 [C16] 뇌 모형, 4-파트 Brain Model, 4 part
1000224 [C16] 뇌 모형, 4-파트 Brain Model, 4 part
1000225 [C17] 뇌 모형, 8파트 분리 Brain Model, 8 part
1000225 [C17] 뇌 모형, 8파트 분리 Brain Model, 8 part
1000226 [C18] 기본형 뇌모형, 5-파트 Classic Brain, 5 part
1000226 [C18] 기본형 뇌모형, 5-파트 Classic Brain, 5 part
1017868 [C20] 동맥이 있는 뇌모형, 9-파트 Brain with Arteries, 9 part
1017868 [C20] 동맥이 있는 뇌모형, 9-파트 Brain with Arteries, 9 part
1000228 [C22] 신경 해부학적 뇌모형 8-파트 Neuro-Anatomical Brain, 8 part
1000228 [C22] 신경 해부학적 뇌모형 8-파트 Neuro-Anatomical Brain, 8 part
1017869 [C25] 동맥이 표현된 뇌모형(머리모형 받침대 포함) 8파트 Brain with Arteries on Base of Head, 8 part
1017869 [C25] 동맥이 표현된 뇌모형(머리모형 받침대 포함) 8파트 Brain with Arteries on Base of Head, 8 part
1000230 [C29] Rat Brain Comparative Anatomy
1000230 [C29] Rat Brain Comparative Anatomy
1000231 [C30] 신경계 모형 Nervous System, 1/2 life size
1000231 [C30] 신경계 모형 Nervous System, 1/2 life size
1000232 [C40] 신경생리학 모형 "Physiology of Nerves" Series-5 models,metal board
1000233 [C40/1] 신경 세포체 Neuron Cell Body
1000233 [C40/1] 신경 세포체 Neuron Cell Body
1000234 [C40/2] 중추신경계 미엘린초 모형 Myelin Sheaths of the CNS
1000234 [C40/2] 중추신경계 미엘린초 모형 Myelin Sheaths of the CNS
1000235 [C40/3] 말초신경계 슈반 세포 모형 Schwann Cells of the PNS
1000235 [C40/3] 말초신경계 슈반 세포 모형 Schwann Cells of the PNS
1000236 [C40/4] 운동종말판 모형 Motor End Plate
1000236 [C40/4] 운동종말판 모형 Motor End Plate
1000237 [C40/5] 시냅스 Synapse
1000237 [C40/5] 시냅스 Synapse
1000238 [C41] 척수 모형 Spinal Cord Model 5 times life size
1000238 [C41] 척수 모형 Spinal Cord Model 5 times life size
1017588 [D10] 치아 모형, 5가지 타입 Human Tooth Models Set "Classic Series", 5 Models
1017588 [D10] 치아 모형, 5가지 타입 Human Tooth Models Set "Classic Series", 5 Models
1000240 [D10/1] 하악 전치, 2-파트 Lower Incisor, 2 part
1000241 [D10/2] 하악 견치, 2-파트 ower Canine, 2 part
1000242 [D10/3] 하악 소구치 Lower Single-Root Pre-Molar Human Tooth Model
1000243 [D10/4] 하악 대구치 충치 모형, 2파트 Lower Twin-Root Molar showing cavities, 2 part
1017580 [D10/5] 상악 대구치, 3-파트 Upper Triple-Root Molar, 3 part
1017580 [D10/5] 상악 대구치, 3-파트 Upper Triple-Root Molar, 3 part
1000246 [D16] 치아 관리 실습모형 3배 확대 Giant Dental Care Model, 3 times life size
1000247 [D17] ‘혀’ 조직학 모형 3B MICROanatomy Tongue
1000247 [D17] ‘혀’ 조직학 모형 3B MICROanatomy Tongue
1000248 [D20] 치아 성장 모형 Dentition Development
1000248 [D20] 치아 성장 모형 Dentition Development
1000249 [D25] 하악 절반 모형 Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size, 6 part
1000249 [D25] 하악 절반 모형 Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size, 6 part
1000016 [D26] 치아 질환 모형 Dental disease, magnified 2 times, 21 parts
1000016 [D26] 치아 질환 모형 Dental disease, magnified 2 times, 21 parts
1000250 [E10] 귀 모형 3배 확대 4 파트 분리 Ear Model, 3 times life size, 4 part
1000250 [E10] 귀 모형 3배 확대 4 파트 분리 Ear Model, 3 times life size, 4 part
1024379 [E10D] 귀 모형 3배 확대 4 파트 분리 Ear Model, 3 times life size, 4 part, dark skin
1000251 [E11] 귀 모형 실물크기 3배 6-파트 Ear Model, 3 times life size, 6 part
1000251 [E11] 귀 모형 실물크기 3배 6-파트 Ear Model, 3 times life size, 6 part
1000252 [E12] 탁상용 귀 모형 1.5배 확대 Ear Model for desktop, 1.5 times life size
1000252 [E12] 탁상용 귀 모형 1.5배 확대 Ear Model for desktop, 1.5 times life size
1000253 [E13] 이소골 모형 Ossicle Model - Life size
1010005 [E14] 코르티 기관 Organ of Corti
1010005 [E14] 코르티 기관 Organ of Corti
1000254 [E20] 부비동이 있는 코 모형 Nose Model with Paranasal Sinuses, 5 part
1000254 [E20] 부비동이 있는 코 모형 Nose Model with Paranasal Sinuses, 5 part
1000255 [F10] 안구 모형 5배 확대 6파트  Human Eye Model, 5 times Full-Size, 6 part
1000255 [F10] 안구 모형 5배 확대 6파트  Human Eye Model, 5 times Full-Size, 6 part
1000256 [F11] 안구 모형 5배 확대 7파트  Human Eye Model, 5 times Full-Size, 7 part
1000256 [F11] 안구 모형 5배 확대 7파트  Human Eye Model, 5 times Full-Size, 7 part
1000257 [F12] 안구 모형 5배확대, 8파트 분리 Human Eye Model, 5 times full-size, 8 part
1000257 [F12] 안구 모형 5배확대, 8파트 분리 Human Eye Model, 5 times full-size, 8 part
1000258 [F13] 안구 모형 3배확대 Human Eye Model, 3 times Full-Size, 7 part
1000258 [F13] 안구 모형 3배확대 Human Eye Model, 3 times Full-Size, 7 part
1000259 [F15] 소형 안구 모형 3배 확대 6파트 Human Eye Model, 3 times Full-Size, 6 part - 3B Smart Anatomy
1000260 [F16] 눈 조직학 모형  3B MICROanatomy Human Eye Model
1000260 [F16] 눈 조직학 모형  3B MICROanatomy Human Eye Model
1017230 [F17] 병리학 안구 모형, 5배확대 Pathological Human Eye Model
1017230 [F17] 병리학 안구 모형, 5배확대 Pathological Human Eye Model
1024392 [F17D] 병리학 안구 모형, 5배확대 Pathological Human Eye Model, dark skin
1010006 [G01] 심장모형 Life-Size Human Heart Model, 5 parts with Representation of Systole
1010006 [G01] 심장모형 Life-Size Human Heart Model, 5 parts with Representation of Systole
1010007 [G01/1] 심장 모형 Life-Size Human Heart Model, 5 parts
1010007 [G01/1] 심장 모형 Life-Size Human Heart Model, 5 parts
1000261 [G04] 좌심실비대(LVH) 심장모형, 2-파트 Classic Heart with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), 2 part
1000261 [G04] 좌심실비대(LVH) 심장모형, 2-파트 Classic Heart with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), 2 part
1017837 [G05] 관상동맥 우회술 심장 모형 (2파트) Classic Human Heart Model with Bypass, 2 part
1017837 [G05] 관상동맥 우회술 심장 모형 (2파트) Classic Human Heart Model with Bypass, 2 part
1000263 [G06] 관상동맥 우회술 심장모형 실제크기2배 4-파트  Heart with Bypass, 2 times life size, 4 part
1000263 [G06] 관상동맥 우회술 심장모형 실제크기2배 4-파트  Heart with Bypass, 2 times life size, 4 part
1017800 [G08] 기본형 심장모형, 2-파트 Classic Human Heart Model, 2 part
1017800 [G08] 기본형 심장모형, 2-파트 Classic Human Heart Model, 2 part
1000265 [G08/1] 흉선이 있는 심장 모형 Classic Heart with Thymus, 3 part
1000265 [G08/1] 흉선이 있는 심장 모형 Classic Heart with Thymus, 3 part
1019311 [G08/3] 자극 전도 시스템이 있는 심장모형, 2-파트 Classic Human Heart Model with Conducting System, 2 part
1000268 [G12] 심장 모형, 2배 확대, 4 파트 분리 Heart, 2-times life size, 4 part
1000268 [G12] 심장 모형, 2배 확대, 4 파트 분리 Heart, 2-times life size, 4 part
1000269 [G13] 식도와 기관을 포함한 심장모형 실물 크기 2배 5 파트 분리  Heart with Esophagus and Trachea, 2 times life size, 5 part
1000269 [G13] 식도와 기관을 포함한 심장모형 실물 크기 2배 5 파트 분리  Heart with Esophagus and Trachea, 2 times life size, 5 part
1000270 [G15] 호흡기계모형(후두 및 폐 모형 7 파트 분리)  Lung Model with larynx, 7 part
1000270 [G15] 호흡기계모형(후두 및 폐 모형 7 파트 분리)  Lung Model with larynx, 7 part
1013870 [G20] 기능형 후두 모형 (2.5배) Functional Larynx Model, 2.5 times full-size
1013870 [G20] 기능형 후두 모형 (2.5배) Functional Larynx Model, 2.5 times full-size
1000272 [G21] 후두 모형 2배확대 7-파트 Larynx Model, 2 times full-size, 7 part
1000272 [G21] 후두 모형 2배확대 7-파트 Larynx Model, 2 times full-size, 7 part
1000273 [G22] 후두 모형 2-파트 Larynx Model, 2 part
1000273 [G22] 후두 모형 2-파트 Larynx Model, 2 part
1000274 [G23] 후두포함된 수상가지 모형 CT Bronchial Tree with Larynx
1000274 [G23] 후두포함된 수상가지 모형 CT Bronchial Tree with Larynx
1000275 [G23/1] 후두와 투명한 폐 있는 수상가지모형 CT Bronchial Tree with Larynx and Transparent Lungs
1000275 [G23/1] 후두와 투명한 폐 있는 수상가지모형 CT Bronchial Tree with Larynx and Transparent Lungs
1000276 [G30] 인체 순환계 시스템 Circulatory System
1000276 [G30] 인체 순환계 시스템 Circulatory System
1000278 [G40] 동맥경화증 모형 동맥의 횡단면 2파트 분리 Arteriosclerosis Model, with cross section of artery, 2 part
1000279 [G42] 미세 해부학적 동맥 정맥 모형 3B MICROanatomy Artery and Vein -14-times enlarged
1000279 [G42] 미세 해부학적 동맥 정맥 모형 3B MICROanatomy Artery and Vein -14-times enlarged
1012788 [G50/1] 만성폐쇄성폐질환 모형 COPD Bronchial Tissue Model
1012788 [G50/1] 만성폐쇄성폐질환 모형 COPD Bronchial Tissue Model
1008493 [G60] 폐엽 모형 Pulmonary Lobule with Surrounding Blood Vessels
1008493 [G60] 폐엽 모형 Pulmonary Lobule with Surrounding Blood Vessels
1008494 [G70] 분리 폐 모형 Segmented Lung
1008494 [G70] 분리 폐 모형 Segmented Lung
1000281 [H10] 여성 골반 모형 (2파트) Female Pelvis, 2 part
1000281 [H10] 여성 골반 모형 (2파트) Female Pelvis, 2 part
1024380 [H10D] 여성 골반 모형 (2파트) Female Pelvis, 2 part, dark skin
1000282 [H11] 남성 골반 모형 (2파트) Male Pelvis, 2 part
1000282 [H11] 남성 골반 모형 (2파트) Male Pelvis, 2 part
1024381 [H11D] 남성 골반 모형 (2파트) Male Pelvis, 2 part, dark skin
1000283 [H12] 남성 골반 단면 모형, 실제크기 1/2  Male Pelvis Model in Median Section, 1/2 Life-Size
1000283 [H12] 남성 골반 단면 모형, 실제크기 1/2  Male Pelvis Model in Median Section, 1/2 Life-Size
1024382 [H12D] 남성 골반 단면 모형, 실제크기 1/2  Male Pelvis Model in Median Section, 1/2 Life-Size, dark skin
1000284 [H13] 서혜부 탈장 모형

Inguinal Hernia Model
1000284 [H13] 서혜부 탈장 모형

Inguinal Hernia Model
1000285 [H20/1] 여성골반모형(3파트) Female Pelvis Skeleton Model, 3 part
1000285 [H20/1] 여성골반모형(3파트) Female Pelvis Skeleton Model, 3 part
1000286 [H20/2] 인대가 부착된 여성골반 모형 (3파트) Female Pelvis with Ligaments, 3 part
1000286 [H20/2] 인대가 부착된 여성골반 모형 (3파트) Female Pelvis with Ligaments, 3 part
1000287 [H20/3] 인대, 근육, 내부기관이 있는 여성골반모형 Female Pelvis with Ligaments Muscles and Organs
1000287 [H20/3] 인대, 근육, 내부기관이 있는 여성골반모형 Female Pelvis with Ligaments Muscles and Organs
1000288 [H20/4] 인대, 혈관, 신경, 골반저, 기관이 있는 여성골반 (6파트) Female Pelvis with Ligaments, Vessels, Nerves, Pelvic Floor, Organs
1000288 [H20/4] 인대, 혈관, 신경, 골반저, 기관이 있는 여성골반 (6파트) Female Pelvis with Ligaments, Vessels, Nerves, Pelvic Floor, Organs
1013026 [H21/1] 남성 골반모형, 3-파트 Pelvis male, 3-part
1013026 [H21/1] 남성 골반모형, 3-파트 Pelvis male, 3-part
1013026 [H21/1] 남성 골반모형, 3-파트 Pelvis male, 3-part
1013281 [H21/2] 인대가 있는 남성 골반모형, 2-파트 Human Male Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, 2 part
1013281 [H21/2] 인대가 있는 남성 골반모형, 2-파트 Human Male Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, 2 part
1013281 [H21/2] 인대가 있는 남성 골반모형, 2-파트 Human Male Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, 2 part
1013282 [H21/3] 인대, 혈관, 신경, 골반 기저부, 기관이 있는 남성 골반모형 (7파트) Male Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, Vessels, Nerves, Pelvic Floor Muscles & Organs, 7 part
1013282 [H21/3] 인대, 혈관, 신경, 골반 기저부, 기관이 있는 남성 골반모형 (7파트) Male Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, Vessels, Nerves, Pelvic Floor Muscles & Organs, 7 part
1013282 [H21/3] 인대, 혈관, 신경, 골반 기저부, 기관이 있는 남성 골반모형 (7파트) Male Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, Vessels, Nerves, Pelvic Floor Muscles & Organs, 7 part
1000289 [J10] 피부 모형 (70배 확대) Skin Section, 70 times full-size
1000289 [J10] 피부 모형 (70배 확대) Skin Section, 70 times full-size
1000290 [J11] 피부 모형 (40배 확대) Skin Section, 40 times full-size
1000290 [J11] 피부 모형 (40배 확대) Skin Section, 40 times full-size
1000291 [J13] 입체 피부 모형 (70배 확대) Skin, Block Model, 70 times full-size
1000291 [J13] 입체 피부 모형 (70배 확대) Skin, Block Model, 70 times full-size
1000292 [J14] 피부의 현미경적 구조물 모형 Skin, Hair and Nail Microscopic Structures
1000292 [J14] 피부의 현미경적 구조물 모형 Skin, Hair and Nail Microscopic Structures
1000293 [J15] 피부암 모형 Skin Cancer Model
1000293 [J15] 피부암 모형 Skin Cancer Model
1000294 [J16] 피부 모형 3파트  3 part skin model
1000294 [J16] 피부 모형 3파트  3 part skin model
1000295 [K09] 신장 단면 모형, 실제크기 3배

Basic Kidney Section, 3 times full-size
1000296 [K10] 신장 단면 모형, 실제크기3배

Kidney Section, 3 times full-size
1000296 [K10] 신장 단면 모형, 실제크기3배

Kidney Section, 3 times full-size
1000297 [K10/1] 네프론 및 혈관 모형 (120배 확대) Nephrons and Blood Vessels, 120 times full-size
1000297 [K10/1] 네프론 및 혈관 모형 (120배 확대) Nephrons and Blood Vessels, 120 times full-size
1000298 [K10/2] 신장 말피기소체 700배 확대 Model of Malpighian Corpuscle of Kidney, 700 times Full-Size
1000298 [K10/2] 신장 말피기소체 700배 확대 Model of Malpighian Corpuscle of Kidney, 700 times Full-Size
1000299 [K11] 신장 단면 네프론 혈관 및 신소체 Kidney Section, Nephrons, Blood Vessels and Renal Corpuscle
1000299 [K11] 신장 단면 네프론 혈관 및 신소체 Kidney Section, Nephrons, Blood Vessels and Renal Corpuscle
1014211 [K12] 신장 단면 모형 실제크기 3배

Kidney with Adrenal Gland, 2 part
1014211 [K12] 신장 단면 모형 실제크기 3배

Kidney with Adrenal Gland, 2 part
1000301 [K13] 미세 해부학적 신장 모형 3B MICROanatomy Kidney
1000301 [K13] 미세 해부학적 신장 모형 3B MICROanatomy Kidney
1000302 [K15] 췌장이 없는 위 모형, 2-파트

Stomach, 2 part
1000302 [K15] 췌장이 없는 위 모형, 2-파트

Stomach, 2 part
1012787 [K15/1] 위 밴드 모형

Gastric Band Model
1000303 [K16] 위 모형, 3-파트

Stomach, 3 part
1000303 [K16] 위 모형, 3-파트

Stomach, 3 part
1000304 [K17] 궤양이 있는 위 모형 Stomach with Ulcers
1000304 [K17] 궤양이 있는 위 모형 Stomach with Ulcers
1000305 [K18] 식도 질환 Diseases of the Esophagus
1000305 [K18] 식도 질환 Diseases of the Esophagus
1000306 [K20] 소화 기관계 모형, 2 파트

Digestive System, 2 part
1000306 [K20] 소화 기관계 모형, 2 파트

Digestive System, 2 part
1000307 [K21] 소화계 모형 3파트 Digestive System, 3 part
1000307 [K21] 소화계 모형 3파트 Digestive System, 3 part
1000308 [K22/1] 혈관이 있는 신장 모형, 2-파트

Kidneys with Vessels - 2 Part
1000308 [K22/1] 혈관이 있는 신장 모형, 2-파트

Kidneys with Vessels - 2 Part
1000309 [K22/2] 상복부의 내분비 기관 모형 Rear organs of the upper abdomen
1000309 [K22/2] 상복부의 내분비 기관 모형 Rear organs of the upper abdomen
1000310 [K22/3] 신장과 상복부의 내분비 기관 모형

Kidneys with Rear Organs of the Upper Abdomen - 3 Part
1000310 [K22/3] 신장과 상복부의 내분비 기관 모형

Kidneys with Rear Organs of the Upper Abdomen - 3 Part
1000311 [K23] 미세 해부학적 소화계 모형 3B MICROanatomy Digestive System - 20-times magnified
1000311 [K23] 미세 해부학적 소화계 모형 3B MICROanatomy Digestive System - 20-times magnified
1000312 [K24] 간 미세 해부학적 모형 3B MICROanatomy Liver
1000312 [K24] 간 미세 해부학적 모형 3B MICROanatomy Liver
1014209 [K25] 간 담낭 (쓸개) 모형  Liver with Gall Bladder
1014209 [K25] 간 담낭 (쓸개) 모형  Liver with Gall Bladder
1000314 [K26] 담석모형

Gallstone Model
1000314 [K26] 담석모형

Gallstone Model
1000315 [K27] 치질 모형

Hemorrhoid Model
1000315 [K27] 치질 모형

Hemorrhoid Model
1000316 [K29] 신장결석 모형

Kidney Stone Model
1000316 [K29] 신장결석 모형

Kidney Stone Model
1000317 [K32] 양성비뇨기계 모형, 6파트 분리  Dual Sex Urinary System, 6 part
1000317 [K32] 양성비뇨기계 모형, 6파트 분리  Dual Sex Urinary System, 6 part
1000319 [K41] 전립선 모형

Prostate Model, 1/2 natural size
1000319 [K41] 전립선 모형

Prostate Model, 1/2 natural size
1024384 [K41D] 전립선 모형

Prostate Model, 1/2 natural size, dark skin
1008496 [K55] 장 질환 모형 Intestinal diseases
1008496 [K55] 장 질환 모형 Intestinal diseases
1000320 [L01] 자궁 난소 나팔관 모형 (수정 및 배아 발달 단계 - 2배 확대 표현)  Stages of Fertilization and of the Embryo- 2-times Magnification
1000320 [L01] 자궁 난소 나팔관 모형 (수정 및 배아 발달 단계 - 2배 확대 표현)  Stages of Fertilization and of the Embryo- 2-times Magnification
1018627 [L10] 태아발달모형 - 임신모형시리즈  Pregnancy Models Series, 8 Individual Embryo & Fetus Models
1018627 [L10] 태아발달모형 - 임신모형시리즈  Pregnancy Models Series, 8 Individual Embryo & Fetus Models
1000322 [L10/1] 1개월의 태아 모형 1st Month Embryo Model
1000322 [L10/1] 1개월의 태아 모형 1st Month Embryo Model
1000323 [L10/2] 2개월의 태아 모형 Embryo Model, 2nd Month
1000323 [L10/2] 2개월의 태아 모형 Embryo Model, 2nd Month
1000324 [L10/3] 3개월의 태아 모형 Fetus Model, 3rd Month
1000324 [L10/3] 3개월의 태아 모형 Fetus Model, 3rd Month
1018626 [L10/4] 4개월의 태아 모형 4th Month Fetus - Transverse Lie
1018626 [L10/4] 4개월의 태아 모형 4th Month Fetus - Transverse Lie
1018630 [L10/5] 5개월의 태아 모형 (거꾸로 위치) 5th Month Fetus - Breech Position
1018630 [L10/5] 5개월의 태아 모형 (거꾸로 위치) 5th Month Fetus - Breech Position
1000327 [L10/6] 5개월의 태아 모형 (가로로 위치)  5th Month Fetus - Transverse Lie
1000327 [L10/6] 5개월의 태아 모형 (가로로 위치)  5th Month Fetus - Transverse Lie
1000328 [L10/7] 5개월 쌍둥이 태아 모형 5th Month Twin Fetuses - Normal Position
1000328 [L10/7] 5개월 쌍둥이 태아 모형 5th Month Twin Fetuses - Normal Position
1000329 [L10/8] 7개월 태아 모형 7th Month Fetus
1000329 [L10/8] 7개월 태아 모형 7th Month Fetus
1018628 [L11] 임신 발전 9단계 모형 Deluxe 3B Scientific® Pregnancy Series - 9 Models
1018628 [L11] 임신 발전 9단계 모형 Deluxe 3B Scientific® Pregnancy Series - 9 Models
1018633 [L11/9] 임신 모형 시리즈 3B Scientific® Pregnancy Series - 5 Models
1018633 [L11/9] 임신 모형 시리즈 3B Scientific® Pregnancy Series - 5 Models
1014207 [L15] 인간 배아 모형 Human Embryo Model, 25 times Life-Size
1014207 [L15] 인간 배아 모형 Human Embryo Model, 25 times Life-Size
1000333 [L20] 임신 여성의 골반 모형, 3 파트 분리 Pregnancy Pelvis, 3 part
1000333 [L20] 임신 여성의 골반 모형, 3 파트 분리 Pregnancy Pelvis, 3 part
1024385 [L20D] 임신 여성의 골반 모형, 3 파트 분리 Pregnancy Pelvis, 3 part, dark skin
1000334 [L30] 출산 실습용 골반모형 Childbirth Demonstration Pelvis
1000335 [L31] 생식 기관이 있는 여성 골반 골격모형, 3-파트

Female Pelvis Skeleton with Genital Organs, 3 part
1024386 [L31D] 생식 기관이 있는 여성 골반 골격모형, 3-파트

Female Pelvis Skeleton with Genital Organs, 3 part , dark skin
1000336 [L40] 후천성 면역 결핍증 모형

HIV - Model
1000336 [L40] 후천성 면역 결핍증 모형

HIV - Model
1000338 [L41/1] Training Model for a Female Condom (dark skin)
1000339 [L41/2] 여성 콘돔 사용법 모형
Training Model for a Female Condom (white skin tone)
1000340 [L42] 남성 콘돔 사용법 모형
Condom training model, white skin tone
1000340 [L42] 남성 콘돔 사용법 모형
Condom training model, white skin tone
1000341 [L43] Condom training model, black skin tone
1000341 [L43] Condom training model, black skin tone
1000342 [L50] 자가 유방검사 모형 Wearable Breast Self Examination Model
1000343 [L51] 유방자가검사 모형(착용 가능) Wearable Breast Self Examination Model
1000344 [L55] 유방 자가검진 및 촉진훈련용 모형 Breast Self Examination model, three single breasts on base
1000345 [L55/1] 양성 종양이 있는 유방 모형 Single Breast Model with Benign Tumor
1008497 [L56] 여성 유방 모형 Model of female breast
1008497 [L56] 여성 유방 모형 Model of female breast
1000346 [L60] 고환 모형 Testicle Model
1000015 [M10] 근육분리 팔 모형, 3/4 크기, 6 파트 분리형 Muscle Arm, 6 part, 3/4 Life Size
1000015 [M10] 근육분리 팔 모형, 3/4 크기, 6 파트 분리형 Muscle Arm, 6 part, 3/4 Life Size
1000347 [M11] 근육 팔모형, 6파트 Deluxe Muscle Arm, 6 part, Life Size
1000347 [M11] 근육 팔모형, 6파트 Deluxe Muscle Arm, 6 part, Life Size
1000349 [M18] 손 내부 모형 Life-Size Hand Model with Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Nerves & Arteries, 3 part
1000349 [M18] 손 내부 모형 Life-Size Hand Model with Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Nerves & Arteries, 3 part
1000350 [M19] 손가락 내부구조 모형

Internal Finger Structure Model
1000350 [M19] 손가락 내부구조 모형

Internal Finger Structure Model
1000351 [M20] 근육 다리모형 , 3/4 크기, 9 파트 Muscle Leg, 9 part, 3/4 Life Size
1000351 [M20] 근육 다리모형 , 3/4 크기, 9 파트 Muscle Leg, 9 part, 3/4 Life Size
1000352 [M21] 근육 다리 모형 7파트 Deluxe Muscle Leg, 7 part, Life Size
1000352 [M21] 근육 다리 모형 7파트 Deluxe Muscle Leg, 7 part, Life Size
1000353 [M22] 무릎이 있는 근육 다리 모형, 3파트 Lower Muscle Leg with detachable Knee, 3 part, Life Size
1000353 [M22] 무릎이 있는 근육 다리 모형, 3파트 Lower Muscle Leg with detachable Knee, 3 part, Life Size
1000354 [M30] 정상발 Normal Foot Model
1000354 [M30] 정상발 Normal Foot Model
1000354 [M30] 정상발 Normal Foot Model
1024387 [M30D] 정상발 Normal Foot Model, dark skin
1000355 [M31] 평발 Flat Foot (Pes Planus) Model
1000355 [M31] 평발 Flat Foot (Pes Planus) Model
1024388 [M31D] 평발 Flat Foot (Pes Planus) Model, dark skin
1000356 [M32] 오목발(요족) Hollow Foot (Pes Cavus) Model
1000356 [M32] 오목발(요족) Hollow Foot (Pes Cavus) Model
1024389 [M32D] 오목발(요족) Hollow Foot (Pes Cavus) Model, dark skin
1000357 [M33] 손 골격 모형 : 인대,손목터널 포함 Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Carpal Tunnel
1000357 [M33] 손 골격 모형 : 인대,손목터널 포함 Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Carpal Tunnel
1000358 [M33/1] 인대와 근육이 부착된 손 골격 Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles
1000358 [M33/1] 인대와 근육이 부착된 손 골격 Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles
1000359 [M34] 발목골격인대 모형 Foot Skeleton Model with Ligaments
1000359 [M34] 발목골격인대 모형 Foot Skeleton Model with Ligaments
1019421 [M34/1] 인대와 근육이 부착된 발골격모형 Foot Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles
1019421 [M34/1] 인대와 근육이 부착된 발골격모형 Foot Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles
1013683 [M36] 손 골격 (탄력있는 인대 포함)
Hand skeleton with elastic ligaments
1013683 [M36] 손 골격 (탄력있는 인대 포함)
Hand skeleton with elastic ligaments
1000373 [N15] 침술 귀 모형 2 Acupuncture Ears
1000378 [N30] Acupuncture Model, male
1000379 [N31] Acupuncture Model, female
1023316 [P10/1D] 다목적(성인) 간호 실습 마네킨 프로 3B Scientific® Patient Care Manikin PRO Dark
1022652 [P102] 지혈 실습용 팔 트레이너 Hemorrhage Control Arm Trainer P102
1023313 [P102D] 지혈 실습용 팔 트레이너 Hemorrhage Control Arm Trainer P102D
1022952 [P10CCD] 청진 실습을 위한 간호 실습 마네킨 프로 니키 Nikki the Nursing Manikin with Auscultation
1022952 [P10CCD] 청진 실습을 위한 간호 실습 마네킨 프로 니키 Nikki the Nursing Manikin with Auscultation
1022952 [P10CCD] 청진 실습을 위한 간호 실습 마네킨 프로 니키 Nikki the Nursing Manikin with Auscultation
1022952 [P10CCD] 청진 실습을 위한 간호 실습 마네킨 프로 니키 Nikki the Nursing Manikin with Auscultation
1025295 [P10N] 다목적(성인) 간호 실습 마네킨 프로 3B Scientific® Patient Care Manikin PRO
1018817 [P11/1] 다목적(성인) 간호 실습 마네킨 베이직 3B Scientific® Patient Care Manikin Basic
1023317 [P11/1D] 다목적(성인) 간호 실습 마네킨 베이직 3B Scientific® Patient Care Manikin Basic Dark
1019637 [P120] 혈관초음파실습  SONOtrain Ultrasound Vein model
1019636 [P121] 이물 모형 SONOtrain Foreign body model
1019638 [P122] 담낭 모형 SONOtrain Gallbladder model
1019638 [P122] 담낭 모형 SONOtrain Gallbladder model
1019638 [P122] 담낭 모형 SONOtrain Gallbladder model
1019634 [P124] 낭종이 있는 유방모형  SONOtrain Breast model with cysts
1019635 [P125] 종양이 있는 유방모형 SONOtrain Breast model with tumours
1022519 [P16] 장 관리 & 관장 실습 트레이너  Bowel Care & Enema Trainer
1023320 [P16D] 장 관리 & 관장 실습 트레이너 (어두운 피부)  Bowel Care and Enema Trainer, Dark Skin
1000505 [P30] 신생아 케어 마네킹  Nurse Training Baby, New Born
1000506 [P31] 남아 간호 모형 Male Baby Care Model
1021418 [P50/1] 정맥주사 실습 모형 I.v. Injection Arm
1021418 [P50/1] 정맥주사 실습 모형 I.v. Injection Arm
1013705 [P53] 부인과 교육용 모형 Model for Gynecological Patient Education
1010008 [P54] 근육주사 시뮬레이터 Intramuscular injection simulator
1009840 [P55/1] 근육주사 시뮬레이터 Intramuscular Injection Simulator - Upper Arm
1013116 [P58/1] 전립선 검사 트레이너, 4단계 Prostate Examination Trainer, 4 stages
1021898 [P65] 이미지 유도 요추 주사 트레이너 Image Guided Lumbar Spinal Injection Trainer P65
1021898 [P65] 이미지 유도 요추 주사 트레이너 Image Guided Lumbar Spinal Injection Trainer P65
1021899 [P66] 이미지 유도 흉추 주사 트레이너 Image Guided Thoracic Spinal Injection Trainer P66
1021899 [P66] 이미지 유도 흉추 주사 트레이너 Image Guided Thoracic Spinal Injection Trainer P66
1021900 [P67] 이미지 유도 경추 주사 트레이너 Image Guided Cervical Spine Injection Trainer P67
1021900 [P67] 이미지 유도 경추 주사 트레이너 Image Guided Cervical Spine Injection Trainer P67
1022071 [P71PRO+] CPRLilly 프로+ CPRLilly PRO+
1022071 [P71PRO+] CPRLilly 프로+ CPRLilly PRO+
1022237 [P71PRO+ without tablet] CPR 릴리 프로(테블릿 제외)
1022237 [P71PRO+ without tablet] CPR 릴리 프로(테블릿 제외)
1022237 [P71PRO+ without tablet] CPR 릴리 프로(테블릿 제외)
1012793 [P72] CPR "Basic Billy" 기본형 심폐소생훈련용 마네킨  CPR “Basic Billy” Basic life support simulator
1024546 [P72+] CPR 시뮬레이터 BASICBilly+ (밝은 피부) Basic Life Support Simulator BASICBilly+, Light Skin Tone
1022626 [P72+AOK] 직접 피드백이 포함된 CPR 교육용 업그레이드 키트 BASICBilly+   Upgrade Kit BASICBilly+  for CPR Training with Direct Feedback
1024547 [P72+D] CPR 시뮬레이터 BASIC Billy+ (어두운 피부)  Basic Life Support Simulator BASIC Billy+, Dark Skin Tone
1017679 [P72/1] CPR 마네킨 Basic Billy (어두운 피부)  Basic life support simulator “Basic Billy”, dark
1024113 [P75D] 전문심폐소생훈련 트레이너 Atlas the ALS Simulator (어두운 피부)
1024113 [P75D] 전문심폐소생훈련 트레이너 Atlas the ALS Simulator (어두운 피부)
1024552 [P76] Atlas Junior 소아 ALS 시뮬레이터, 밝은 피부  Atlas Junior the ALS Simulator, Light Skin

1024552 [P76] Atlas Junior 소아 ALS 시뮬레이터, 밝은 피부  Atlas Junior the ALS Simulator, Light Skin

1025291 [P77] Atlas Baby 밝은 피부  Atlas Baby Light Skin
1025292 [P77D] Atlas Baby Dark Skin
1022878 [P90BN] 3B 뉴 베이직 분만 시뮬레이터 P90  3B Birthing Simulator P90 Basic new
1022879 [P90PN] 3B 분만 시뮬레이터 프로 P90 PRO  3B Birthing Simulator P90 PRO
1022879 [P90PN] 3B 분만 시뮬레이터 프로 P90 PRO  3B Birthing Simulator P90 PRO
1022879 [P90PN] 3B 분만 시뮬레이터 프로 P90 PRO  3B Birthing Simulator P90 PRO
1023328 [P90PND] 3B 분만 후 출혈 관리 트레이너 (어두운 피부)  3B Birthing Simulator P90 PRO dark skin
1021592 [P91] 부인과 검사 실습 모형 Gynecologic Skills Trainer P91
1020231 [P93B-F] 카테터 삽관 시뮬레이터 BASIC, 여성  Catheterization Simulator BASIC, female
1020232 [P93B-M] 카테터 삽관 시뮬레이터 BASIC, 남성  Catheterization Simulator BASIC, male
1020842 [P93B-S] 카테터 삽관 시뮬레이터 세트 BASIC  Catheterization Simulator Set BASIC
1023008 [P93SPC-F] 도뇨 시뮬레이터 프로, 여성 (밝은 피부) Catheterization Simulator Pro-Female, Light Skin
1023324 [P93SPC-FD] 도뇨관 삽입 트레이너 프로, 여성 (어두운 피부)  Catheterization simulator PRO, Female dark skin
1023009 [P93SPC-M] 도뇨 시뮬레이터 프로, 남성 (밝은 피부) Catheterization Simulator Pro-Male, Light Skin
1023010 [P93SPC-S] 도뇨 시뮬레이터 세트 프로 (밝은 피부) Catheterization Simulator Set PRO
1023010 [P93SPC-S] 도뇨 시뮬레이터 세트 프로 (밝은 피부) Catheterization Simulator Set PRO
1023326 [P93SPC-SD] 도뇨관 삽입 트레이너 프로 세트 Catheterization Simulator Set PRO dark skin
1023326 [P93SPC-SD] 도뇨관 삽입 트레이너 프로 세트 Catheterization Simulator Set PRO dark skin
1020628 [P94] 3B 분만 단계 트레이너 3B Birthing Stages Trainer
1020628 [P94] 3B 분만 단계 트레이너 3B Birthing Stages Trainer
1023330 [P94D] 3B 분만 단계 트레이너 (어두운 피부)  3B Birthing Stages Trainer dark skin
1023330 [P94D] 3B 분만 단계 트레이너 (어두운 피부)  3B Birthing Stages Trainer dark skin
1019639 [P95] 회음절개 및 봉합 트레이너 Episiotomy and Suturing Trainer
1023329 [P95D] 회음 절개 및 봉합 트레이너 (어두운 피부)  Episiotomy and Suturing Trainer, dark skin
1022212 [P96] 분만 시뮬레이터 P90용 회음 절개 봉합 교육 모듈  Episiotomy Suture Training Module for Birthing Simulator P90
1022212 [P96] 분만 시뮬레이터 P90용 회음 절개 봉합 교육 모듈  Episiotomy Suture Training Module for Birthing Simulator P90
1021568 [P97] 분만 후(산후) 출혈관리 트레이너  Postpartum Hemorrhage Trainer - PPH Trainer P97
1021567 [P97M] PPH Trainer P97 - 모듈 PPH Trainer P97 - Module
1023727 [P97P] 산후 출혈 시뮬레이터 - PPH 트레이너 P97 PRO  Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97 PRO
1023975 [P97PD] 산후 출혈 시뮬레이터 - PPH 트레이너 P97 PRO  Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulator – PPH Trainer P97 PRO
1023731 [P97PM] 출산 시뮬레이터 P90용 P97PRO PHH모듈 P97 PRO PPH module for birth simulator P90
1013868 [R01/1] Mitosis Model
1013868 [R01/1] Mitosis Model
1013869 [R02/1] Meiosis Model
1013869 [R02/1] Meiosis Model
1000523 [R04] Animal Cell Model
1000523 [R04] Animal Cell Model
1000524 [R05] Plant cell model
1000524 [R05] Plant cell model
1000525 [R50] Castor Bean Tick (Ixodes ricinus), Model
1002501 [T12009] Embryo Development of Common Frog (Rana temporaria), 12 Stages
1002502 [T12010] 혀 모형 Tongue Model, 2.5 times Life-Size, 4 part
1002504 [T21001] Leaf Cross Section of Beech (Fagus silvatica), Model
1002504 [T21001] Leaf Cross Section of Beech (Fagus silvatica), Model
1002505 [T21002] Absorption Zone of the Root (Sinapis alba), Model
1002505 [T21002] Absorption Zone of the Root (Sinapis alba), Model
1002506 [T21003] Stem Cross Section of Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens), Model
1002506 [T21003] Stem Cross Section of Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens), Model
1017832 [T210101] Tulip Flower (Tulipa gesneriana), Model
1017832 [T210101] Tulip Flower (Tulipa gesneriana), Model
1017830 [T210141] Potato Flower (Solanum tuberosum), Model
1017830 [T210141] Potato Flower (Solanum tuberosum), Model
1017829 [T210161] Apple Blossom (Malus pumila), Model
1017828 [T210171] Lesser Celandine Flower (Ficaria verna), Model
1017828 [T210171] Lesser Celandine Flower (Ficaria verna), Model
1020125 [T210191] Cherry Blossom with Fruit (Prunus avium), Model
1020125 [T210191] Cherry Blossom with Fruit (Prunus avium), Model
1000531 [T21020] Canola Blossom (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera), Model
1000531 [T21020] Canola Blossom (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera), Model
1000532 [T21022] Dandelion Flower (Taraxum officinale), Model
1000532 [T21022] Dandelion Flower (Taraxum officinale), Model
1000533 [T21023] Chamomile Blossom (Matricaria chamomilla), Model
1000533 [T21023] Chamomile Blossom (Matricaria chamomilla), Model
1000534 [T21024] Meadow Clary Blossom (Salvia pratensis), Model
1000534 [T21024] Meadow Clary Blossom (Salvia pratensis), Model
1000535 [T21026] Pea Blossom (Pisum sativum), Model
1000535 [T21026] Pea Blossom (Pisum sativum), Model
1020966 [T300021] Chicken Skeleton (Gallus gallus domesticus), Specimen
1021340 [T300022]
1020967 [T30002U] Chicken skeleton (Gallus gallus domesticus), disarticulated
1020982 [T300071] Pigeon Skeleton (Columba livia domestica), Specimen
1021341 [T300073]
1020983 [T30007U] Pigeon skeleton (Columba livia domestica), disarticulated
1020985 [T300081] Rabbit Skeleton (Oryctolagus cuniculus var. domestica), Specimen
1021339 [T300083] Showcase for Fish/Rabbit skeletons
1020986 [T30008U] Rabbit skeleton (Oryctolagus cuniculus var. Domestica), disarticulated
1020989 [T300091L] Dog Skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), Size L, Specimen
1020993 [T300091LU] Dog skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), size L, disarticulated
1020988 [T300091M] Dog Skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), Size M, Specimen
1020992 [T300091MU] Dog skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), size M, disarticulated
1020963 [T30010] Carp Head (Cyprinus carpio), Specimen
1021036 [T300111] Rat Skeleton (Rattus rattus), Specimen
1021346 [T300113]
1020974 [T300121w] Bovine skeleton (Bos taurus), with horns, articulated
1020973 [T300121w/o] Bovine skeleton (Bos taurus), without horns, articulated
1020975 [T300121w/oU] Bovine skeleton (Bos taurus), without horns, disarticulated
1020976 [T300121wU] Bovine skeleton (Bos taurus), with horns, disarticulated
1020996 [T300131f] Domestic Pig Skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), Female, Specimen
1020997 [T300131FU] Pig skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), f, disarticulated
1020998 [T300131m] Domestic Pig Skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), Male, Specimen
1020999 [T300131mU] Pig skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), male, disarticulated
1021002 [T300141f] Horse Skeleton (Equus ferus caballus), Female, Specimen
1021004 [T300141fU] Horse skeleton (Equus ferus caballus), male, disarticulated
1021003 [T300141m] Horse Skeleton (Equus ferus caballus), Male, Specimen
1021005 [T300141mU] Horse skeleton (Equus ferus caballus), female, disarticulated
1020978 [T300151w] Bovine skull (Bos taurus), with horns, specimen
1020977 [T300151w/o] Bovine skull (Bos taurus), without horns, specimen
1021000 [T300161f] Domestic Pig Skull (Sus scrofa domesticus), Female, Specimen
1021001 [T300161m] Domestic Pig Skull (Sus scrofa domesticus), Male, Specimen
1021006 [T300171] Horse Skull (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen
1021008 [T300172] Half Horse Skull (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen
1021028 [T300181f] Domestic Sheep Skull (Ovis aries), Female, Specimen
1021029 [T300181m] Domestic Sheep Skull (Ovis aries), Male, Specimen
1020987 [T300191] Rabbit Skull (Oryctolagus cuniculus var. domestica), Specimen
1020972 [T300201] Cat Skull (Felis catus), Specimen
1020995 [T30021L] Dog Skull (Canis lupus familiaris), Size L, Specimen
1020994 [T30021M] Dog Skull (Canis lupus familiaris), Size M, Specimen
1021064 [T300221] Domestic Pig Foot (Sus scrofa domesticus), Specimen
1021051 [T300231] Horse Foot and Hoof (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen
1021053 [T30023A] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), carpal bones, specimen
1021042 [T300241] Hind Legs of Different Mammals (Mammalia)
1021043 [T300242] Front Legs of Different Mammals (Mammalia)
1021038 [T300271] Rat Skull (Rattus rattus), Specimen
1020969 [T300281] Cat Skeleton (Felis catus), Specimen
1020971 [T30028U] Cat skeleton (Felis catus), disarticulated
1021044 [T300291] Tooth Types of Different Mammals (Mammalia)
1021046 [T300292] Tooth Types of Different Mammals (Mammalia), Deluxe Version
1020965 [T30030] Catfish Head (Silurus glanis), Specimen
1021063 [T300311] Bovine foot (Bos taurus), specimen
1021059 [T300321] Dog Leg (Canis lupus familiaris), Specimen
1021041 [T300331] Pigeon Wing and Feathers (Columba livia domestica), Specimen
1021041 [T300331] Pigeon Wing and Feathers (Columba livia domestica), Specimen
1020979 [T300351] Duck Skeleton (Anas platyrhynchos domestica), Specimen
1021342 [T300353]
1020980 [T30035U] Duck skeleton (Anas platyrhynchos domestica), disarticulated
1021024 [T300361f] Domestic Sheep Skeleton (Ovis aries), Female, Specimen
1021026 [T300361fU] Sheep skeleton (Ovis aries), female, disarticulated
1021025 [T300361m] Domestic Sheep Skeleton (Ovis aries), Male, Specimen
1021027 [T300361mU] Sheep skeleton (Ovis aries), male, disarticulated
1020970 [T300391] Cat Skeleton (Felis catus), Flexibly Mounted, Specimen
1021343 [T300393]
1020991 [T300401L] Dog Skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), Size L, Flexibly Mounted, Specimen
1020990 [T300401M] Dog Skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), Size M, Flexibly Mounted, Specimen
1021035 [T30042] Goose Skull (Anser anser domesticus), Specimen
1021033 [T300451] Goose Skeleton (Anser anser domesticus), Specimen
1021034 [T30045U] Goose skeleton (Anser anser domesticus), disarticulated
1020964 [T300461] Skeleton of European Catfish (Silurus glanis), Specimen
1021010 [T30047M] Red Deer Skeleton (Cervus elaphus), male, articulated on base
1021016 [T30048M] Fallow Deer Skeleton (Dama dama), male, articulated on base
1021014 [T30050m] Red Deer skull (Cervus elaphus), male
1021020 [T30051m] Fallow Deer skull (Dama dama), male
1021045 [T30053] Structure of a Bird and a Mammal Bone, Specimen
1021047 [T30055] Comparison of longitudinal section of metatarsal bones
1021048 [T30056] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), spinal column, flexibly mounted
1021049 [T30056U] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), spinal column, disarticulated
1021050 [T30057] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), spinal column + head, rigidly mounted
1021054 [T30058] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), sacrum
1021055 [T30059] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), sternum
1021056 [T30060] Horse (Equus ferus caballus), pelvis
1021057 [T30061] Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), spinal column, flexibly mounted
1021058 [T30062] Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), spinal column + head, rigidly mounted
1021060 [T30063] Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), sacrum
1021061 [T30064] Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), sternum
1021062 [T30065] Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), pelvis
1021065 [T30066] Mammalian femur
1021066 [T30067] Mammalian humerus
1021067 [T30068] Horse metacarpal bones
1021068 [T30069] Horse metatarsal bones
1020968 [T30070] Chicken Skull (Gallus gallus domesticus), Specimen
1020984 [T30071] Pigeon Skull (Columba livia domestica), Specimen
1020981 [T30072] Duck Skull (Anas platyrhynchos domestica), Specimen
1021052 [T30073] Front and Hind Legs of a Horse (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen
1021039 [T310011] Mouse and Mouse Skeleton (Mus musculus) in Display Case, Specimens
1021344 [T310013]
1021040 [T310051] Pigeon and Pigeon Skeleton (Columba livia domestica), in Display Case, Specimens
1021345 [T310053]
4000036 [T52006] Plastic Trough
1022655 [T6000]
1022655 [T6000]
1002572 [U10002] Set of Doppler Prisms and Flow Tubes
1002573 [U10003] Riser Tubes for Pressure Measurement
1002574 [U10004] Doppler Phantom Fluid
1002575 [U10005] Centrifugal Pump
1002576 [U100061] Ultrasonic Continuous Wave Generator with Probe
1002579 [U10009] Laser Diode for Debye-Sears Effect, Green
1018616 [U100102] Ultrasonic Echoscope GS200
1018617 [U100151] Ultrasonic Probe, 1 MHz, GS200
1018618 [U100161] Ultrasonic Probe, 2 MHz, GS200
1018619 [U100171] Ultrasonic Probe, 4 MHz, GS200
1012869 [U10018] Model Eye for Ultrasonic Biometry
1002584 [U10020] Equipment Set "Ultrasound in Solids"
1002585 [U10022] Aluminum Test Block with Protractor Scale
1002586 [U10023] Polyoxymethylene Test Block with Protractor Scale
1002588 [U10026] Set of 3 Cylinders
1002589 [U10027] Acrylic Body with Drilled Holes
1002590 [U10029] Heart Model
1002591 [U10030] Whiteboard 600x900 m²
1002592 [U10031] Whiteboard 900x1200 mm²
1002594 [U10050] Stirling Engine G
1002600 [U10070] External Micrometer
1002601 [U10071] Calipers, 150 mm
1002602 [U10072] Digital Callipers, 150 mm
1002603 [U10073] Pocket Measuring Tape, 2 m
1002604 [U10074] Universal Spirit Level, 250 mm
1002605 [U10100] Set of Tuning Forks for the C-Major Scale
1002607 [U10115] Light Metal Tuning Fork, 1700 Hz
1002608 [U10116] Light Metal Tuning Fork, 1000 Hz
1002609 [U10117] Tuning Fork, 2000 Hz
1002610 [U10118] Striking Hammer, Hard
1002611 [U10119] Pair of Tuning Weights
1002612 [U10120] Tuning Forks Kit (440 Hz)
1002613 [U10121] Tuning Fork, 440 Hz, on Resonance Box
1002614 [U10122] Striking Hammer, Soft
1002615 [U10125] Set of Tuning Forks, C-Major Chord, on Resonance Boxes
1002619 [U10140] Vacuum Hose, 8 mm
1002620 [U10141] Vacuum Hose, 10 mm
1002622 [U10146] Tubing, Silicone 6 mm
1012831 [U10148] Vacuum Hose, 4 mm
1002623 [U10149] Tubing Clamps, Set of 3
1018106 [U101601] Set of 100 Cuvette Cells, 4 ml
1021079 [U10235] Precision Scale PCB 2000
1012400 [U103101] Optical rider D, 60/50
1002635 [U103111] Optical rider D , 90/50
1002637 [U103121] Optical rider D, 120/50
1002639 [U103151] Optical rider D, 60/36
1012401 [U103161] Optical rider D, 90/36
1009733 [U10319] Optical Base D
1002644 [U103202] Sliding Rider D
1002646 [U10331] Extension Arm D
1017284 [U10354] Optical Lamp with Pinhole Aperture @230V
1002657 [U10363] Photo Gate Holder for Projectile Launcher
1017897 [U10367] Aluminium Calorimeter
1017898 [U10368] Temperature Sensor
1017899 [U10369] Pair of Adapter Cables with 4 mm Safety Plugs/2 mm Plugs
1002671 [U10401] Castor Oil
1002672 [U10402] Set of Seals
1017782 [U10630] CT Scanner
1017783 [U10631] CT Controller
1017784 [U10632] CT Sample
1017785 [U10633] CT Measuring Trough
1000536 [U10700-115] Planck’s Constant Apparatus (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1000537 [U10700-230] Planck’s Constant Apparatus (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1012870 [U10710] Jolly's Bulb and Gauge
1017780 [U10800-115] Charger and Discharger (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1017781 [U10800-230] Charger and Discharger (230V, 50/60 Hz)
1002689 [U109501] Fuel Cell Demonstration System
1002704 [U11027] Helical Springs 86 N/m
1023840 [U11053] Friction Rods
1002710 [U11055] Drilled Rod
1002715 [U11104] Set of 5 Nickel Plates
1002717 [U11106] Set of 5 Carbon Plates
1000538 [U11120] 신경 섬유로의 자극 전도 실험세트 Experiment Set “Conduction of Impulses to Nerve Fibres”
1000538 [U11120] 신경 섬유로의 자극 전도 실험세트 Experiment Set “Conduction of Impulses to Nerve Fibres”
1002722 [U111511] Geiger Counter
1002730 [U11180] Resistance Decade 1 Ohm
1002731 [U11181] Resistance Decade 10 Ohm
1002732 [U11182] Resistance Decade 100 Ohm
1002733 [U11183] Resistance Decade 1 kOhm
1002734 [U11184] Resistance Decade 10 kOhm
1002735 [U11185] Resistance Decade, 1 Ohm - 10 kOhm
1002746 [U11255] HF Patch Cord, 1m
1002748 [U11257] HF Patch Cord, BNC/4 mm Plug
1002749 [U11258] BNC Patch Cord Connector
1002750 [U11259] Adapter, BNC Plug/4 mm Jacks
1002751 [U11260] Adapter, BNC Jack/4-mm-Plugs
1002752 [U11261] T-Piece, BNC
1012873 [U11269] Set of Fuses
1000563 [U11365] Photo Gate
1000580 [U11451] Iron Filings
1000581 [U11452] Shaker
1002769 [U117301-230] AC/DC 전원 공급 장치 ,
0 – 30 V, 최대5 A
1002772 [U117401-230] Voltage Regulating Transformer,
0 – 260 V, 최대3 A
1002778 [U11801] Sound Level Meter P5055
1002779 [U11803] Digital Light Meter P5025
1002780 [U11804] Digital Sound Meter P8005
1002781 [U11806] Digital Multimeter P1035
1002784 [U118082] Digital Multimeter P3320
1002785 [U118091] Digital Multimeter P3340
1002786 [U11810] DC Ammeter
1002787 [U11811] DC Voltmeter
1002788 [U11812] AC Ammeter
1002789 [U11813] AC Voltmeter
1002790 [U11814] DC Galvanometer
1002791 [U118152] Infrared Thermometer, 800°C
*** Not for medical use! ***
1002793 [U11817] Digital Thermometer, 1 Channel
1002794 [U11818] Digital Thermometer, 2 Channel
1002795 [U11819] Infrared Temperature and Humidity Gauge
1013905 [U118201] Inductance Decades
1013906 [U118211] Capacitance Decade
1008631 [U118241] Digital Multimeter P3415
1002802 [U118261-230] Digital Energy Meter
1012857 [U11827-230] DC Power Supply,
1 – 32 V, 0 – 20 A
1020857 [U11830] PC-Oscilloscope 2x25 MHz
1020907 [U11831] Laser Range Finder
1020908 [U11832] Thermal Imaging Camera
1020909 [U11833] Infrared thermometer 380°C D
*** Not for medical use! ***
1020910 [U11834] Digital Oscilloscope, 2x30 MHz
1020911 [U11835] Digital Oscilloscope 2x100 MHz
1020912 [U11836] Function generator 10 µHz…3 MHz
1020914 [U11838] pH Meter (2 in 1)
1020915 [U11839] pH Meter
1002804 [U11854] K-Type NiCr-Ni Immersion Sensor, -65°C – 550°C
1002805 [U11855] K-Type NiCr-Ni Immersion Sensor, -200°C – 1150°C
1002806 [U11875-115] Magnetic Stirrer with Heater (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1002807 [U11875-230] Magnetic Stirrer with Heater (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1002808 [U11876] Magnetic Stirrer
1002809 [U11900] Table Top Stop Clock
1002811 [U11902] Digital Stopwatch
1000590 [U122501] Set of 3 Induction Coils
1000591 [U12252] Field Coil 100 mm
1000592 [U12253] Field Coil 120 mm
1018822 [U13115] Metering Valve, DN 16 KF
1002827 [U13250] Bosshead
1002828 [U13252] Clamp with Hook
1002829 [U13253] Clamp with Jaw Clamp
1002830 [U13255] Universal Clamp
1002831 [U13256] Cross Bosshead
1017870 [U13257] Adjustable Double Clamp
1002832 [U13260] Table Clamp
1002833 [U13261] Universal Clamp
1002834 [U13265] Barrel Foot, 1 kg
1002835 [U13270] Tripod Stand 150 mm
1002836 [U13271] Tripod Stand 185 mm
1002838 [U13760] Experiment Lead, Plug and Socket
1002839 [U13761] Experiment Lead, Safety Plug and Socket
1002840 [U13800] Set of 15 Experiment Leads, 75 cm 1 mm²
1002841 [U13801] Set of 15 Experiment Leads, 75 cm 2.5 mm²
1002843 [U138021] Set of 15 Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm, 2.5 mm²
1002847 [U138101] Set of Experiment Leads for Electron Tube Experiments
1002848 [U13811] Set of Three Safety Experiment Leads for Free Fall Apparatus
1002849 [U13812] Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm, 2,5 mm², black, (2 pcs)
1002850 [U13813] Pair of Experiment Leads, 75 cm, 2.5 mm²
1002851 [U13814] Extra High Voltage Leads, Pair
1017718 [U13816] Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm, 2,5 mm², blue, red, (2 pcs)
1017716 [U13817] Pair of Safety Experiment Leads, 75cm, red
1019218 [U13820] Set of 6 Safety Crocodile Clips 4 mm
1019219 [U13821] Set of 10 Crocodile Clips 4 mm, Not Insulated
1012801 [U13850] Steam Engine B
1012886 [U13851] Dry Fuel for Steam Engine B
1012887 [U13852] Oil for Steam Engine
1002858 [U140001] Crown Glass Prism 60°, 26,5 mm x 50 mm
1002859 [U14005] Crown Glass Prism 60°, 45 mm x 50 mm
1002860 [U14010] Crown Glass Prism 90°, 30 mm x 50 mm
1002861 [U14015] Crown Glass Prism 90°, 45 mm x 50 mm
1008632 [U14021] Laser Diode Driver and Temperature Controller (cw and pulsed)
1008634 [U14024] Alignment laser diode (633 nm, 1 mW)
1008636 [U14026] Frequency doubling module
1008637 [U14027] Passive Q-switch
1008638 [U14028] Laser mirror PR@1064 nm
1008639 [U14029] Laser mirror HR@1064 nm
1008640 [U14038] PIN photodiode
1008641 [U14039] Fast PIN photodiode
1008642 [U14040] Optical bench
1008646 [U14044] Collimator lens f = +75 mm
1008648 [U14046] Filter RG850
1017874 [U140471] Filter BG40
1008651 [U14049] Padded transport case
1002864 [U14051] Crown Glass Prism 60°, 30 mm x 30 mm
1002865 [U14052] Flint Glass Prism 60°, 30 x 30 mm
1008652 [U14053] Fresnel Biprism
1000596 [U14100] Diaphragm with 3 Double Slits of Different Widths
1000597 [U14101] Diaphragm with 4 Double Slits of Different Spacings
1000598 [U14102] Diaphragm with 4 Multiple Slits and Gratings
1000602 [U14107] Diaphragm with a Single Slit and Rib
1000603 [U14108] Diaphragm with 3 Circular Hole and Disc Paires
1002868 [U14200] Set of 10 Watch Glass Dishes, 80 mm
1002869 [U14201] Set of 10 Watch Glass Dishes, 120 mm
1002870 [U14205] Graduated Cylinder, 100 ml
1002871 [U14206] Free Standing Cylinder, without Graduation
1002872 [U14210] Set of 10 Beakers,600 ml, Low Form
1002873 [U14211] Set of 10 Beakers,600 ml, Tall Form
1002874 [U14220] Gay-Lussac Pycnometer
1018065 [U14224] DIN-B Burette with Schellbach Stripe, 10 ml
1018001 [U14225] Volume Dilatometer
1012827 [U14260] Falling Sphere Viscometer
1002875 [U14290] Alcohol Meter
1002876 [U14291] Universal Areometer
1002877 [U14293] Precision Hair Hygrometer
1002879 [U14295] Tube Thermometer, Graduated -10 – 110°C
1002880 [U14296] Tube Thermometer, not Graduated
1002881 [U14297] Pocket Thermometer -10–110°C
1002891 [U14321] Glass Cylinder with 2 Tubes
1002903 [U14340] Heat Flow Device
1008653 [U144002-115] Immersion/Circulation Thermostat (115 V; 50/60 Hz)
1008654 [U144002-230] Immersion/Circulation Thermostat (230 V; 50/60 Hz)
1002911 [U14415] Kirchhoff-Bunsen Spectroscope
1002917 [U14424] Copy of a Rowland Grating
1021249 [U14450] Hand-Held Refractrometer HR901
1021440 [U14451] Hand-Held Refractometer HRT32
1021441 [U14452] Hand-Held Refractometer HRT62
1002919 [U14501-230] Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump  P 4 Z
1012514 [U145051-230] Pirani Vacuum Gauge -
control in fine and coarse vacuums
1002923 [U14510] Two Way Ball Valve DN 16 KF
1002924 [U14511] Crosspiece DN 16 KF
1002925 [U14512] T-Piece DN 16 KF
1002926 [U14513] Ventilation Valve DN 16 KF
1002927 [U14514] Dummy Flange DN 16 KF
1002928 [U14515] Adaptor Flange DN 16 KF / Shaft 12 mm
1002929 [U14516] Adaptor Flange DN 16 KF / NS 19/26
1002930 [U14517] Tension Ring DN 10/16 KF
1002931 [U14518] External Centring Ring DN 10/16 KF
1002932 [U15000] Stainless Steel Rod 100 mm
1002933 [U15001] Stainless Steel Rod 250 mm
1002934 [U15002] Stainless Steel Rod 470 mm
1002935 [U15003] Stainless Steel Rod 750 mm
1002936 [U15004] Stainless Steel Rod 1000 mm
1002937 [U15005] Stainless Steel Rod 1500 mm
1002940 [U15015] Plumb with Line
1002941 [U15020] Laboratory Jack II
1002942 [U15021] Laboratory Jack III
1002943 [U15022] Laboratory Jack I
1002944 [U15026] Wooden Blocks for Friction Experiments
1002945 [U15027] Helical Springs 3.9 N/m
1002946 [U15028] Helical Springs 20 N/m, 180 mm
1002951 [U15035] Vernier Model
1002952 [U15036] Immersion Block Al 50 cm³
1002953 [U15037] Immersion Block Al 100 cm³
1002954 [U15038] Immersion Block Fe 50 cm³
1002955 [U15039] Immersion Block Fe 100 cm³
1002956 [U15040] Pohl's Torsion Pendulum -
for oscillation analysis with damping
1002960 [U15101] Set of 3 Monochord Strings
1002965 [U15301] Rubber Belt for Van de Graaff Generator
1002970 [U15321] Insulator with Clamp
1002975 [U15350] Hexagonal Magnet Model
1002976 [U15351] Magnet Model, Cubic
1002984 [U15510] Plane Mirror
1002985 [U15511] Convex Concave Mirror, f = ±100 mm
1002986 [U15515] Plano Concave Lens, f = -400 mm
1002987 [U15516] Plano Convex Lens, f = +400 mm
1002988 [U15517] Plane Parallel Plate
1002989 [U15518] Semi Circular Body, f = +200 mm
1002990 [U15520] Right Angled Prism
1002992 [U15525] Shadow Casting Bodies
1003008 [U16050] Water-Jet Pump
1003009 [U16100] Timer
1003010 [U16101] Digital Thermometer, Min/Max
1003011 [U16102] Digital Hygro-Thermometer
1003013 [U16115] Stable Tube-Type Thermometer -1 – 101°C
1003014 [U16120] Demonstration Thermometer -10 – 110°C
1003016 [U17001] Rotating Object Holder on Stem
1003022 [U17101] Convex Lens on Stem f =+50 mm
1003023 [U17102] Convex Lens on Stem f =+100 mm
1003024 [U17103] Convex Lens on Stem f =+150 mm
1003025 [U17104] Convex Lens on Stem f =+200 mm
1003026 [U17105] Convex Lens on Stem f =+300 mm
1003027 [U17106] Convave Lens on Stem f =-100 mm
1000608 [U17130] Projection Screen
1003044 [U171661] Rail Supports U, Pair
1017366 [U172101] Boyle-Mariotte Apparatus
1003054 [U17304] 광 도파관 광학 –
실험 세트
1003055 [U17305] 레이저 통신 –
실험 세트
1003056 [U17306] Magnetic Board for Laser Ray Box
1003057 [U17307-115] 다이오드 레이저가 장착된 광디스크 –
실험 세트 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003058 [U17307-230] 다이오드 레이저가 장착된 광디스크 –
실험 세트
1003059 [U17308] 프레넬 거울 –
실험 세트
1003061 [U17310] Spectrometer S
1003066 [U17354] Rheostat 100 Ohm
1003072 [U17401] Vacuum Pump Oil 1l
1014525 [U185002] Tube Holder S -
for the experimental setup of tubes of series S
1000611 [U185051] Teltron Helmholtz Coils S
1000617 [U18555] Teltron Thomson Tube S
1013889 [U185711] Teltron Electron Diffraction Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1000624 [U18580] Teltron Discharge Tube S
1008507 [U191001] Tube Holder D -
for the experimental setup of tubes of series D
1000651 [U19155] Electron Deflection Tube D
1013885 [U191711] Teltron Electron Diffraction Tube D
1000660 [U192001-US] X-선 장치 (115 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠)
1000661 [U19201] Geiger-Müller Tube T
1019216 [U192021-230] Motor Drive Debye-Scherrer (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1000664 [U19204] Spare Tube for X-Ray Apparatus
1000665 [U19205] Basic Equipment Set for the X-Ray Apparatus
1000666 [U19206] 결정학 세트
1000667 [U19207] 방사선촬영 세트
1000668 [U19208] Ionization Chamber
1000669 [U19209] Filmpack 2
1000670 [U19210] Filmpack 4
1003078 [U19500] Pocket Spectroscope
1003082 [U19520] Demonstration Gratings
1003084 [U19530] Set of 7 Colour Filters
1003085 [U19550] Pair of Bar Magnets, 80 mm
1003089 [U19555] Magnetic Equipment Set
1003092 [U19560] Magnetic field line apparatus, Two-Dimensional
1003093 [U19561] Pocket Compass
1003095 [U19562] Set of 10 Tracing Compasses
1008661 [U19600] Orbit™ Tellurium
1021167 [U19670] Digital Camera HUE HD Pro
1017655 [U197001] Periodic Table of the Elements, With Electron Configurations
1013907 [U197051] Periodic Table of the Elements, with Pictures
1003102 [U20030] Precision Dynamometer 0.1 N
1003103 [U20031] Precision Dynamometer 0.2 N
1003104 [U20032] Precision Dynamometer 1 N
1003105 [U20033] Precision Dynamometer 2 N
1003106 [U20034] Precision Dynamometer 5 N
1003107 [U20035] Precision Dynamometer 10 N
1003108 [U20036] Precision Dynamometer 20 N
1003109 [U20037] Dynamometers for Demonstrating Hooke‘s Law
1003110 [U20038] Precision Dynamometer 100 N
1021752 [U200511] Set of Test Bodies for Torsion Axle
1012856 [U205001] Vacuum Hand Pump
1003112 [U20550] Cylindrical Bar Magnet 200x10
1003114 [U20570] Horseshoe Magnet 130 mm, with Yoke
1021090 [U206101] Air Track
1019300 [U20611] Electromagnetic Launch Apparatus
1019301 [U20612] Pulse Generator Launcher -
recommended accessory air track
1021822 [U20615] Current Balance Equipment Set
1018882 [U207001-115] Millikan’s Apparatus (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1018884 [U207001-230] Millikan’s Apparatus (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1000674 [U216031] Magnetic Needle, 80 mm
1003159 [U21829-230] Na Low-Pressure Spectral Lamp (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003163 [U21833-230] Na Low-Pressure Spectral Lamp (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003166 [U21850] Component Vacuum Recipient:
Vacuum Experiment Plate
1020809 [U218511] Vacuum Recipient Component:
Vacuum Bell Jar
1003170 [U21854] Electric Doorbell -
for experiments with the vacuum recipient
1003178 [U21871] Grating 140/mm
1003179 [U21872] Grating 530/mm
1003180 [U21873] Grating 600/mm
1003181 [U21874] Grating 1000/mm
1003183 [U21876] Spectroscope in Cardboard Case
1003184 [U21877] Spectroscope in Metal Case
1003185 [U21878] Set of 3 Colour Filters, Primary Colours
1003186 [U21879] Set of 3 Colour Filters, Secondary Colours
1020630 [U21882] 광학 램프의 축 방향 램프 조정
1021719 [U218831]
1003190 [U21885] Plane Mirror
1003191 [U21887] Semicircular Cell
1003193 [U21901] Helmholtz Coils on Mounting Plate
1003194 [U21903] Variable Inductance Coil
1021409 [U219051-230] Control Unit for Spectrum Lamps (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003197 [U21906] Lamp Housing on a Stand Rod
1017591 [U219101] Ripple Tank PM02
1017591 [U219101] Ripple Tank PM02
1003201 [U22000] Red Laser Diode, 650 nm
1003202 [U22001] Laser Module, Green
1003203 [U22010] Component Holder
1008664 [U22011] Diffraction Apertures on Glass Plate
1008665 [U22012] Slits and Bars on Glass Plate
1003204 [U22014] Double Slits on Glass Plate
1008666 [U22015] Multiple Slits on Glass Plate
1008668 [U22017] Polarisation Filter on Stem
1008669 [U22018] Glass Inset for Newton’s Ring Experiments
1008670 [U22019] Interference Filters, 546 nm
1008672 [U22021] Interference Filters, 578 nm
1021353 [U22023]
1014620 [U22025] Microstructures on Glass Plate
1014621 [U22026] Diffraction Gratings on Glass Plate
1018103 [U22028] Digital Spectrometer LD
1018104 [U22029] Digital Spectrometer HD
1019196 [U22031] Digital Spectrometer LD with Absorption Chamber
1008673 [U22050] Spectrometer-Goniometer S
1008674 [U22055] 광학 통신 –
실험 세트
1008675 [U22056] Supplement: Optical Telecommunication
1018820 [U22058] CCD HD Sensor
1021624 [U22072]
1021628 [U22074]
1022997 [U22081]
1021241 [U22085] Microtubes PCR - 0.2 mL
1009710 [U29310] Oersted's Device
1008682 [U29338] Wash Bottle 250 ml
1009812 [U29339] Wash Bottle 500 ml
1010114 [U29453] Graduated Cylinder, 250 ml
1010126 [U29497] Vacuum Chamber with Hand Pump
1010132 [U29504] Volta’s Pile on 3B Box
1010137 [U29509] Set of 10 E10 Lamp Sockets
1010138 [U29510] E10 Lamp Socket on 3B Box
1010139 [U29511] Switch on 3B-Box
1010140 [U29512] E10 Lamps-12 V-100 mA (Set of 10)
1010141 [U29513] E10 Lamps-12 V-500 mA (Set of 10)
1010142 [U29514] E10 Lamps-3,5 V-150 mA (Set of 10)
1010143 [U29515] E10 Lamps-3,5 V-200 mA (Set of 10)
1010144 [U29516] E10 Lamps-6 V-100 mA (Set of 10)
1010145 [U29517] E10 Lamps-6 V-350 mA (Set of 10)
1010146 [U29518] Button on 3B Box
1010152 [U29524] Knife-Edge Switch on 3B Box
1010154 [U29526] Fuse Holder on 3B Box
1010155 [U29527] Crocodile Clips on 3B Box
1010156 [U29528] Universal Holder on 3B Box
1010157 [U29529] Diode in 3B Box
1010158 [U29530] ELV Motor on 3B Box
1010168 [U29543] Set of Weights with Hooks, 500 g.
1010169 [U29544] Plumb with Line, Small
1010175 [U29555] Newton’s Colour Disc, with DC Motor
1010189 [U29576] Set of Weights 1 g to 500 g
1010190 [U29577] Red LED on 3B Box
1010191 [U29578] Green LED on 3B Box
1010192 [U29579] Battery Holder in 3B Box
1010194 [U29587] Newton’s Colour Disc, with Crank
1010195 [U29589] E10 Lamps-3.8 V-0,3 A (Set of 10)
1010196 [U29590] E10 Lamps-4 V- 0,04 A (Set of 10)
1010197 [U29591] E10 Lamps-6 V-0,05 A (Set of 10)
1010198 [U29592] E10 Lamps-6 V-1 A (Set of 10)
1010199 [U29593] E10 Lamps-1.3 V-60 mA (Set of 10)
1011346 [U29595] Coil with 600 Windings on 3B-Box
1010214 [U29622] Demonstration Callipers
1010217 [U29625] Callipers S
1010219 [U29627] Digital Pocket Thermometer
1012694 [U29802] Change-Over Switch (SPDT) on 3B Box
1012695 [U29803] Graetz Bridge in 3B Box
1012696 [U29804] LED Graetz Bridge in 3B Box
1012697 [U29805] Current Direction Indicator in 3B Box
1012698 [U29806] Ohm's Law Apparatus in 3B Box
1012699 [U29807] Unknown Resistors in 3B Box
1010234 [U29952] Set of Weights 1 mg to 500 mg
1003210 [U30012] Set of Weights 1 g to 50 g
1018597 [U300131] Set of Weights 1 g to 500 g, slotted with Holder
1003212 [U30014] Set of Weights 1 g to 1000 g
1003213 [U30015] Deluxe Inclined Plane
1003214 [U30016] Set of Weights 10 g to 1000 g
1000676 [U30019] Set of 3 Weight Holders with Slotted weights
1003216 [U30020] Pulley Block with 1 Pulley
1003217 [U30021] Pulley Block with 2 Pulleys
1003218 [U30022] Pulley block
1003221 [U30025] Pulley with Table Clamp
1003222 [U30026] Tandem Pulley, 2 Pulleys
1003223 [U30027] Tandem Pulley, 3 Pulleys
1003224 [U30028] Pulleys and Block and Tackle Experiment Set
1003226 [U30030] Set of Slotted Weights, 20-100 g
1003227 [U30031] Set of Slotted Weights, 10 x 10 g
1003228 [U30032] Set of Slotted Weights, 5 x 100 g
1003229 [U30033] Set of Slotted Weights, 5 x 50 g
1008687 [U30034] Helical Spring Snakey
1003230 [U30035] Set of 4 Pendulum Bobs
1003231 [U30039] 라이트 박스 P용 예비 램프
1003232 [U30040] Plate Capacitor S
1003233 [U30041] Wooden Metre Stick, Pack of 10
1003254 [U30071] Calorimeter Block, Al
1003255 [U30072] Calorimeter Block, Brass
1003256 [U30073] Calorimeter Block, Cu
1009716 [U30086] Lenz’s Law Copper Tube
1018471 [U30095] 기하광학 –
실험 세트
1013153 [U30803] Digital Binocular Microscope with built-in Camera
1003307 [U33000-115] 직류 전원 장치,
0 – 500 V (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003308 [U33000-230] 직류 전원 장치,
0 – 500 V
1003309 [U33010-115] High Voltage Power Supply,
0 – 5 kV, 최대 2 mA (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003310 [U33010-230] 고전압 전원 공급 장치 ,
0 – 5 kV, 최대 2 mA
1003311 [U33020-115] DC 전원 공급 장치,
0 – 20 V, 0 – 5 A (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003312 [U33020-230] DC 전원 공급 장치,
0 – 20 V, 0 – 5 A
1008692 [U33035-115] 교류/직류 전원,
0 – 30 V, 0 – 6 A (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003593 [U33035-230] 교류/직류 전원,
0 – 30 V, 0 – 6 A
1021671 [U331101-115]
1024236 [U331101-230V]
1012902 [U33250] Plug-in Board for Components
1024239 [U33300-115V] 정류기 내장 변압기,
3/ 6/ 9/ 12 V, 3 A (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003316 [U33300-230] 정류기 내장 변압기,
3/ 6/ 9/ 12 V, 3 A
1012903 [U333011] Linear Resistor, 1 Ohm
1012904 [U333012] Linear Resistor, 10 Ohm
1012905 [U333013] Linear Resistor, 10 Ohm, 10 W, P2W50
1012906 [U333014] Linear Resistor, 5,1 Ohm
1012907 [U333015] Linear Resistor, 22 Ohm
1012908 [U333016] Linear Resistor, 47 Ohm
1012909 [U333017] Linear Resistor, 68 Ohm
1012910 [U333018] Linear Resistor, 100 Ohm
1012911 [U333019] Linear Resistor, 150 Ohm
1012912 [U333020] Linear Resistor, 220 Ohm
1012913 [U333021] Linear Resistor, 330 Ohm
1012914 [U333022] Linear Resistor, 470 Ohm
1012915 [U333023] Linear Resistor, 680 Ohm
1012916 [U333024] Linear Resistor, 1 kOhm
1012917 [U333025] Linear Resistor, 1,5 kOhm
1012918 [U333026] Linear Resistor, 2,2 kOhm
1012919 [U333027] Linear Resistor, 3.3 kOhm
1012920 [U333028] Linear Resistor, 4.7 kOhm
1012921 [U333029] Linear Resistor, 6,8 kOhm
1012922 [U333030] Linear Resistor, 10 kOhm
1012923 [U333031] Linear Resistor, 15 kOhm
1012924 [U333032] Linear Resistor, 22 kOhm
1012925 [U333033] Linear Resistor, 33 kOhm
1012926 [U333034] Linear Resistor, 47 kOhm
1012928 [U333036] Linear Resistor, 100 kOhm
1012929 [U333037] Linear Resistor, 220 kOhm
1012930 [U333038] Linear Resistor, 330 kOhm
1012932 [U333040] Linear Resistor, 1 MOhm
1012933 [U333041] Linear Resistor, 10 MOhm
1012934 [U333042] Potentiometer 220 Ohm, 3 W, P4W50
1012935 [U333043] Potentiometer 470 Ohm, 1 W, P4W50
1012936 [U333044] Potentiometer 1 kOhm, 1 W, P4W50
1012937 [U333045] Potentiometer 10 kOhm, 1 W, P4W50
1012938 [U333046] Potentiometer 4.7 kOhm, 1 W, P4W50
1012939 [U333047] Potentiometer 100 kOhm, 1 W, P4W50
1012940 [U333048] LDR 05 Photoresistor
1012941 [U333049] Thermistor NTC
1012942 [U333050] Thermistor PTC
1012943 [U333051] Capacitor 22 nF
1012944 [U333052] Capacitor 47 nF
1012945 [U333053] Capacitor 0,22 µF
1012946 [U333054] Capacitor 4,7 µF
1012947 [U333055] Capacitor 100 pF
1012948 [U333056] Capacitor 470 pF
1012949 [U333057] Capacitor 1 nF
1012950 [U333058] Capacitor 2,2 nF
1012951 [U333059] Capacitor 4,7 nF
1012952 [U333060] Capacitor 10 nF
1012953 [U333061] Capacitor 0,1 µF
1012954 [U333062] Capacitor 0,47 µF
1012955 [U333063] Capacitor 1 µF
1012956 [U333064] Capacitor 2,2 µF
1012957 [U333065] Electrolytic Capacitor 10 µF
1012958 [U333066] Electrolytic Capacitor 47 µF
1012959 [U333067] Electrolytic Capacitor 100 µF
1012960 [U333068] Electrolytic Capacitor 470 µF
1012961 [U333069] Semiconductor Diodes, Si, 1300 V
1012962 [U333070] LED red
1012963 [U333071] Semiconductor Diodes, Ge, 90 V
1012964 [U333072] Semiconductor Diodes, Si, 1000 V
1012965 [U333073] Zener Diode, ZPD 3.3
1012966 [U333074] Zener Diode, ZPD 9.1
1012967 [U333075] Zener Diode, ZPD 6.2
1012971 [U333079] LED green
1012973 [U333081] BR 100 Diac
1012974 [U333082] NPN Transistor, BD 137, P4W50
1012975 [U333083] PNP Transistor, BD 138, P4W50
1012976 [U333084] NPN Transistor, BC550, P4W50
1012977 [U333085] PNP Transistor, BC560, P4W50
1012978 [U333086] FET Transistor, BF 244, P4W50
1012979 [U333087] Thyristor, TYN 1012, P4W50
1012980 [U333088] Triac, BT 137/800, P4W50
1012981 [U333089] Operational Amplifier, LM 741, P4W50
1012982 [U333090] Low-Frequency Transformer, 1:2, P4W50
1012983 [U333091] Coil, 10 mH
1012984 [U333092] High-Frequency Coil, 33 mH
1012985 [U333093] Set of 10 Jumpers
1012986 [U333094] E 10 Lamp Socket, Sideways Facing, P2W19
1012987 [U333095] E 10 Lamp Socket, Upward Facing, P2W19
1012988 [U333096] Push Button Switch (NO) Sing. Pole P2W19
1012989 [U333097] Push Button Switch (NC) Sing. Pole P2W19
1012990 [U333098] Rocker Switch, Single Pole, P2W19
1012991 [U333099] Double-Pole Change-Over Switch
1012992 [U333100] Relay with Change-Over Contacts, P4W50
1012993 [U333101] Single-Pole Change-Over Switch
1012994 [U333102] Battery Holder
1012995 [U333103] Micromotor 1.5 V DC
1017806 [U333106] Electrolytic Capacitor 1000 µF, 35 V, P2W19
1018837 [U333107] LED, yellow upward facing, P2W19
1018839 [U333108] LED, infrared, side facing, P2W19
1018845 [U333112] NPN Transistor, BC 140, P4W50
1018846 [U333113] PNP Transistor, BC 160, P4W50
1008696 [U33400] Polarimeter
1012883 [U33401] Polarimeter Tube 100 mm
1012884 [U33402] Polarimeter Tube 200 mm
1012885 [U33403] Spare Sodium Lamp
1008697 [U350051] Spoked Wheel for Photo Gate
1012837 [U40020] Set 14 Bravais Lattices
1012836 [U40030] Set of 3 Carbon Configurations
1003322 [U40113] Halogen Lamp, 12 V, 55 W
1003323 [U40121] Magnetic Holder for Single-Ray Projector
1003331 [U40160-230] Digital Stroboscope (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003332 [U40161] Spare Bulb, Stroboscope
1003335 [U40173] Digital Pocket Thermometer
1012868 [U40206] 엑스선 형광 세트
1012871 [U40207] Bragg Driver
1009718 [U40212] Tungsten Wire
1003339 [U40276] Large Fun House Mirror 60 x 120 cm²
1003368 [U40800] Mechanical Stopwatch, 30 min
1003369 [U40801] Mechanical Stopwatch, 15 min
1003370 [U40810] Dynamometer 250 g / 2.5 N, Colour Coded
1003371 [U40811] Dynamometer 500 g / 5 N, Colour Coded
1003372 [U40812] Dynamometer 1 kg / 10 N, Colour Coded
1003373 [U40813] Dynamometer 2 kg / 20 N, Colour Coded
1003374 [U40814] Dynamometer 3 kg / 30 N, Colour Coded
1003375 [U40815] Dynamometer 5 kg / 50 N, Colour Coded
1003376 [U40816] Set of Helical Springs for Hooke‘s Law
1003382 [U409001] Ball and Ring
1003383 [U409051] Heat Conductivity Device
1003402 [U41810] Spectrum Tube Air
1003403 [U41811] Spectrum Tube Argon
1003405 [U41813] Spectrum Tube Carbon Dioxide
1003406 [U41814] Spectrum Tube Chlorine
1003407 [U41815] Spectrum Tube Deuterium
1003408 [U41816] Spectrum Tube Helium
1003409 [U41817] 스펙트럼관 – 수소
1003411 [U41819] Spectrum Tube Krypton
1003412 [U41820] Spectrum Tube Mercury
1003413 [U41821] Spectrum Tube Neon
1003414 [U41822] Spectrum Tube Nitrogen
1003415 [U41823] Spectrum Tube Oxygen
1003416 [U41824] Spectrum Tube Water Vapor
1003417 [U41825] Spectrum Tube Xenon
1003419 [U42000] Mechanical Balance 610
1014616 [U42007] Additional Weights for Mechanical Balance
1003421 [U42010] Mechanical Balance 311
1012872 [U42047] Bench Scales, Harvard Junior
1020859 [U42066] Electronic Scale Scout SKX 420 g
1020860 [U42068] Electronic Scale Scout SKX 620 g
1003492 [U45012] Demonstration Wave Machine, Single Module
1003495 [U45053] Hydraulic/Pneumatic Lifting Platform
1003501 [U45059] Set of 15 Bodies with 2 Different Densities
1003505 [U49327] Simple Stirling Engine
1009843 [U51004] Precision Resistor 1 Ohm
1009844 [U51005] Precision Resistor 10 Ohm
1009886 [U51006] Precision Resistor 100 Ohm
1009887 [U51007] Precision Resistor 1 kOhm
1000685 [U51008] Precision Resistor 10 kOhm
1000686 [U51009] Precision Resistor 100 kOhm
1000687 [U51010] Precision Resistor 1 MOhm
1000688 [U51011] Precision Resistor 10 MOhm
1000689 [U51012] Capacitor 2200 µF
1000690 [U51013] High-Precision Resistor 300 kOhm
1000694 [U52004] Force Table
1000695 [U52006] Gyroscope -
elaborate gyroscopic laws quantitatively
1000698 [U52010] Supplementary disc and counterweight for gyroscope
1000699 [U52011] Force table -
Spare Parts Kit
1000700 [U55001] Demonstration Tuning Fork
1000701 [U56001] 진동발생기 Vibration Generator
1000704 [U56004] Accessories for Kinetic Gas Theory
1000705 [U56005] Accessories  Chladni Plate, circular -
for the Vibration Generator
1000706 [U56006] Accessories Chladni Plate, square -
for the Vibration Generator
1003508 [U58011] Carbon Electrodes
1003509 [U58020] Liquid Levels
1003510 [U58021] Capillary Tubes Apparatus
1003511 [U58030] Gas Expansion Apparatus
1003512 [U58031] Heat-Flow Device S
1000730 [U60011] STUDENT KIT
Basic Set
1000731 [U60020] STUDENT KIT
1000732 [U60040] STUDENT KIT
1000733 [U60050-115] STUDENT KIT
광 학 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1000734 [U60050-230] STUDENT KIT 광 학
1009883 [U60060] STUDENT KIT
1017213 [U60070] STUDENT KIT
1017593 [U70010] Earth Layer Model with Seismic Waves
1017593 [U70010] Earth Layer Model with Seismic Waves
1017594 [U70020] Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1017595 [U70030] Stratovolcano
1017595 [U70030] Stratovolcano
1018442 [U72010] Collection 24 Volcanic Rocks and Minerals
1018444 [U72020] Collection of 24 Minerals
1018488 [U72025] Mohs' Hardness Scale
1018462 [U72035] Set of Three Volcanic Rocks
1018441 [U73005] Geological Compass
1018440 [U78440] Relief Globe
4003748 [U8400735] Set of 3 Steel Balls
1000738 [U8400830] Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g
1000741 [U8401010] Helical Springs 5.25 N/m
1000742 [U8401550] Graduated Ruler, 1 m
1000743 [U8401560] Vertical Ruler, 1 m
1006494 [U8401570] Set of Riders for Rulers
1009738 [U8402501] Dynamometer with Round Dial, 1 N
1009739 [U8402502] Dynamometer with Round Dial, 2 N
1024238 [U8402505] Dynamometer with Round Dial, 5 N
1009741 [U8402510] Dynamometer with Round Dial, 10 N
1000752 [U8403315] Set of 3 Cylinders, Equal in Volume
1000756 [U8403955] Support for Photo Gate - 
variable-g pendulum
1018075 [U8404050] Trigger Device for Maxwell’s Wheel
1000762 [U8404275-115] Pendulum Rod with Angle Sensor, 12V AC (115V,50/60Hz)
1000763 [U8404275-230] Pendulum Rod with Angle Sensor, 12V AC (230V,50/60Hz)
1006889 [U8404550] Object for Measurement Exercises
1000768 [U8404556] Set of 5 Density Bodies
1000769 [U8404700] Set of 10 Weights, 20 g
1000770 [U8404710] Set of 10 Weights, 10 g
1000771 [U8404720] Set of 10 Weights, 50 g
1009942 [U8405120] Friction Measuring Apparatus -
investigation of static and kinetic friction
1000780 [U8405640] Pendulum with Plotting Electrode
1003515 [U8405820] Helical Springs 2,5 N/m
1003516 [U8405830] Coil Spring Slinky
1000786 [U8405840] Helical Springs 1,5 N/m
1000789 [U8408035] 베이스 플레이트  –
STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
4003868 [U8409170] Big pulley Ø 80 mm
4003876 [U8409250] Block for Friction Experiments
1008513 [U8409270] Centre-of-Gravity Plate -
Component of Mechanics Kit for Whiteboard
1000791 [U8410355] Buoyancy Apparatus
1000793 [U8410620] Blue Food Colouring
1000794 [U8411130] Vessel for Demonstrating Surface Tension
1003518 [U8411310] Vessel with Overflow, Transparent
1009943 [U8421300] Vacuum Recipient
1003519 [U8422050] Sphere for Weighing Gases 1000 ml
1009924 [U8430185] 입술 휘슬
1000803 [U8430245] Holding Rod with 4 mm Bore
1000804 [U8430290] Metallophone
1003520 [U8430310] Helmholtz Resonator d = 70 mm
1003521 [U8430320] Helmholtz Resonator d = 52 mm
1003522 [U8430330] Helmholtz Resonator d = 40 mm
1003523 [U8430340] Helmholtz Resonator d = 34 mm
1000808 [U8431776] Band Wave Device -
demonstrating transverse standing waves
1000815 [U8432850] Cork Powder, 10 g
1000817 [U8440450] Stirling Engine D
1008516 [U8440455] Supplement: Stirling Engine D
1000822 [U8441020] Calorimeter with Heating Coil, 150 ml
1000824 [U8441301] Thermopile, Moll Type
1000827 [U8442110] Cast Iron Bolts, Set of 10 Bolts
1012862 [U8442250] Gauge with Adapter
1000832 [U8442610] Aluminum Granules, 100 g
1000833 [U8442620] Copper Shot, 200 g
1000834 [U8442640] Glass Granules, 100 g
1000835 [U8442835] Leslie Cube
1003525 [U8451204] Thermometer -10°C – 200°C
1003526 [U8451310] Rod Thermometer -10 – 100°C
1003528 [U8452570] Thermometer clip
1000841 [U8470110] Converging Lens N, f = +300 mm
1000842 [U8470120] Converging Lens N, f = +100 mm
1000843 [U8470130] Converging Lens N, f = +50 mm
1000844 [U8470140] Diverging Lens N, f = -100 mm
1000845 [U8470350] Object Holder N
1003530 [U8470390] Right-Angled Prism, Plexiglass, 30 mm x 30 mm, height 30 mm
4003987 [U8470465] Optical Bench N
1000846 [U8470790] Set of 5 Single Slits
1000848 [U8470800] Set of 5 Hole Diaphragms
4004002 [U8470870] Single Slit N
1000850 [U8472345] Iris Diaphragm K
1003531 [U8472660] Hand Spectroscope with Amici Prism
1000855 [U8474000] Object Holder on Stem
1000856 [U8474015] Adjustable Slit on Stem
1012863 [U8474050] Holder on Stem for Direct-Vision Prism
1012860 [U8474060] Flint Glass Block for Faraday Effect
1009925 [U8475205] Concave Mirror K
1009926 [U8475230] Optical Bench K, 500 mm
1009696 [U8475240] Optical Bench K, 1000 mm
1000862 [U8475350] Optical Rider K
1003533 [U8475410] Halogen Lamp 12 V, 20 W
1008518 [U84755401] Clamp K
1000868 [U8475550] Holder K for Diode Laser
1003534 [U8475830] Cuvette, Rectangular, 80x30x80 mm³
1000869 [U8475901] Converging Lens K, f = 50 mm
1010300 [U8475911] Converging Lens K, f = +100 mm
1000871 [U8475921] Converging Lens K, f = +150 mm
1009861 [U8475925] Converging Lens K, f = +200 mm
1009866 [U8475931] Converging Lens K, f =+300 mm
1009863 [U8475941] Convex Lens K, f = 500 mm
1009864 [U8475951] Diverging Lens K, f = -100 mm
1009865 [U8475961] Diverging Lens K, f = -500 mm
1000878 [U8476310] Projection Screen K, Transparent
1000879 [U8476320] Projection Screen K, White
1000880 [U8476371] Plexiglas Plate
1009927 [U8476515] Fresnel Mirror K
1009929 [U8476526] Pair of Polarisation Filters K
1000885 [U8476600] Diaphragm with 3 Single Slits and 1 Double Slit
1000886 [U8476605] Set of 4 Image Objects
1000887 [U8476630] Micrometer Screw K
1000889 [U8476655] Diaphragm with 9 circular discs
1000891 [U8476665] Diaphragm with 9 circular holes
1008519 [U8476675] Adjustable Slit K
1003536 [U8476714-230] Spare Bulbs for Halogen Lamp (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003539 [U8476810] Spectral Lamp He
1003541 [U8476840] Spectral Lamp Na
1003543 [U8476850] Spectral Lamp Ne
1003544 [U8476855] Spectral Lamp Tl
1009700 [U8477130] 보충 집합 : 간섭 –
광학 시스템 Kroencke
1009701 [U8477140] 보충 집합 : 편광 –
광학 시스템 Kroencke
4004057 [U8478110] Triple/Quintuple Slit N
1009948 [U8481425] 세밀 빔 튜브용 작동 장치
1000906 [U8481500] Helmholtz Coils, 300 mm
1017801 [U8481531] Electromotor and Generator, complete
1000917 [U8482460] Light Emitting Diodes for Determination of h
1012818 [U8482530-115] 측정 / 제어 장치 – 프랑크-헤르츠 실험
(115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1012819 [U8482530-230] 측정 / 제어 장치 – 프랑크-헤르츠 실험
(230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1000920 [U8483219] Steel Safe for Radioactive Materials
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1000921 [U8483220] Cloud Chamber
1009934 [U8487000] Basic Hall Effect Apparatus
1008523 [U8490050] Stefan Boltzmann lamp
1000926 [U8491791] Straight Conductor on Acrylic Base
1000927 [U8491792] Loop-Shaped Conductor on Acrylic Base
1000928 [U8491793] Coil on Acrylic Base
1003554 [U8491820] AlNiCo Bar Magnet, 70 mm
1003555 [U8491900] Magnetic Field Indicator
1000936 [U8492341] Cardboard Plate
1000938 [U8492350] Conducting Sphere, d = 85 mm, with 4 mm Plug
1009950 [U8493600-115] Microwave Set 10.5 GHz (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1009951 [U8493600-230] Microwave Set 9.4 GHz (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003556 [U8495210] Cylindrical Bar Magnet 50x20 mm
1000943 [U8495222] Suspended Magnet
1013123 [U8495245] Globe with Bar Magnet
1000946 [U8495310] Lamp Socket E10 on Acrylic Base
1000947 [U8495320] Lamp Socket E14 on Acrylic Base
1000948 [U8495350] Set of Conductors and Non-Conductors
1000949 [U8495420] Resistance Wire - Copper 0,3 mm
1000950 [U8495460] Resistance Wire - Iron 0,3 mm
1000951 [U8495490] Resistance Wire - Nickel 0,3 mm
1000953 [U8495505] Resistance Wire - Chrome-Nickel 0.3 mm
1000954 [U8495515] Resistance Wire - Chrome-Nickel 0.5 mm
1000955 [U8495527] Resistance Wire - Constantan 0.2 mm
1000956 [U8495532] Constantan Resistance 0,3 mm / 100 m
1000957 [U8495537] Resistance Wire - Constantan 0.4 mm
1000958 [U8495540] Resistance Wire - Constantan 0.5 mm
1000959 [U8495550] Resistance Wire - Brass 0.3 mm
1008524 [U8495610] Holder for Components
1000960 [U8495910] Toggle Switch on Acrylic Base
1000961 [U8495920] Single-Throw Switch on Acrylic Base
1000962 [U8495930] Momentary Contact Switch on Acrylic Base
1000964 [U8496150] Stand for Cylindrical Coils
1000965 [U8496175] Coil with Variable Number of Turns per Unit Length
1000967 [U8496255] Additional Coil for Tesla Transformer
1012861 [U8496420] Accessories for Faraday Effect
1000972 [U8496460] Faraday Cup
1007027 [U8496816] Glycerine
1000977 [U8497181] Pair of Clamps D
1000978 [U8497200] Pair of Pole Shoes D
1009935 [U8497205] Pair of Pole Shoes and Clamping Brackets D for Hall Effect
1000979 [U8497215] U Core D
1000982 [U8497330] Set of 5 Metal Strips
1000983 [U8497331] Set of 20 Nails for Nail Fusing Experiment
1012859 [U8497390] Coil D, 900 Turns
1000985 [U8497410] Low Voltage Coil
1000988 [U8497430] Coil D with 600 Turns
1000989 [U8497440] Coil D with 1200 Turns
1000990 [U8497450] Coil D with 6000 Taps
1000992 [U8497470] Metal Ring for Thomson Coil
1000995 [U8497740] Contact Stand with Terminal Sockets
1000997 [U8498030-115] 전원 공급 장치 115 V –
STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
1001000 [U8498070] Coil S with 600 Turns
1001001 [U8498080] Coil S with 800 Turns
1001002 [U8498085] Coil S with 1200 Taps
1001003 [U8498090] Coil S with 2400 Turns
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
1017735 [U8498304] Geared Motor with Pulley
4008308 [U8498307] Microphone probe, short
1008527 [U8501000] STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
1008528 [U8502000] STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
1008530 [U8503000-115] STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
광 학 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1008531 [U8503000-230] STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
광 학
1006804 [U8504000] STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
1001005 [U8511200] Induction Tube Apparatus with 6 Coils
1009545 [U8521380] AC 플러그형 전원 공급 장치 ,
12 V AC, 500 mA (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1001014 [U8521385] AC 플러그형 전원 공급 장치 ,
12 V AC, 700 mA
1018832 [U8531051] Digital Multimeter E
1006813 [U8531420] Electrometer Accessories
1001026 [U8532126] Conducting Sphere, d = 30 mm, with 4 mm Plug
1001027 [U8532131] Kolbe's Electroscope
1001032 [U8533341-115] Digital Counter (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1001033 [U8533341-230] Digital Counter (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1009956 [U8533600-115] Power Function Generator (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1009957 [U8533600-230] Power Function Generator (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1012892 [U8533999] Flexible Magnetic Field Sensor
1009959 [U8556012] Lenz's Law Apparatus
1013228 [U8556020] Gyroscope S
1009960 [U8557000] Protective Adapter, 3-Pole
1009961 [U8557001] Protective Adapter, 2-Pole
1009963 [U8557110] Charge Storage Device with Piezo Charger
1017895 [U8557160] Demo Multimeter
1018466 [U8557170] Kater’s Reversible Pendulum
1018448 [U8557210] Holder for Light Barrier
1018449 [U8557220] Holder for Plug-in Components
1018528 [U8557270] Supplement: Young’s Modulus
4008112 [U8557290] Paraffin Prism
1013526 [U8557330] Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 30
1017875 [U8557350] Rotating Base for Leslie Cube
1013527 [U8557380] Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 100
1018874 [U8557440] Stand with H-Shaped Base
1019180 [U8557450] Set of Hook Weights and Thread
1019212 [U8557470] Holder for Magnetic Field Sensor
1019304 [U8557490] Oil for Millikan’s Apparatus
1018889 [U8557500] Equipment Kit “Hysteresis Curve”
4008614 [U8557510] 프랑크-헤르츠 관 (네온) –
예비 부품
1019388 [U8557520] Combined Holder for Hall Effect
1020744 [U8557560-115] Measurement Amplifier U (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1020742 [U8557560-230] Measurement Amplifier U (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
4008293 [U8557626] HF Patch Cord, BNC/4 mm Plug
1021443 [U8557730]
1021369 [U8557810]
1021406 [U8557820-115]
1021405 [U8557820-230]
1021799 [U8557825]
1021532 [U8557850]
1021533 [U8557860] Relative Pressure Sensor FW ±1000 hPa
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021534 [U8557870] Displacement Sensor FW
1021622 [U8557890-115] 전압 공급 ,
±12 V; P4W50 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1021621 [U8557890-230] 전압 공급 ,
±12 V; P4W50
1021686 [U8557930-230] 전원 공급 장치 230 V –
STUDENT KIT - 더 높은 수준
1021766 [U8558000] Magnetic Field Sensor FW ± 2000 mT
1021806 [U8558030] Experiment Motor with Gearbox
1001043 [U8611150] Stand Base, A-Shaped 270 mm
1001044 [U8611160] Stand Base, A-Shaped 195 mm
1001045 [U8611200] Barrel Foot, 900 g
1001046 [U8611210] Barrel Foot, 500 g
1012847 [U8611460] Stainless Steel Rod 400 mm
1012848 [U8611461] Rod 280 mm
1003565 [U8621240] Alcohol Burner
1001048 [U8621250] Wick
1003566 [U8624110-230] Immersion Heater (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1001052 [U8671420] Set of Weights 100 g to 2000 g
1001054 [U8713100] Rod Clamp with Insulator
1001055 [U8724980] Cord for Experiments
1003569 [U8741180] Pneumatic Lighter
1003570 [U8741185] Spare Tube
1001057 [U8761161-230] Polarimeter with 4 LEDs
1003571 [U8776140] Storage Box
1012900 [U9004673] AC 플러그형 전원 공급 장치 ,
12 V AC, 2000 mA
1012899 [U9004674] AC 플러그형 전원 공급 장치 ,
12 V AC, 2000 mA (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
1017231 [U99999-610] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 5.1-7.2
4008573 [U99999-611] Replacement Circuit Board for Tube Holder S
1021477 [UCMA-001] VinciLab
1021516 [UCMA-001stand] VinciLab Stand
1021673 [UCMA-010]
1021481 [UCMA-031] pH Electrode
1021677 [UCMA-0364]
1021504 [UCMA-0388] UVA Sensor *
1022895 [UCMA-048i] Heart-Rate Sensor *
1021503 [UCMA-0513] Light Sensor *
1021682 [UCMA-BT02] Voltage Sensor 10 V
1021497 [UCMA-BT05] Temperature Sensor NTC *
1021674 [UCMA-BT10i]
1021675 [UCMA-BT11i]
1021761 [UCMA-BT17I]
1021684 [UCMA-BT19i]
1021678 [UCMA-BT21i]
1021506 [UCMA-BT24i] CO2 Gas Sensor 5,000 ppm
1021507 [UCMA-BT25i] CO2 Gas Sensor 100,000 ppm
1021493 [UCMA-BT27i] Conductivity Sensor
1021492 [UCMA-BT29i] Colorimeter
1022539 [UCMA-BT31i] Differential Voltage Sensor 10 V
1021681 [UCMA-BT32i]
1021496 [UCMA-BT34i] Dissolved Oxygen Sensor *
1021487 [UCMA-BT36i] ECG Sensor
1021676 [UCMA-BT42i] Force Sensor
1021502 [UCMA-BT50i] Light Sensor, Three Ranges
1021685 [UCMA-BT52i]
1021479 [UCMA-BT57i] Redox Sensor
1021508 [UCMA-BT59i] Oxygen Gas Sensor *
1021480 [UCMA-BT61i] pH Sensor
1021511 [UCMA-BT66i] Pressure Sensor
1021512 [UCMA-BT70i] α, ß, γ Sensor *
1021510 [UCMA-BT72i] Humidity Sensor
1021494 [UCMA-BT78i] Salinity Sensor
1021513 [UCMA-BT80i] Sound Sensor
1021490 [UCMA-BT82FIL] Disposable Bacterial Filter
1021489 [UCMA-BT82i] Spirometer Sensor
1021491 [UCMA-BT82MP] Disposable Mouthpiece (Set of 100 mouthpieces, disposable)
1021499 [UCMA-BT84i] Temperature Sensor
1021495 [UCMA-BT88i] Turbidity Sensor
1021514 [UCMA-BTsc1] Sensor Cable
8000530 [UE1030260-230/115]
8000753 [UE1040320-230/115] Experiment: Maxwell’s Wheel
8000553 [UE1050221-230] Experiment: Kater’s Reversible Pendulum (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
8000557 [UE1050311-230]
8000563 [UE1050600-230] Experiment: Coupled Oscillations (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
8001124 [UE1070100-115] Chladni Figures @115V
8000606 [UE3020100-230] Experiment: Charged droplets of water, Basic equipment (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
8000762 [UE3030350-115] Experiment: Electric Balance (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
8000765 [UE3040300-230]
8000666 [UE3070500-230] Experiment: Thomson Tube (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
8000687 [UE4040100] Experiment: Malus’ Law 
8000770 [UE4040500-230] 실험: 포 켈스 효과
8000692 [UE4050200-115] 실험: 스테판-볼츠만 법칙
(115 V, 50/60 Hz)
8000693 [UE4050200-230] 실험: 스테판-볼츠만 법칙
8000706 [UE5020100-230] 실험: 선 스펙트럼 (230 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠), 기본 장비  LD
8000707 [UE5020100S] 실험: 선 스펙트럼 –
보충 LD
8000713 [UE5020400-115] 실험: 프랑크-헤르츠 – 네온
(115 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠)
8000721 [UE5030200-115]
8000723 [UE6020100-115] 실험:전도성 반도체에서 (115 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠), 기본 장비
8000724 [UE6020100-230] 실험:전도성 반도체에서 (230 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠), 기본 장비
8000727 [UE6020200-115] 실험: 홀 효과 반도체에서 (115 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠)
8000728 [UE6020200-230] 실험: 홀 효과 반도체에서 (230 볼트, 50/60 헤르츠)
1001167 [V2016M] 건치 차트
4006542 [V2043U] 인체 소화 기관차트
1001235 [VA01] 전신근육모형(전신근육 37분리) Life-Size Human Male Muscular Figure, 37 part
1001235 [VA01] 전신근육모형(전신근육 37분리) Life-Size Human Male Muscular Figure, 37 part
1001236 [VA16] 실물크기 상반신 근육모형, 27파트 Life-Size Human Muscle Torso Model, 27 part
1001236 [VA16] 실물크기 상반신 근육모형, 27파트 Life-Size Human Muscle Torso Model, 27 part
1001237 [VA20] MRI 횡단면 상반신 모형 MRI Torso Model with 15 Transverse Sections
1001237 [VA20] MRI 횡단면 상반신 모형 MRI Torso Model with 15 Transverse Sections
1001239 [VB127] 얼굴 근육모형

Head Musculature
1001239 [VB127] 얼굴 근육모형

Head Musculature
1001240 [VB128] 혈관 있는 얼굴 근육 모형

Head Musculature additionally with Blood Vessels
1001240 [VB128] 혈관 있는 얼굴 근육 모형

Head Musculature additionally with Blood Vessels
1008543 [VB129] 신경이 있는 얼굴 근육모형

Head Musculature additionally with Nerves
1008543 [VB129] 신경이 있는 얼굴 근육모형

Head Musculature additionally with Nerves
1008545 [VB84] 부드러운 추간판이 있는 척추모형 Flexible Spine Model with Soft Intervertebral Discs
1001242 [VC219] 기능형 후두 모형, 실제 크기 3배 Functional Larynx Model, 3 times full-size
1001242 [VC219] 기능형 후두 모형, 실제 크기 3배 Functional Larynx Model, 3 times full-size
1001243 [VC243] 호흡기계모형 (후두가 포함된 폐 모형)  Lung Model with Larynx, 5 part
1001243 [VC243] 호흡기계모형 (후두가 포함된 폐 모형)  Lung Model with Larynx, 5 part
1001244 [VD250] 대형 심장모형, 실제크기 8배 Giant Heart, 8 times life size
1001244 [VD250] 대형 심장모형, 실제크기 8배 Giant Heart, 8 times life size
1008547 [VD251] 횡경막 위에 거치된 심장모형, 실제크기3배, 10-파트 Heart on Diaphragm, 3 times life size, 10 part
1008547 [VD251] 횡경막 위에 거치된 심장모형, 실제크기3배, 10-파트 Heart on Diaphragm, 3 times life size, 10 part
1008548 [VD253] 성인 심장모형, 7-파트 Heart, 7 part
1008548 [VD253] 성인 심장모형, 7-파트 Heart, 7 part
1001247 [VE281] 성인 치열 모형 Adult Dentures
1001247 [VE281] 성인 치열 모형 Adult Dentures
1001248 [VE282] 어린이 치열 모형 Milk Dentures
1001248 [VE282] 어린이 치열 모형 Milk Dentures
1001250 [VE290] 치아질환이 있는 하악 모형, 19-파트 Advanced Half Lower Jaw with 8 diseased teeth, 19 part
1001250 [VE290] 치아질환이 있는 하악 모형, 19-파트 Advanced Half Lower Jaw with 8 diseased teeth, 19 part
1008550 [VE315] 간, 담낭, 이자, 십이지장 모형

Liver with Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Duodenum
1008550 [VE315] 간, 담낭, 이자, 십이지장 모형

Liver with Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Duodenum
1008551 [VF325] 남성 비뇨기계 모형, 실제크기 3/4배

Urinary System - Male - 3/4 Life Size
1008551 [VF325] 남성 비뇨기계 모형, 실제크기 3/4배

Urinary System - Male - 3/4 Life Size
1001257 [VG391] 배아 발달 12단계 모형 Embryonic Development Model in 12 stages
1001257 [VG391] 배아 발달 12단계 모형 Embryonic Development Model in 12 stages
1001258 [VG392] 분만 과정 5단계 모형 Birthing Process, 5 stages
1001259 [VG393] 분만 단계 모형 Labor Stages Model
1001261 [VH409] 대형 뇌모형, 실제크기 2.5배, 14-파트 Giant Brain, 2.5 times full-size, 14 part
1001261 [VH409] 대형 뇌모형, 실제크기 2.5배, 14-파트 Giant Brain, 2.5 times full-size, 14 part
1001262 [VH410] 뇌실 모형 Brain Ventricle
1001262 [VH410] 뇌실 모형 Brain Ventricle
1001264 [VJ500A] 안구 모형 5배 확대 12파트 Eye 5 times full-size 12 part
1001264 [VJ500A] 안구 모형 5배 확대 12파트 Eye 5 times full-size 12 part
1024391 [VJ500AD] 안구 모형 5배 확대 12파트 Eye 5 times full-size 12 part, dark skin
1001266 [VJ510] 세계에서 가장 큰 귀모형, 15배 확대, 3파트  World's Largest Ear Model, 15 times Full-Size, 3 part
1001266 [VJ510] 세계에서 가장 큰 귀모형, 15배 확대, 3파트  World's Largest Ear Model, 15 times Full-Size, 3 part
1008553 [VJ513] 대형 귀 모형, 실물 크기 5배, 3파트 Giant Ear Model, 5 times Full-Size, 3 part
1008553 [VJ513] 대형 귀 모형, 실물 크기 5배, 3파트 Giant Ear Model, 5 times Full-Size, 3 part
1008554 [VL650] Human Cell Model, 40,000 Times Life-Size
1008554 [VL650] Human Cell Model, 40,000 Times Life-Size
1001293 [VP750/1] 호모 에렉투스 페키네시스 두개골 모형 Replica Homo Erectus Pekinensis Skull (Weidenreich, 1940)
1001293 [VP750/1] 호모 에렉투스 페키네시스 두개골 모형 Replica Homo Erectus Pekinensis Skull (Weidenreich, 1940)
1001294 [VP751/1] 라샤펠오생호모 (사피엔스) 네안데르탈렌시스 두개골 모형 Replica Homo Neanderthalensis Skull (La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1)
1001294 [VP751/1] 라샤펠오생호모 (사피엔스) 네안데르탈렌시스 두개골 모형 Replica Homo Neanderthalensis Skull (La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1)
1001295 [VP752/1] 호모 사피엔스 두개골 모형 (크로마뇽인) Replica Homo Sapiens Skull (Crô-Magnon)
1001295 [VP752/1] 호모 사피엔스 두개골 모형 (크로마뇽인) Replica Homo Sapiens Skull (Crô-Magnon)
1001296 [VP753/1] 호모 슈타인하임 모형 (베르케머, 1936)  Replica Homo steinheimnensis Skull (Berkhemer, 1936)
1001296 [VP753/1] 호모 슈타인하임 모형 (베르케머, 1936)  Replica Homo steinheimnensis Skull (Berkhemer, 1936)
1001297 [VP754/1] 호모 로데시아인 모형  Replica Homo rhodesiensis Skull (Broken HillŸ Woodward, 1921)
1001297 [VP754/1] 호모 로데시아인 모형  Replica Homo rhodesiensis Skull (Broken HillŸ Woodward, 1921)
1001298 [VP755/1] 오스트랄로피테쿠스 보이세이 두개골 모형 Replica Australopithecus Boisei Skull (KNM-ER 406 + Omo L7A-125)
1001298 [VP755/1] 오스트랄로피테쿠스 보이세이 두개골 모형 Replica Australopithecus Boisei Skull (KNM-ER 406 + Omo L7A-125)
1001299 [VP760/1] Chimpanzee Skull (Pan troglodytes), Female. Replica
1001299 [VP760/1] Chimpanzee Skull (Pan troglodytes), Female. Replica
1001300 [VP761/1] Orangutan Skull (Pongo pygmaeus), Male, Replica
1001300 [VP761/1] Orangutan Skull (Pongo pygmaeus), Male, Replica
1001301 [VP762/1] Gorilla Skull (Gorilla gorilla), Male, Replica
1001301 [VP762/1] Gorilla Skull (Gorilla gorilla), Male, Replica
1001468 [VR1113L] 인체 골격 차트
4006651 [VR1113UU] 인체 골격 차트
1001470 [VR1118L] 인체 근육 차트
4006652 [VR1118UU] 인체 근육 차트
1001472 [VR1121L] 골다공증 차트
4006653 [VR1121UU] 골다공증 차트
1001474 [VR1123L] 관절염 차트
4006654 [VR1123UU] 관절염 차트
1001476 [VR1124L] 류머티스 질환 차트
4006655 [VR1124UU] 류머티즘 관절염 차트
1001478 [VR1131L] 인간 두개골 차트
4006656 [VR1131UU] 인간 두개골 차트
1001480 [VR1152L] 척추 차트
4006657 [VR1152UU] 척추 차트
1001482 [VR1170L] 어깨와 팔꿈치 차트
4006658 [VR1170UU] 어깨와 팔꿈치 차트
1001484 [VR1171L] 손과 손목 차트
4006659 [VR1171UU] 손과 손목 차트
1001486 [VR1172L] 골반과 고관절 차트
4006660 [VR1172UU] 골반과 고관절 차트
1001488 [VR1174L] 무릎 관절 차트
4006661 [VR1174UU] 무릎 관절 차트
1001490 [VR1176L] 발 및 발관절 차트
4006662 [VR1176UU] 발 및 발관절 차트
1001494 [VR1188L] 스포츠 부상 차트
4006664 [VR1188UU] 스포츠 부상 차트
1001496 [VR1226L] 안구 차트
4006665 [VR1226UU] 안구 차트
1001498 [VR1231L] 안구 질병 차트
4006666 [VR1231UU] 안구 질병 차트
1001500 [VR1243L] 인간의 귀 차트
4006667 [VR1243UU] 인간의 귀 차트
1001502 [VR1248L] 후두 차트
4006668 [VR1248UU] 후두 차트
1001504 [VR1251L] 비염과 부비동염 차트
4006669 [VR1251UU] 비염과 부비동염 차트
1001506 [VR1252L] 중이질환 차트
4006670 [VR1252UU] 중이질환 차트
1001508 [VR1253L] 기도 감염(호흡기 감염) 차트
4006671 [VR1253UU] 기도 감염(호흡기 감염) 차트
1001510 [VR1263L] 치아 차트
4006672 [VR1263UU] 치아 차트
1001512 [VR1283L] 치아 차트
4006673 [VR1283UU] 피부 차트
1001514 [VR1295L] 피부암 차트
4006674 [VR1295UU] 피부암 차트
1001516 [VR1322L] 호흡기계 차트
4006675 [VR1322UU] 호흡기계 차트
1001518 [VR1326L] 폐렴 차트
4006676 [VR1326UU] 급성 폐렴 차트
1001520 [VR1328L] 천식 차트
4006678 [VR1329UU] 만성폐쇄성폐질환 차트
1001524 [VR1334L] 심장차트-해부와 생리학 차트
4006679 [VR1334UU] 심장차트-해부와 생리학 차트
1001526 [VR1343L] 심장 질환 차트
4006680 [VR1343UU] 심장 질환 차트
1001528 [VR1353L] 혈관계 차트
4006681 [VR1353UU] 혈관계 차트
1001530 [VR1359L] 임상적으로 중요한 혈관 및 신경 경로 차트
4006682 [VR1359UU] 임상적으로 중요한 혈관 및 신경 경로 차트
1001532 [VR1361L] 고혈압 차트
4006683 [VR1361UU] 고혈압 차트
1001534 [VR1367L] 정맥류 차트
4006684 [VR1367UU] 정맥류 차트
1001538 [VR1379L] 혈액 차트
4006686 [VR1379UU] 혈액 차트
1001540 [VR1392L] 림프계 차트
4006687 [VR1392UU] 림프계 차트
1001542 [VR1422L] 소화기 차트
4006688 [VR1422UU] 소화기 차트
1001544 [VR1425L] 간 차트
4006689 [VR1425UU] 간 차트
1001546 [VR1426L] 위 차트
4006690 [VR1426UU] 위 차트
1001548 [VR1431L] 소화기 질환 차트
4006691 [VR1431UU] 소화기 질환 차트
1001550 [VR1432L] 대장암 차트
4006692 [VR1432UU] 대장암 차트
1001552 [VR1435L] 간염 차트
4006693 [VR1435UU] 간염 차트
1001554 [VR1441L] 당뇨병 차트
4006694 [VR1441UU] 당뇨병 차트
1001558 [VR1452L] 콜레스테롤 차트
4006696 [VR1452UU] 콜레스테롤 차트
1001562 [VR1514L] 요로(해부생리학)차트
4006698 [VR1514UU] 요로(해부생리학)차트
1001564 [VR1515L] 신장 차트
4006699 [VR1515UU] 신장 차트
1001566 [VR1528L] 전립선 차트
4006700 [VR1528UU] 전립선 차트
1001568 [VR1532L] 여성 생식기 차트
4006701 [VR1532UU] 여성 생식기 차트
1001572 [VR1554L] 임신 차트
4006703 [VR1554UU] 임신 차트
1001574 [VR1555L] 출산 차트
4006705 [VR1556UU] 여성 유방 차트 - 해부학, 병리학 및 자기 검진
1001578 [VR1557L] 모유 수유 차트
4006706 [VR1557UU] 모유 수유 차트
1001582 [VR1610L] 자율신경계 차트
4006708 [VR1610UU] 식물신경계 차트
1001584 [VR1615L] 뇌 차트
4006709 [VR1615UU] 뇌 차트
1001586 [VR1620L] 신경계 차트
4006710 [VR1620UU] 신경계 차트
1001588 [VR1621L] 척추 신경 차트
4006711 [VR1621UU] 척수 신경 차트
1001590 [VR1627L] 뇌졸중 차트
4006712 [VR1627UU] 뇌졸중 차트
4006713 [VR1628UU] 알츠하이머 차트
1001596 [VR1660L] Allergies Chart
4006715 [VR1660UU] Allergies Chart
1001606 [VR1717L] 욕창 차트
4006720 [VR1717UU] 욕창 차트
1001608 [VR1722L] 독감 차트
1001610 [VR1725L] HIV and AIDS Chart
4006722 [VR1725UU] HIV and AIDS Chart
1001612 [VR1753L] 암 차트
4006723 [VR1753UU] 암 차트
1001616 [VR1770L] 기본소생술 차트
4006725 [VR1770UU] 기본소생술 차트  Basic Life Support Chart
1001620 [VR1792L] Alcohol Dependence Chart
4006727 [VR1792UU] Alcohol Dependence Chart
1001622 [VR1793L] Nicotine Dependence Chart
4006728 [VR1793UU] Nicotine Dependence Chart
1001624 [VR1810L] 발 반사구 마사지 차트
4006729 [VR1810UU] 발 반사구 마사지 차트
1001626 [VR1820L] Body Acupuncture Chart
4006730 [VR1820UU] Body Acupuncture Chart
1001628 [VR1821L] Ear Acupuncture Chart
4006731 [VR1821UU] Ear Acupuncture Chart
1003625 [W10532] 발치 가능한 두개골 모형, 4파트 분리형 Skull Model with Teeth for Extraction, 4 part
1021246 [W116091] Dissecting Set DS6
1003771 [W11610] Dissecting Set DS10
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003783 [W11706] Oil-Test Paper and pH Test Paper
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003794 [W11723] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-14
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003795 [W11724] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 0-6
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003796 [W11725] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 4.5-10
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1003797 [W11726] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 7-14
1022589 [W11752]
1022593 [W11756]
1022601 [W11764]
1003806 [W11851] 물리적 안구 모델 –
실험 세트
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1018516 [W12700] Teaching Case “Soil Analysis” VISOCOLOR®
1021152 [W12704] Folding Filters, MN 616 1/4
1021153 [W12705] pH - Indicator Test Sticks, pH 2,0-9,0
1022929 [W12706]
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021115 [W12720] Teaching Case “Water Analysis” (Visocolor® School)
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021116 [W12721] Visocolor® School Refill
1021117 [W12722] Visocolor® School Color Card
1021118 [W12723] Visocolor® School Manual
1021143 [W12730] QUANTOFIX® Nitrates/Nitrites
1021144 [W12731] QUANTOFIX® Ammonium
1021145 [W12760] Urine test strips for animals MEDI-TEST Combi 10 VET
1021147 [W12780] Compact Photometer PF 3 Soil
1021146 [W12781] Compact Photometer PF 3 Fish
1021148 [W12790] Compact Photometer PF 12Plus
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021122 [W12804] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Ammonium 3
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021137 [W12842] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Iron 2
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021124 [W12846] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Overall hardness
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021126 [W12850] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Potassium
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021128 [W12862] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrate
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021130 [W12864] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Nitrite
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021132 [W12866] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 4.0 - 9.0
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021134 [W12868] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test pH 6.1 - 8.4
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021135 [W12870] VISOCOLOR® ECO Test Phosphate
1021141 [W12902] VISOCOLOR® HE pH 4-9
1003847 [W13001] Protozoa - German Slides
1003848 [W13001F] Protozoa - French Slides
1003849 [W13001P] Protozoa - Portuguese Slides
1003850 [W13001S] Protozoa - Spanish Slides
1003851 [W13002] Coelenterata and Porifera - German Slides
1003852 [W13002F] Coelenterata and Porifera - French Slides
1003853 [W13002P] Coelenterata and Porifera - Portuguese Slides
1003854 [W13002S] Coelenterata and Porifera - Spanish Slides
1003855 [W13003] Vermes (Helminthes) - German Slides
1003856 [W13003F] Vermes (Helminthes) - French Slides
1003857 [W13003P] Vermes (Helminthes) - Portuguese Slides
1003858 [W13003S] Vermes (Helminthes) - Spanish Slides
1003859 [W13004] Crustacea - German Slides
1003860 [W13004F] Crustacea - French
1003861 [W13004P] Crustacea - Portuguese Slides
1003862 [W13004S] Crustacea - Spanish
1003863 [W13005] Arachnoidea and Myriapoda - German Slides
1003864 [W13005F] Arachnoidea and Myriapoda - French
1003865 [W13005P] Arachnoidea and Myriapoda - Portuguese Slides
1003866 [W13005S] Arachnoidea and Myriapoda - Spanish
1003867 [W13006] Insect (Insecta) - German Slides
1003868 [W13006F] Insect (Insecta) - French
1003869 [W13006P] Insect (Insecta) - Portugiesisch
1003870 [W13006S] Insect (Insecta) - Spanish
1003871 [W13007] Mollusca - German Slides
1003872 [W13007F] Mollusca - French
1003873 [W13007P] Mollusca - Portuguese Slides
1003874 [W13007S] Mollusca - Spanish
1003875 [W13008] Echinodermata, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda - German Slides
1003876 [W13008F] Echinodermata, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda - French
1003877 [W13008P] Echinodermata, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda - Portuguese Slides
1003878 [W13008S] Echinodermata, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda - Spanish
1003879 [W13009] Cephalochordata (Acrania) - German Slides
1003880 [W13009F] Cephalochordata (Acrania) - French
1003881 [W13009P] Cephalochordata (Acrania) - Portuguese Slides
1003882 [W13009S] Cephalochordata (Acrania) - Spanish
1003884 [W13011] Bacteria, Basic Set - German Slides
1003885 [W13011F] Bacteria, Basic Set - French
1003886 [W13011P] Bacteria, Basic Set - Portuguese Slides
1003887 [W13011S] Bacteria, Basic Set - Spanish
1003888 [W13012] Algae - German Slides
1003889 [W13012F] Algae - French
1003890 [W13012P] Algae - Portuguese Slides
1003891 [W13012S] Algae - Spanish
1003892 [W13013] Fungi and Lichen - German Slides
1003893 [W13013F] Fungi and Lichen - French
1003894 [W13013P] Fungi and Lichen - Portuguese Slides
1003895 [W13013S] Fungi and Lichen - Spanish
1003896 [W13014] Bryophyta (Liverworts and Mosses) - German Slides
1003897 [W13014F] Bryophyta (Liverworts and Mosses) - French
1003898 [W13014P] Bryophyta (Liverworts and Mosses) - Portuguese Slides
1003899 [W13014S] Bryophyta (Liverworts and Mosses) - Spanish
1003900 [W13015] Pteridophytes (Ferns and Fern Allies) - German Slides
1003901 [W13015F] Pteridophytes (Ferns and Fern Allies) - French
1003902 [W13015P] Pteridophytes (Ferns and Fern Allies) - Portuguese Slides
1003903 [W13015S] Pteridophytes (Ferns and Fern Allies) - Spanish
1003904 [W13016] Angiospermae I. Gymnospermae - German Slides
1003905 [W13016F] Angiospermae I. Gymnospermae - French
1003906 [W13016P] Angiospermae I. Gymnospermae - Portuguese Slides
1003907 [W13016S] Angiospermae I. Gymnospermae - Spanish
1003908 [W13017] Angiospermae II. Cells and Tissues - German Slides
1003909 [W13017F] Angiospermae II. Cells and Tissues - French
1003910 [W13017P] Angiospermae II. Cells and Tissues - Portuguese Slides
1003911 [W13017S] Angiospermae II. Cells and Tissues - Spanish
1003912 [W13018] Angiospermae III. Roots - German Slides
1003913 [W13018F] Angiospermae III. Roots - French
1003914 [W13018P] Angiospermae III. Roots - Portuguese Slides
1003915 [W13018S] Angiospermae III. Roots - Spanish
1003916 [W13019] Angiospermae IV. Stems - German Slides
1003917 [W13019F] Angiospermae IV. Stems - French
1003918 [W13019P] Angiospermae IV. Stems - Portuguese Slides
1003919 [W13019S] Angiospermae IV. Stems - Spanish
1003920 [W13020] Angiospermae V. Leafs - German Slides
1003921 [W13020F] Angiospermae V. Leafs - French
1003922 [W13020P] Angiospermae V. Leafs - Portuguese Slides
1003923 [W13020S] Angiospermae V. Leafs - Spanish
1003924 [W13021] Angiospermae VI. Flowers - German Slides
1003925 [W13021F] Angiospermae VI. Flowers - French
1003926 [W13021P] Angiospermae VI. Flowers - Portuguese Slides
1003927 [W13021S] Angiospermae VI. Flowers - Spanish
1003928 [W13022] Angiospermae VII. Fruits and Seeds - German Slides
1003929 [W13022F] Angiospermae VII. Fruits and Seeds - French
1003930 [W13022P] Angiospermae VII. Fruits and Seeds - Portuguese Slides
1003931 [W13022S] Angiospermae VII. Fruits and Seeds - Spanish
1003932 [W13023] The Animal Cell - German Slides
1003933 [W13023F] The Animal Cell - French
1003934 [W13023P] The Animal Cell - Portuguese Slides
1003935 [W13023S] The Animal Cell - Spanish
1003936 [W13024] Plant Cell - German Slides
1003937 [W13024F] Plant Cell - French
1003938 [W13024P] Plant Cell - Portuguese Slides
1003939 [W13024S] Plant Cell - Spanish
1003940 [W13025] Set of Genetic Slides - German Slides
1003941 [W13025F] Set of Genetic Slides - French
1003942 [W13025P] Set of Genetic Slides - Portuguese Slides
1003943 [W13025S] Set of Genetic Slides - Spanish
1003944 [W13026] Sea Urchin Embryology (Psammechinus miliaris) - German Slides
1003945 [W13026F] Sea Urchin Embryology (Psammechinus miliaris) - French
1003946 [W13026P] Sea Urchin Emryology (Psammechinus miliaris) - Portuguese Slides
1003947 [W13026S] Sea Urchin Embryology (Psammenchinus miliaris) - Spanish
1003948 [W13027] Frog Embryology (Rana) - German Slides
1003949 [W13027F] Frog Embryology (Rana) - French
1003950 [W13027P] Frog Embryology (Rana) - Portuguese Slides
1003951 [W13027S] Frog Embryology (Rana) - Spanish
1003952 [W13028] Chicken Embryology (Gallus domesticus) - German Slides
1003953 [W13028F] Chicken Embryology (Gallus domesticus) - French
1003954 [W13028P] Chicken Embryology (Gallus domesticus) - Portuguese Slides
1003955 [W13028S] Chicken Embryology (Gallus domesticus) - Spanish
1003956 [W13029] Pig Embryology (Sus scrofa) - German Slides
1003957 [W13029F] Pig Embryology (Sus scrofa) - French
1003958 [W13029P] Pig Embryology (Sus scrofa) - Portuguese Slides
1003959 [W13029S] Pig Embryology (Sus scrofa) - Spanish
1003960 [W13030] Protozoa - English Slides
1003961 [W13031] Coelenterata and Porifera - English Slides
1003962 [W13032] Vermes (Helminthes) - English Slides
1003963 [W13033] Crustacea - English Slides
1003964 [W13034] Arachnoidea and Myriapoda - English Slides
1003965 [W13035] Insect (Insecta) - English Slides
1003966 [W13036] Mollusca - English Slides
1003967 [W13037] Echinodermata, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda - English Slides
1003968 [W13038] Cephalochordata (Acrania) - English Slides
1003969 [W13040] Bacteria Set - 25 Slides
1003970 [W13041] Algae - English Slides
1003971 [W13042] Fungi and Lichen - English Slides
1003972 [W13043] Bryophyta (Liverworts and Mosses) - English Slides
1003973 [W13044] Pteriodophytes (Ferns and Fern Allies) - English Slides
1003974 [W13045] Angiospermae I. Gymnospermae - English Slides
1003975 [W13046] Angiospermae II. Cells and Tissues - English Slides
1003976 [W13047] Angiospermae Roots Set- 15 Slides
1003977 [W13048] Angiospermae IV. Stems - English Slides
1003978 [W13049] Angiospermae V. Leafs - English Slides
1003979 [W13050] Angiospermae VI. Flowers - English Slides
1003980 [W13051] Angiospermae VII. Fruits and Seeds - English Slides
1003981 [W13052] The Animal Cell - English Slides
1003982 [W13053] Plant cell - English Slides
1003983 [W13054] Set of Genetic Slides - English Slides
1003984 [W13055] Sea urchin embryology (Psammechinus miliaris) - English Slides
1003985 [W13056] Frog Embryology (Rana) - English Slides
1003986 [W13057] Chicken embryology (Gallus domesticus) - English Slides
1003987 [W13058] Pig embryology (Sus scrofa) - English Slides
1013331 [W13059] Rocks and Minerals, Basic Set no. I - Germarn
1013335 [W13063] Rocks and Minerals, Basic Set no. II - Germarn
1013394 [W13067] School Set A for General Biology, Elementary Set, 25 microscope slides - Italian Slides
1013395 [W13068]
1013396 [W13069] School Set C (supplement for A and B) - Italian Slides
1013397 [W13070] School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - Italian Slides
1013466 [W13076] Mitosis and Meiosis Set I -German
1013469 [W13077] Mitosis and Meiosis Set I - French
1013470 [W13078] Mitosis and Meiosis Set I - Spanish
1013471 [W13079] Mitosis and Meiosis Set I - Portuguese
1013472 [W13080] Mitosis and Meiosis Set II - German
1013475 [W13081] Mitosis and Meiosis Set II - French
1013476 [W13082] Mitosis and Meiosis Set II - Spanish
1013477 [W13083] Mitosis and Meiosis Set II -Portuguese
1013478 [W13084] The Ascaris megalocephala Embryology - German
1013480 [W13085] The Ascaris megalocephala Embryology - French
1013481 [W13086] The Ascaris megalocephala Embryology - Spanish
1013482 [W13087] The Ascaris megalocephala Embryology - Portuguese
1018490 [W13150] Thin Sections, Igneous Rocks
1018495 [W13151] Thin Sections, Metamorphic Rocks
1018500 [W13152] Thin Sections, Sedimentary Rocks
1018505 [W13153] Thin Sections, Fossils and Meteorites
1004050 [W13300] Series I. Cells, Tissues and Organs - German Slides
1004051 [W13300F] Series I. Cells, Tissues and Organs - French
1004052 [W13300P] Series I. Cells, Tissues and Organs - Portuguese Slides
1004053 [W13300S] Series I. Cells, Tissues and Organs - Spanish
1004054 [W13301] Series II. Metabolism - German Slides
1004055 [W13301F] Series II. Metabolism - French
1004056 [W13301P] Series II. Metabolism - Portuguese Slides
1004057 [W13301S] Series II. Metabolism - Spanish
1004058 [W13302] Series III. Organs of Sense - German Slides
1004059 [W13302F] Series III. Organs of Sense - French
1004060 [W13302P] Series III. Organs of Sense - Portuguese Slides
1004061 [W13302S] Series III. Organs of Sense - Spanish
1004062 [W13303] Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - German Slides
1004063 [W13303F] Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French
1004064 [W13303P] Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - Portuguese Slides
1004065 [W13303S] Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - Spanish
1004066 [W13304] Series V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology - German Slides
1004067 [W13304F] Series V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology - French
1004068 [W13304P] Series V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology - Portuguese Slides
1004069 [W13304S] Series V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology - Spanish
1004071 [W13305F] Histology of Vertebrata excluding Mammalia - French
1004072 [W13305P] Histology of Vertebrata excluding Mammalia - Portuguese Slides
1004073 [W13305S] Histology of Vertebrata excluding Mammalia - Spanish
1004074 [W13306] Histology of Mammalia, Elementary Set - German Slides
1004075 [W13306F] Histology of Mammalia, Elementary Set - French
1004076 [W13306P] Histology of Mammalia, Elementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004077 [W13306S] Histology of Mammalia, Elementary Set - Spanish
1004078 [W13307] Histology of Mammalia, Supplementary Set - German Slides
1004079 [W13307F] Histology of Mammalia, Supplementary Set - French
1004080 [W13307P] Histology of Mammalia, Supplementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004081 [W13307S] Histology of Mammalia, Supplementary Set - Spanish
1004082 [W13308] Normal Human Histology, Basic Set - German Slides
1004083 [W13308F] Normal Human Histology, Basic Set - French
1004084 [W13308P] Normal Human Histology, Basic Set - Portuguese Slides
1004085 [W13308S] Normal Human Histology, basic Set - Spanish
1004086 [W13309] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part I. - German Slides
1004087 [W13309F] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part I. - French
1004088 [W13309P] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part I. - Portuguese Slides
1004089 [W13309S] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part I. - Spanish
1004090 [W13310] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part II. - German Slides
1004091 [W13310F] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part II. - French
1004092 [W13310P] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part II. - Portuguese Slides
1004093 [W13310S] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part II. - Spanish
1004094 [W13311] Human Pathology - German Slides
1004095 [W13311F] Human Pathology - French
1004096 [W13311P] Human Pathology - Portuguese Slides
1004097 [W13311S] Human Pathology - Spanish
1004098 [W13312] Tissues - German Slides
1004099 [W13312F] Tissues - French
1004100 [W13312P] Tissues - Portuguese Slides
1004101 [W13312S] Tissues - Spanish
1004102 [W13313] Respiratory and Circulatory System - German Slides
1004103 [W13313F] Respiratory and Circulatory System - French
1004104 [W13313P] Respiratory and Circulatory System - Portuguese Slides
1004105 [W13313S] Respiratory and Circulatory System - Spanish
1004106 [W13314] Digestive System - German Slides
1004107 [W13314F] Digestive System - French
1004108 [W13314P] Digestive System - Protuguese
1004109 [W13314S] Digestive System - Spanish
1004110 [W13315] Urinary System - German Slides
1004111 [W13315F] Urinary System - French
1004112 [W13315P] Urinary System - Portuguese Slides
1004113 [W13315S] Urinary System - Spanish
1004115 [W13316F] Genital System - French
1004116 [W13316P] Genital System - Portuguese Slides
1004117 [W13316S] Genital System - Spanish
1004118 [W13317] Endocrine System - German Slides
1004119 [W13317F] Endorine System - French
1004120 [W13317P] Endocrine System - Portuguese Slides
1004121 [W13317S] Endocrine System - Spanish
1004122 [W13318] Sensory Organs - German Slides
1004123 [W13318F] Sensory Organs - French
1004124 [W13318P] Sensory Organs - Portuguese Slides
1004125 [W13318S] Sensory Organs - Spanish
1004126 [W13319] Nervous System - German Slides
1004127 [W13319F] Nervous System - French
1004128 [W13319P] Nervous System - Portuguese Slides
1004129 [W13319S] Nervous System - Spanish
1004130 [W13320] Invertebrata, Elementary Set - German Slides
1004131 [W13320F] Invertebrata, Elementary Set - French
1004132 [W13320P] Invertebrata, Elementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004133 [W13320S] Invertebrata, Elementary Set - Spanish
1004135 [W13321F] Invertebrata, Supplementary Set - French
1004136 [W13321P] Invertebrata, Supplementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004137 [W13321S] Invertebrata, Supplementary Set - Spanish
1004142 [W13323] General Parasitology - German Slides
1004143 [W13323F] General Parasitology - French
1004144 [W13323P] General Parasitology - Portuguese Slides
1004145 [W13323S] General Parasitology - Spanish
1004146 [W13324] Pathogenic Bacteria - German Slides
1004147 [W13324F] Pathogenic Bacteria - French
1004148 [W13324P] Pathogenic Bacteria - Portuguese Slides
1004149 [W13324S] Pathogenic Bacteria - Spanish
1004151 [W13325F] Cryptogamae, Elementary Set - French
1004152 [W13325P] Cryptogamae, Elementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004153 [W13325S] Cryptogamae - Spanish
1004154 [W13326] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set I - German Slides
1004155 [W13326F] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set I - French
1004156 [W13326P] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set I - Portuguese Slides
1004157 [W13326S] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set I - Spanish
1004158 [W13327] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set II - German Slides
1004159 [W13327F] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set II - French
1004160 [W13327P] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set II - Portuguese Slides
1004161 [W13327S] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set II - Spanish
1004162 [W13328] Phanerogamae, Elementary Set - German Slides
1004163 [W13328F] Phanerogamae, Elementary Set - French
1004164 [W13328P] Phanerogamae, Elementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004165 [W13328S] Phanerogamae, Elementary Set - Spanish
1004166 [W13329] Phanerogamae, Supplementary Set - German Slides
1004167 [W13329F] Phanerogamae, Supplementary Set - French
1004168 [W13329P] Phanerogamae, Supplementary Set - Portuguese Slides
1004169 [W13329S] Phanerogamae, Supplementary Set - Spanish
1004170 [W13330] Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - German Slides
1004171 [W13330F] Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - French
1004172 [W13330P] Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - Portuguese Slides
1004173 [W13330S] Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - Spanish
1004174 [W13331] The Wood, Consequences of Pollution - German Slides
1004175 [W13331F] The Wood, Consequences of Pollution - French
1004176 [W13331P] The Wood, Consequences of Pollution - Portuguese Slides
1004177 [W13331S] The Wood, Consequences of Pollution - Spanish
1004178 [W13332] The Water Pollution, Problems and Results - German Slides
1004179 [W13332F] The Water Pollution, Problems and Results - French
1004180 [W13332P] The Water Pollution, Problems and Results - Portuguese Slides
1004181 [W13332S] The Water Pollution, Problems and Results - Spanish
1004182 [W13333] Life in the Soil - German Slides
1004183 [W13333F] Life in the Soil - French
1004184 [W13333P] Life in the Soil - Portuguese Slides
1004185 [W13333S] Life in the Soil - Spanish
1004186 [W13334] Air Pollution and Allergens - German Slides
1004187 [W13334F] Air Pollution and Allergens - French
1004188 [W13334P] Air Pollution and Allergens - Portuguese Slides
1004189 [W13334S] Air Pollution and Allergens - Spanish
1004191 [W13335F] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part I - French
1004192 [W13335P] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part I - Portuguese Slides
1004193 [W13335S] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part I - Spanish
1004194 [W13336] School Set A (General Biology) - German Slides
1004195 [W13336F] School Set A (General Biology) - French
1004196 [W13336P] School Set A (General Biology) - Portuguese Slides
1004197 [W13336S] School Set A (General Biology) - Spanish
1004198 [W13337] School Set B (supplement for A) - German Slides
1004199 [W13337F] School Set B (supplement for A) - French
1004200 [W13337P] School Set B (supplement for A) - Portuguese Slides
1004201 [W13337S] School Set B (supplement for A) - Spanish
1004202 [W13338] School Set C (supplement for A and B) - German Slides
1004203 [W13338F] School Set C (supplement for A and B) - French
1004204 [W13338P] School Set C (supplement for A and B) - Portuguese Slides
1004205 [W13338S] School Set C (supplement for A and B) - Spanish
1004206 [W13339] School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - German Slides
1004207 [W13339F] School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - French
1004208 [W13339P] School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - Portuguese Slides
1004209 [W13339S] School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - Spanish
1004210 [W13340] The Honey Bee (Apis mellifica) - German Slides
1004211 [W13340F] The Honey Bee (Apis mellifica) - French
1004212 [W13340P] The Honey Bee (Apis mellifica) - Portuguese Slides
1004213 [W13340S] The Honey Bee (Apis mellifica) - Spanish
1004214 [W13341] General Parasitology, Short Set - German Slides
1004215 [W13341F] General Parasitology, Short Set - French
1004216 [W13341S] General Parasitology, Short Set - Spanish
1004217 [W13342] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part II - German Slides
1004218 [W13342F] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part II - French
1004219 [W13342P] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part II - Portuguese Slides
1004220 [W13342S] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part II - Spanish
1004221 [W13343] Human Scalp and Hair - German Slides
1004222 [W13343F] Human Scalp and Hair - French
1004223 [W13343P] Human Scalp and Hair - Portuguese Slides
1004224 [W13343S] Human Scalp and Hair - Spanish
1004225 [W13400] Series I. Cells, Tissues and Organs - English Slides
1004226 [W13401] Series II. Metabolism - English Slides
1004227 [W13402] Series III. Organs of Sense - English Slides
1004228 [W13403] Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - English Slides
1004229 [W13404] Series V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology - English Slides
1004230 [W13405] Histology of Vertebrata Excluding Mammalia - English Slides
1004231 [W13406] Histology of Mammalia, Elementary Set - English Slides
1004232 [W13407] Histology of Mammalia, Supplementary Set - English Slides
1004233 [W13408] Normal Human Histology, Basic Set - English Slides
1004234 [W13409] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part I. - English Slides
1004235 [W13410] Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part II. - English Slides
1004236 [W13411] Human Pathology - English Slides
1004237 [W13412] Tissues - English Slides
1004238 [W13413] Respiratory and Circulatory System - English Slides
1004239 [W13414] Digestive System - English Slides
1004240 [W13415] Urinary System - English Slides
1004241 [W13416] Genital System - English Slides
1004242 [W13417] Endocrine System - English Slides
1004243 [W13418] Sensory Organs - English Slides
1004244 [W13419] Nervous System - English Slides
1004245 [W13420] Invertebrata, Elementary Set - English Slides
1004246 [W13421] Invertebrata, Supplementary Set - English Slides
1004247 [W13422] The Paramaecium (Caudatum) - English Slides
1004248 [W13423] General Parasitology - English Slides
1004249 [W13424] Pathogenic Bacteria - English Slides
1004250 [W13425] Cryptogamae, Elementary Set - English Slides
1004251 [W13426] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set I - English Slides
1004252 [W13427] Cryptogamae, Supplementary Set II - English Slides
1004253 [W13428] Phanerogamae, Elementary Set - English Slides
1004254 [W13429] Phanerogamae, Supplementary Set - English Slides
1004255 [W13430] Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides
1004256 [W13431] The Wood, Consequences of Pollution - English Slides
1004257 [W13432] The Water Pollution, Problems and Results - English Slides
1004258 [W13433] Life in the Soil - English
1004259 [W13434] Air Pollution and Allergens - English Slides
1004260 [W13435] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part I - English Slides
1004261 [W13436] School Set A (General Biology) - English Slides
1004262 [W13437] School Set B (supplement for A) - English Slides
1004263 [W13438] School Set C (supplement for A and B) - English Slides
1004264 [W13439] School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - English Slides
1004265 [W13440] The Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) - English Slides
1004266 [W13441] General Parasitology, Short Set - English Slides
1004267 [W13442] The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part II - English Slides
1004268 [W13443] Human Scalp and Hair - English Slides
1004270 [W13451] CD with micro images for school series B
1012498 [W13455] Rocks and Minerals, Basic Set no. II
1013468 [W13456] Mitosis and Meiosis Set I
1013474 [W13457] Mitosis and Meiosis Set II
1013479 [W13458] The Ascaris megalocephala Embryology
1010252 [W13650-230] Electrical Burner LAB2 (230 V, 50 Hz)
1010253 [W13651-230] Electrical Burner LAB3 (230 V, 50 Hz)
1010255 [W13654] Set of 60 Ecoflam Pellets
1004329 [W13700] Slide box for 12 microscope slides
1004330 [W13701] Slide box for 25 microscope slides
1004331 [W13702] Slide box for 50 microscope slides
1004332 [W13703] Slide box for 100 microscope slides
1004334 [W13722] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Protozoa Basic Package of 8 items
1008719 [W13722-2] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Protozoa Basic Package of 8 items
1008725 [W13728-2] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE The Animal Cell (Cytology) Basic Package of 6 items
1004346 [W13734] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Parasites of man and animals Basic Package of 6 items
1008731 [W13734-2] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Parasites of man and animals Basic Package of 6 items
1004351 [W13739] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Genetic slides Basic Package of 6 items
1008736 [W13739-2] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Genetic slides Basic Package of 6 items
1004353 [W13741] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division) Basic Package of 6 items
1008738 [W13741-2] Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division) MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE (Basic Package of 6 items) - english
1004354 [W13742] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Bacteria Basic Package of 6 items
1008739 [W13742-2] MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE Bacteria Basic Package of 6 items
1004385 [W13822] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Protozoa Basic Package of 8 items
1008766 [W13822-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Protozoa Basic Package of 8 items
1008774 [W13830-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Human and animal Histology Supplementary Package I of 12 items
1008775 [W13831-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Human and animal Histology Supplementary Package II of 12 items
1004402 [W13839] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Genetic slides Basic Package of 6 items
1008783 [W13839-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Genetic slides Basic Package of 6 items
1004404 [W13841] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division) Basic Package of 6 items
1008785 [W13841-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division) Basic Package of 6 items
1004405 [W13842] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Bacteria Basic Package of 6 items
1008786 [W13842-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Bacteria Basic Package of 6 items
1004409 [W13846] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Cryptogams Basic Package of 12 items
1008790 [W13846-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Cryptogams Basic Package of 12 items
1004411 [W13848] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET The Plant Cell (Cytology) Basic Package of 6 items
1008792 [W13848-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET The Plant Cell (Cytology) Basic Package of 6 items
1004414 [W13851] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Typical Stems of Phanerogams Basic Package of 6 items
1008795 [W13851-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Typical Stems of Phanerogams Basic Package of 6 items
1004429 [W13866] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Anatomy of Phanerogams Basic Package of 12 items
1008810 [W13866-2] MULTIMEDIA STUDENT SET Anatomy of Phanerogams Basic Package of 12 items
1020590 [W150001] Teaching Case “10 Contraceptives”
1005071 [W16120] Equipment Set “Sensory Physiology”
1012864 [W16121] Experiment Set “Photosynthesis”
1022792 [W16140]
1022857 [W16141]
1022866 [W16142]
1022873 [W16144] Magnetic stirrer bar, 20 mm x 8 mm, PTFE
1022874 [W16145]
1022712 [W161491]
1005074 [W16150] Stethoscope
1005076 [W16152] Soft Tweezers
1005077 [W16153] Vinyl Gloves, Size S
1005078 [W16154] Vinyl Gloves, Size M
1005079 [W16155] Vinyl Gloves, Size L
1005080 [W16156] Cover glasses, non-ground, Ar-glass
1005081 [W16157] Cover glasses, non-ground, borosilicate
1005082 [W16158] Microscopic Slides, Cut Edges
1005083 [W16159] Microscopic Slides, Cut Edges, 90°
1008919 [W16160] Microscope slides with one cavity
1008921 [W16162] Slide storage map
1008922 [W16163] Microscope Scissors, 11,5 cm
1008923 [W16164] Scissors, 12 cm
1008926 [W16167] Dissection needle, pointed
1008927 [W16168] Dissection Needle, with blade
1008928 [W16169] Anatomical forceps, pointed
1008929 [W16170] Anatomical forceps, blunt
1008930 [W16171] Forceps for cover-glasses
1008931 [W16172] Scalpel Handle No. 3
1008932 [W16173] Scalpel Blades, Size 10
1008933 [W16174] Pasteur Pipettes, 3 ml
1008934 [W16175] Pasteur Pipettes, 1 ml
1012540 [W16179] Petri Dishes, 94x16 mm
1022707 [W161891]
1022708 [W161901]
1022709 [W161911]
1022710 [W161921]
1013424 [W16193] Pipette Tips, Crystal, up to 10 µl
1013425 [W16194] Pipettenspitzen, Yellow, 20 - 200 µl
1013426 [W16195] Pipettenspitzen, Blue, bis 1000 µl
1005088 [W17000] 유아 간호 모형, 남아 Baby Care Model, male
1005089 [W17001] 유아 간호 모형, 여아 Baby Care Model, female
1005090 [W17002] 신생아 간호 모형, 동양인 남아 Asian Baby Care Model, male
1005091 [W17003] 신생아 간호 모형, 동양인 여아 Asian Baby Care Model, female
1005092 [W17004] 신생아 간호 모형, 흑인 남아 African-American Baby Care Model, male
1005093 [W17005] 신생아 간호 모형, 흑인 여아 African-American Baby Care Model, female
1005094 [W17006] Physio 신생아 모형(남아옷/남녀공용)  Physio Baby, with male clothes
1005096 [W17008] 신생아 케어(남아, 히스패닉계)
1005097 [W17009] 신생아 케어(여아, 히스패닉계)
1013392 [W17100] Peleus ball, standard
1005101 [W19007] 척추 압력 시뮬레이션 Lifting Demonstration Figure
1005104 [W19010] Dog Skull (Canis lupus familiaris), Replica
1005105 [W19011] Sheep Skull (Ovis aries), Replica
1005108 [W19018] 신경혈관 두개골 모형 Neurovascular Skull Model
1005109 [W19019] 팔 혈관 모형 Vascular Arm
1005113 [W19026] 뇌 단면 모델 (내측 및 시상면 절단 포함)  Brain Section Model with Medial and Sagittal Cuts
1005114 [W19027] 뇌척수액 순환 모형 Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation
1016671 [W19131] 좌측 요골 ORTHObones Premium Left Radius
1017629 [W19135] 오쏘본 견갑골 ORTHObones Premium Scapula - Left
1018330 [W19136] ORTHO bones 잇몸이 있는 프리미엄 무치아 하악  ORTHObones Premium Edentulous mandible with gum
1018517 [W19151] 프리미엄 견골(오른쪽)  ORTHObones Premium Scapula - Right
1005278 [W19700] Organic Molecule Set D, molymod®
1005279 [W19701] Organic/Inorganic Molecule Set D, molymod®
1005280 [W19702] Biochemistry Set, molymod®
1005281 [W19705] Sodium Chloride, molymod®-Kit
1005282 [W19706] Diamond, molymod®-Kit
1005283 [W19707] Graphite, molymod®-Kit
1005284 [W19708] Buckminsterfullerene C60, molymod®-Kit
1005285 [W19709] Ice (H2O), molymod®-Kit
1005286 [W19710] Glucose (C6H12O6), molymod®-Kit
1005287 [W19711] Fat (Glyceryl tristearate) (C57H110O6), molymod®-Kit
1005288 [W19712] Amino Acid Kit, 8 Models, molymod®
1005290 [W19721] Organic Molecule Set S, molymod®
1005291 [W19722] Organic/Inorganic Molecule Set S, molymod®
1020358 [W19755] Giant DNA model
1005292 [W19756] Molecular Organic Structures Set Molyorbital™, 4 Models
1005293 [W19757] Atomic Orbital Set Molyorbital™, 14 Models
1005294 [W19758] Molecular Shapes, Molyorbital™, 8 Models
1005297 [W19762] DNA Double Helix Model, 22 Segments, miniDNA® Kit
1005298 [W19763] DNA Double Helix Model, 12 Segments, miniDNA® Kit
1005299 [W19764] RNA Model, 12 Bases, miniDNA® Kit
1021258 [W19765] RNA Model, 24 Bases, miniDNA® Kit
1005300 [W19780] DNA Double Helix Model, Student Kit
1005301 [W19800] DNA Model
1005302 [W19801] DNA - RNA
1005303 [W19802] Class-Set - Biochemistry, Orbit™
1005304 [W19803] Student-Set 260 - Biochemistry, Orbit™
1005305 [W19804] Student-Set 255 - Biochemistry, Orbit™
1005306 [W19805] Class-Set - Inorganic/Organic Chemistry, Orbit™
1005307 [W19806] Student-Set - Inorganic/Organic Chemistry, Orbit™
1005308 [W19807] The Orbit Molecular System Basic Set
1005317 [W19820] Orbit™ Small DNA
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005319 [W19901] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Class-Set
1005320 [W19902] Interactive Atomic Model According to Bohr, Student-Set
1012852 [W19925] Electrophoresis Chamber S
1012852 [W19925] Electrophoresis Chamber S
1010263 [W19926] DC Power Supply 0 – 300 V, 0 – 400 mA
1005326 [W22230] (단종) 추간판 탈출증 시뮬레이터 Herniated Disc Simulator
1021071 [W30603] Binocular Course Microscope BM100 LED
1005406 [W30610-230] Monocular Course Microscope Model 100, LED (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1005407 [W30613] Achromatic objective 4x / 0.10
1005408 [W30614] 아크로매틱 대물렌즈 10x / 0.25
1005409 [W30615] Achromatic objective 40x / 0.65
1005411 [W30617] Achromatic objective 100x / 1.25
1005412 [W30618] Abbe condenser N.A.1.25 and iris diaphragm
1005413 [W30619] Add-on object guide
1005414 [W306201] Polarization device
1005415 [W30621-115] Spare lamp 20W/115V
1005423 [W30640] Wide field eyepiece WF 10x 18 mm
1005424 [W30641] Wide field eyepiece WF 10x 18 mm with pointer
1005425 [W30642] Wide field eyepiece WF 15x 13 mm
1005426 [W30643] Wide field eyepiece WF 20x 11 mm
1005431 [W30651] Spare Lamp, Halogen, 6 V, 20 W
1013128 [W30666-230] Stereo Microscope, 40x, Transmitted-Light Illumination LED (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1013147 [W30667-230] Stereo Mikroscope, 40x,LED, Rotatable Head (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1005444 [W30670] Wide field eyepiece pair WF 5x 18 mm
1005445 [W30671] Wide field eyepiece pair WF 10x 20 mm
1005446 [W30672] Wide field eyepiece pair WF 15x 13 mm
1005447 [W30673] Wide field eyepiece pair WF 20x 10 mm
1005448 [W30674] Achromatic objective 1x
1005449 [W30675] Achromatic objective 2x
1005453 [W30679] Eyepiece cups, pair
1005454 [W30682] Spare Lamp 12 V, 10 W
1013376 [W30685-230] Stereo-Zoom Microscope, 45x (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1021376 [W30700] Digital Camera for Microscopes, 2 Mpixel
1020249 [W30900] Monocular Microscope ME5
1020249 [W30900] Monocular Microscope ME5
1020250 [W30910] Binocular Microscope BE5
1020250 [W30910] Binocular Microscope BE5
1020251 [W30915] Trinocular Microscope TE5
1020251 [W30915] Trinocular Microscope TE5
1021161 [W30917] Plan Eyepiece
1019581 [W33353] Canine 5-piece Vertebrae Column Model
1019576 [W33354] Canine Knee
1019580 [W33355] Canine Shoulder Model
1019578 [W33356] Canine Pelvis (Hip) Model
1019579 [W33357] Canine Elbow
1019589 [W33359] Feline Jaw Model
1019591 [W33360] Canine Jaw Model
1019592 [W33361] Canine Jaw Model-Clear
1019548 [W33370] 갑상선 모형 Thyroid Model
1019577 [W33373] Canine Osteoarthritis Knee Model, Normal + 3 Conditions
1019582 [W33374] Canine Skin Model with Flea Bite Conditions
1019584 [W33375] Feline Heart And Lung Model
1019586 [W33376] Canine Heart and Lung Model
1019587 [W33377] Feline Hip Model
1019588 [W33378] Feline Elbow-Shoulder Model
1019590 [W33379] Feline Jaw- Clear Model
1020761 [W40103] 전신골격 먼지 덮개
Heavy Duty Dust Cover for Skeletons
1020762 [W40104] Heavy Duty Torso Cover
1013949 [W40130] Cando Exercise Ball, green, 65cm
1013950 [W40131] Cando Exercise Ball, red, 75cm
1013955 [W40166] Foam Roller 6 x 36"
1013965 [W40176] Heavy Duty EVA Foam Roller 6 x 36"
1005528 [W42503] 기능성 인두 모형 Functional Larynx Model, 4 times full-size
1005530 [W42505] 척수 신경 코드 Spinal Cord Model
1005531 [W42506] 코와 후각기관 모형 Nose and Olfactory Organ Model, 4 times full-size
1005532 [W42507] 소장융털, 실제크기 100배
Intestinal Villi, 100 times life size
1005536 [W42512] 머리와 목 모형
Head and Neck, 5 part
1005540 [W42517] 치아 형태학 시리즈 Dental Morphology Series, 7 part, 10 times life size - English
1005541 [W42519] Dicotyledonous Flower, Model
1005548 [W42532] 해부학 연속 차트
1005549 [W42533] 화상 병리가 있는 피부 시리즈, 실제 크기의 75배 Human Skin Series with Burn Pathologies, 75 times life size
1005553 [W42537] 운동뉴런 디오라마(모형과 배경이미지) Motor Neuron Diorama
1005555 [W42565] 대형 기능적 뇌 모형 ; 4부분 분리 Giant Functional-Center Brain, 4 part
1005561 [W43002] Artificial semen (UV Light-Sensitive Fluid)
1019307 [W43003] 12 Condoms (non-lubricated)
1005565 [W43010] Smokey Sue - “The Dangers of Smoking”
1020793 [W43011] Smokey Sue Smokes For Two
1005566 [W43013] Mr. Gross Mouth - Tobacco Mouth
1005575 [W43040] 골반 모형 Pelvic Model
1005576 [W43041] Goggles for Simulating Drink Driving
1005578 [W43043] A Year's Worth of Tar
1005580 [W43047] Consequences of Smoking, 3D Info Board
1005582 [W43053] Alcohol Abuse Consequences 3-D Display
1005583 [W43054] Consequences of Drug Abuse, 3D Info Board
1018277 [W43081] Consequences of High Blood Pressure 3D Display
1012488 [W43093] Cervical Dilation Easel Display
1018289 [W43119] Why Blood Pressure Checks Can Save Your Life Easel Display
1018296 [W43132] See For Yourself: Pap 테스트 이젤 디스플레이  See For Yourself: Pap Tests Easel Display
1018300 [W43147] Consequences of An Inactive Lifestyle 3D Display
1018309 [W43217] Vat of Fat
1020791 [W43235] Tobacco Ingredients Display
1017938 [W43300B] ACT+Fast 기도폐색 구조 조끼 (파랑)  Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Blue
1005626 [W44094] 관장 실습 시뮬레이터 Enema Administration Simulator
1009004 [W44578] Brad™ 전자 장치가 포함된 소형 CPR 교육 마네킨  Brad™ Compact CPR Training Manikin with Electronics
1005767 [W44616] 구조 훈련용 마네킹 CPR Water Rescue Manikin (adult), 165 cm
1018198 [W44708] 응급 유아 간호 모형  Special Needs Infant Male
1018315 [W44722] Blood Cholesterol & Triglycerides Packet
1018316 [W44791] MyPlate Plate
1018317 [W44791CPM] MyPlate Cling Place Mats
1018318 [W44791K] Complete MyPlate Kit
1018319 [W44791P] MyPlate Poster with Key Phrases
1018321 [W44791TP] MyPlate Tear Pad with Food Group Tips
1018322 [W44791TPP] MyPlate Tear Pads/Place Mats
1005804 [W45062] 소아 마네킨, 1세  Mike® and Michelle® Pediatric Care Simulator, 1-year old
1020853 [W45097] 5세 심음 및 폐음 시뮬레이터  Heart and Lung Sounds Simulator - Child 5-Year
1009798 [W46500/1] 욕창 치료 시뮬레이터 Seymour II™ Wound Care Simulator
1017957 [W46510] Peter PICC 라인 시뮬레이터  Peter PICC Line Simulator
1017957 [W46510] Peter PICC 라인 시뮬레이터  Peter PICC Line Simulator
1005840 [W46511] 고급형 Chester Chest, 가벼운 피부를 위한  팔  Advanced Arm for Chester Chest, Light Skin
1017967 [W46513] 고급 4개 정맥천자 교육 보조 도구 - Dermalike II™ 라텍스 프리  Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture Training Aid™ - Dermalike II™ Latex Free
1017968 [W46513D] Dermalike II™ Four-Vein 고급형 정맥 천자 훈련 라텍스 프리 - (어두운 피부색)
1019593 [W47850] Canine Ear Model - Normal / Infected
1019583 [W47854] Canine Parasite Model
1021247 [W496502] Specimen Dish, Plastic with Mat
1022370 [W55003] Wireless Colorimeter
1022404 [W55004]
1022405 [W55005]
1022405 [W55005]
1022405 [W55005]
1022405 [W55005]
1022406 [W55006]
1022406 [W55006]
1022406 [W55006]
1022406 [W55006]
1022407 [W55007]
1022407 [W55007]
1022407 [W55007]
1022407 [W55007]
1022408 [W55008]
1022408 [W55008]
1022408 [W55008]
1022408 [W55008]
1022411 [W55011]
1022411 [W55011]
1022411 [W55011]
1022411 [W55011]
1022413 [W55013]
1022413 [W55013]
1022413 [W55013]
1022413 [W55013]
1022415 [W55015]
1022415 [W55015]
1022415 [W55015]
1022415 [W55015]
1022424 [W55024]
1022424 [W55024]
1022424 [W55024]
1022424 [W55024]
1022425 [W55025]
1022425 [W55025]
1022425 [W55025]
1022425 [W55025]
1022426 [W55026]
1022426 [W55026]
1022426 [W55026]
1022426 [W55026]
1022427 [W55027]
1022427 [W55027]
1022427 [W55027]
1022427 [W55027]
1024097 [W55030]
1024097 [W55030]
1024097 [W55030]
1024097 [W55030]
1022384 [W55854] Dissecting Tray with Wax
1022421 [W56600] Gun Shot Residue Presumptive Test Kit
1022421 [W56600] Gun Shot Residue Presumptive Test Kit
1022421 [W56600] Gun Shot Residue Presumptive Test Kit
1022421 [W56600] Gun Shot Residue Presumptive Test Kit
1022422 [W56601] Presumptive Blood Test Kit
1022422 [W56601] Presumptive Blood Test Kit
1022422 [W56601] Presumptive Blood Test Kit
1022422 [W56601] Presumptive Blood Test Kit
1022423 [W56610] Chemistry of Who done it? Lab - Crime Scene Investigation Lab
1022423 [W56610] Chemistry of Who done it? Lab - Crime Scene Investigation Lab
1022423 [W56610] Chemistry of Who done it? Lab - Crime Scene Investigation Lab
1022423 [W56610] Chemistry of Who done it? Lab - Crime Scene Investigation Lab
1022429 [W56614] Osmosis and Diffusion Lab
1022429 [W56614] Osmosis and Diffusion Lab
1022429 [W56614] Osmosis and Diffusion Lab
1022429 [W56614] Osmosis and Diffusion Lab
1022428 [W56615] DNA Extraction
1022428 [W56615] DNA Extraction
1022428 [W56615] DNA Extraction
1022428 [W56615] DNA Extraction
1022412 [W56621] AB0/Rh Blood Typing
1022412 [W56621] AB0/Rh Blood Typing
1022412 [W56621] AB0/Rh Blood Typing
1022412 [W56621] AB0/Rh Blood Typing
1022414 [W56622] Genetics of Blood Types
1022414 [W56622] Genetics of Blood Types
1022414 [W56622] Genetics of Blood Types
1022414 [W56622] Genetics of Blood Types
1022409 [W56626] Enzymes and the Process of Digestion
1022409 [W56626] Enzymes and the Process of Digestion
1022409 [W56626] Enzymes and the Process of Digestion
1022409 [W56626] Enzymes and the Process of Digestion
1022410 [W56628] Electrophoresis: Agarose Gel Separation of Dyes
1022410 [W56628] Electrophoresis: Agarose Gel Separation of Dyes
1022410 [W56628] Electrophoresis: Agarose Gel Separation of Dyes
1022410 [W56628] Electrophoresis: Agarose Gel Separation of Dyes
1005964 [W57903] Dissecting Set DS8
1021245 [W579041] Dissecting Set DS14
1009108 [W58505] Cando Exercise Band - 6 yd. - yellow/X light - Low Powder
1009109 [W58506] Cando Exercise Band - 6 yd. - red/light - Low Powder
1009110 [W58507] Cando Exercise Band - 6 yd.- green/medium -Low Powder
1009111 [W58508] Cando Exercise Band - 6 yd. - blue/heavy - Low Powder
1009116 [W58511] Cando Exercise Band - 50 yd. - yellow/X light - Low Powder
1009117 [W58512] Cando Exercise Band - 50 yd. - red/light - Low Powder
1009118 [W58513] Cando Exercise Band - 50 yd. - green/medium - Low Powder
1005970 [W59550] Teaching Case “27 Invertebrates (Invertebrata)”
1005971 [W59558] The Life of the Honey Bee (Apis cerana)
1022339 [W598411] Kit per test HIV / AIDS, simulato
1009170 [W99696] Cando Exercise Tubing - 100 Ft. - yellow/X Light
1020636 [XA004] Standing Skeletons: Metal rod (1-part) for standing version of skeletons
1020637 [XA006] Skeletons: Metal parts (pins, screws, ...)
1020638 [XA007] A15/3: Metal parts (pins, screws,...)
1020639 [XA008] Standing skeletons: Metal head pin
1020640 [XA009] Skeletons: Spring for lower jaw
1020641 [XA010] Skeletons: Right leg, white
1020642 [XA011] Skeletons: Left leg, white
1020643 [XA012] A12, A12/1: Right leg with hip and ligaments
1020644 [XA013] Skeletons: Left leg with musle painting
1020645 [XA014] Skeletons: Right arm, white
1020646 [XA015] Skeletons: Left arm, white
1020647 [XA016] Skeletons: Left arm with muscle painting
1020653 [XA022] Skeletons: Complete white skull with hole
1020654 [XA023] Skeletons: Complete skull with muscle painting and hole
1020655 [XA024] Skeletons and Skulls: Lower jaw with teeth
1020656 [XA025]
1020658 [XA029] A13, A13/1: Right leg with hip and ligaments and numbering
1020659 [XA030]
1017308 [XA037]
1017992 [XA038]
1020660 [XB001] Torsos: Head 2 parts
1020661 [XB002] Torsos: Head 3 parts
1020662 [XB003] Torsos: Head 6 parts
1020663 [XB004] Torsos: Eye blue (for 3- or 6 part head)
1020664 [XB005] Torsos: Eye flesh color (for 2 part head)
1020665 [XB007] Torsos: Lungs, 2 pieces
1020666 [XB008] Torsos: Female breast cover
1020667 [XB009] Torsos: Lungs with ribs, 2 pieces
1020668 [XB010] Torsos: Heart, 2 parts
1020669 [XB011] Torsos: Stomach, 1 part
1020670 [XB012] Torsos: Stomach, 2 parts
1020671 [XB013] Torsos: Liver with gall bladder
1020672 [XB014] Torsos: Small intestine system, 1 part
1020673 [XB015] Torsos: Large intestine system with pancreas, 3 parts
1020674 [XB016] Torsos: Whole intestine system with pancreas, 2 parts
1020675 [XB017] Torsos: Front kidney half
1020676 [XB018] Torsos: Front bladder half
1020677 [XB019] Torsos: Male Genital insert, 4 parts
1020678 [XB020] Torsos: Female Genital insert, 3 parts
1020679 [XB021] Torsos: Embryo
1020680 [XB022] Torsos: Metal parts (pins, screws, ...)
1020681 [XB030] B20/B22: Head, 3 part
1020682 [XB031] B20/B22: Lungs, 2 pieces
1020683 [XB032] B20/B22: Heart, 2 parts
1020684 [XB033] B20/B22: Stomach, 1 part
1020685 [XB034] B20/B22: Liver with gall bladder
1020686 [XB035] B20/B22: Whole intestine system, 2 part
1016687 [XB50-1]
1017325 [XB59-001]
1020687 [XC002] C20: Basilar artery
1020688 [XD001] D25: Canine and first molar
1020738 [XD002] D16: Giant Toothbrush
1020690 [XE001] E10/E11: Tympanic membrane with malleus, incus, labyrinth with stapes, cochlea, vestibulochlear nerve
1020691 [XF001] F10/F11/F12: Upper half of sclera
1020692 [XF002] F10/F11/F12: Both halves of choroid
1020693 [XF003] F10/F11/F12: Lens
1020694 [XF004] F10/F11/F12: Vitreous humour
1020695 [XF010] F13: Upper half of sclera
1020696 [XF011] F13/F15: Both halves of choroid
1020697 [XF012] F13/F15: Lens
1020698 [XF013] F13/F15: Vitreous humour
1020699 [XF014] F15: Upper half of sclera
1017297 [XG15-001]
1020700 [XL001] L20: Fetus
1018634 [XL003] L10/5: Fetus
1020701 [XL004] L10/6: Fetus
1020702 [XL005] L10/7: Fetus
1019652 [XP120] 혈관초음파실습(교체 블록)  SONOtrain Ultrasound Vein Model - Spare Block
1019651 [XP121] SONOtrain 초음파 이물질 모형 (교체 블록)  SONOtrain Ultrasound Foreign Body Model – Spare Block
1019653 [XP122] SONOtrain 초음파 담낭 모형 (교체 블록)  SONOtrain Ultrasound Gall Bladder Model – Spare Block
1019649 [XP124] 낭종이 있는 SONOtrain 초음파 유방모형(교체용 유방)  SONOtrain Ultrasound Chest Model with Cysts – Spare Chest
1019650 [XP125] 종양이 있는 유방모형(교체용 유방)  SONOtrain Ultrasound Chest Model with Tumors – Spare Chest
1021421 [XP50-004] P50 주입 장치 업데이트 키트  Update kit P50 Infusion system
1014202 [XVJ510-001]
1014204 [XVJ510-002]
1008577 [XYZ3]